All Chapters of Secretly Married: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
211 Chapters
Seth's POV "Yah, Zaya, wait a second! My hair, aw, aw!!!." I heard Demo screamed as I paced back and forth in the living room trying to call her doctor. "Fucking Seth Devon!!!!!" I cringed at the sound of Zaya's cries. She had been screaming for twenty minutes and it's scaring the shit out of me. She was supposed the give birth not until three days from now but it seems like our little baby has another plan. The two of us were cuddling in our bed when she suddenly felt her stomach contracting. She immediately kicked me out of bed, my ass landing on the floor and her eyes red. Not long after, she started screaming instructions like how we practiced since last week. However, seeing that she's going wild like a beast right now made me lose my cool, totally forgetting everything that we practiced especially for this day. I almost dropped the phone when her aunt answered. "Yes Aunt Clara, she's already screaming in pain and mom isn't here," I told Zaya's aunt in panic. She had give
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Raze's POVThe lights on the living room are off as we slowly move our way out of the door."Raze, it's too dark..." I heard Joy whisper and I swear all the hair at the back of my neck stood up.She sounded sexy. This girl is really testing my self-control."Arrgggh!" I cover Joy's mouth after she accidentally shrieked when she tripped over Mono’s shoes.That dude. Why are his shoes behind the couch anyway?I turned my face towards her direction."We have to keep quiet or we're both dead when they wake up." I told her while my hands still covering her face.Her eyes went wide in acknowledgment but before I can even remove my hand on her mouth, she did something I didn't expect her to do."Aahhhh!" I almost freaked out when I felt my hand getting wet.My eyes landed on the mischievous expression over her face. "Yeah, I did lick your hand. Got any problem with that?" she smirked as she push me on the couch, my back creating a loud thud as I support both our body, and I gulped in panic.
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Max's POV"Mono! Give me back my baby, oh God!" I cringed as I heard Zanaya scolding Mono after the other made little Ashton cried which the other responded with an apologetic look.I feel soft over the guy.He was doing derp faces with the baby and California giggled at the sight of it.I almost chuckle next to Cali when I noticed Zanaya’s "I'm-so-done" expression after taking the cute little child from SHADOW’s leader before letting Ashton crawl inside the mini playground that Seth and the rest of the boys had set up in the middle of the living room.Chaos.That's how everything had been after a year Zanaya gave birth to this little angel before us.They named him Zaye but Zanaya insisted on giving the baby another name, calling him Ashton from that band she used to gush over with.A month after she gave birth to this cute little Mochi, we had to get back to Korea due to our pending projects.Zanaya almost didn't make it because she kept crying, unable to ride the plane without her
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Cali's POV"Are you seriously telling me that you two are still not back together?" Zanaya gawked at me and I just leaned my cheeks sideways on the table while she cut the vegetables, a few feet away from me, my hands spread, all the energy that I have left seeping out of my body.My body feels so tired these days.A long sigh escaped my mouth, my lips pouting at her words."It's not as if I can do anything about it," I mumbled which earned me an eye roll from her."Cali, the guy practically begged on his knees. But you thought you're so beautiful and you declined to his confession. So can you tell me again why I am still caring about your relationship?" she snickered and I moved my arm a little to cover my eyes, afraid that she'll notice the tears that are starting to form upon my tear ducts.Why does it hurt like a truck every time she reminds me of it?"Yeah, I turned him down. But that's because I was hurt." I told her. I had to stop abruptly when my voice started to shake. "Can't
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Zanaya's POV"Seth!!!!!" I called for the umpteenth time the moment I lost him from my line of sight.With only one month after I give birth, a lot of things had already happened.The moment our feet landed at the airport, we were almost mobbed by our fans, taking pictures of us walking side by side. And of course, hand in hand.Thank God our baby took the next flight or it would have been bad. Regardless if people don't know about him yet, I don't want him to get suffocated at the airport because of the large number of people camping outside.We don't even know how people found out but the fans from Australia must have uploaded something on the internet and boom, Fans and Blinks were automatically there.Not to mention those persistent reporters.Ever since Seth announced about our secret marriage, both our agencies released the same statement confirming this fact.However, they did not disclose any more information.I can't even say how many but I guess half of the fans who were the
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Sally’s POV"Oh my God, is that their baby?" Wendy exclaimed as we watch a replay of the viral livestream episode from SHADOW's channel.BH Entertainment has since deleted the video but fans were so quick to make a copy and it has since circulated the net for about two days already.Not only the whole Korea was shocked but the whole world as well seeing SHADOW had already made a major breakthrough.However, no statements had been released by either BH and BP Entertainment.And fans are going wild.I wonder how Zanaya and her members are pulling through on this.To be honest, there is nothing wrong with them having a baby. They are married for Pete's sake.But then again, they are celebrities, two of the most famous artists in the world right now to be exact. They have a massive fan base and if we're going to break down that fact, everyone should know that some fans don't easily accept facts and truth's about their idol's personal lives.Zaya must have been so stressed.To be honest,
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Ashton's POV(Their child)"What time are you going home?"I leaned forward as I kiss my mom's cheeks. She was here at the kitchen preparing our breakfast. I saw her laugh as a big yawn escaped my lips."I don't know Mom. Around six? I'll make sure I'd be here before little chip's party" I answered before reaching for an apple sitting at the top of the counter. Soft chuckles escaped her lips, my eyes squinted a little at her reaction.It's Friday and I had to drop by the school to get a few things for that project I need to complete.It's our little chipmunk's sixteenth birthday and that sister of mine will have the biggest tantrum of the year if I come home late.The whole family will have dinner and I guess it's that time of the month again where the old ones will go hard on the party as what aunt Tokyo would say.It's been what? Like twelve years since SHADOW and WHISTLE happened and our parents had the best days of their lives.The level of success both their groups achieves was im
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Altantis' POV (Ashton's younger sister)"C'mon baby, you're going to have so much fun," I rolled my eyes at my Mom's words and let her do my hair which she had been braiding since twenty minutes ago. She and the rest of my aunties were a big fan of Disney and much to my disappointment, my hair had been a victim of their crime ever since God knows when."Mom, I told you I'm okay. I'd rather stay in my room and read," I bit my lower lip as I continue nibbling with my index finger while my eyes busied itself reading on the book in front of me."It's your sixteenth birthday chip. Don't spend your day inside your room,""Mom, I knew you guys miss your girls. All of us knew that" I laughed.My mom was so persistent in throwing a birthday party for me when all of us - their children - knows the oldies use our birthdays as an excuse to get together.Two months ago, uncle Sky used Y and Z's birthday to throw a huge party. What forty years olds do chicken fight in the garden when it wasn't even
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Pandora's Secret Book 2 Chap 1
Tokyo's POVA groan escaped my lips after I saw Alex, my childhood friend and co-artist, winked at me after catching me staring at SHADOW's Golden member. Grey is one-seventh of that famous boyband in the world and my nemesis.Alex chuckled at my irritated expression and I would be lying if I'll say that I'm not tempted to raised my middle finger on him.I would if we are both not standing in front of a huge crowd and several more artists as we attended an Awards show where both of us are present. And me being an artist like him makes it harder for me not to see him.As much as I would like to knock some sense over my childhood friend, I decided otherwise. I will not let him have the satisfaction of having another secret that he can hold against me.A long sigh escaped my lips as I focus my attention to the crowd before me.However, my brain seems to have a mind of its own since I found myself reminiscing a scene that had happened two years ago, back when I was still a trainee and the
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Tokyo's POV"Ahhhh!" I blew some air from my mouth as I try to catch my breath."I swear this is going to kill me one day," I muttered as I drop on my knees after six long hours of practice.It doesn't matter if we have a comeback or not. There are days in which we have to practice really hard with our choreographers to make sure we aren't slacking and to keep us in shape.Anyways, these practices are being put to a good use because there are times when we are being booked for a performance with an ample amount of preparation.My eyes landed on my other members who were busy with their phones.Zanaya smiling, no doubt, she's messaging her boyfriend, Seth.It hasn't been long since they had a huge fight and broke up but I don't even want to go into details with that. I'm just glad they are back together.I checked on the other side and noticed Max's brows furrowed. Two things, it's either she's reading something that doesn't amuse her, or someone with a 4d personality is bugging her, S
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