All Chapters of Secretly Married: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
211 Chapters
Zanaya's POV "Zaya..." I lifted my head up a little as I heard Cali calling my name. "Yes?" I asked and she just frowns. "You're binge-watching again. You will hurt your eyes, silly," she muttered before plopping her body just beside where I am seated. I felt her grab a handful of popcorn from the bowl that was on my side before popping a few in her mouth. I raised my eyebrows at her as I pause the movie that I was watching. "What?" she muttered, her smile was so awkward I suddenly felt guilty why she and the rest of the girls have been acting that way ever since my outburst with Seth. I turned on my side once I heard my phone beep, signaling that I have received a new message which Cali obviously noticed since my phone is just sitting at the top of the table. Storm had been sending me messages asking if I'm okay which I did not return ev
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Seth's POV "You guys are up next." I look up once I heard what the music PD said. In just a few days for our comeback,  here we are in Macau,  about to perform for a Music Show along with some fellow idols. "Ahm, you call him. I'm scared of Seth right now. He's been out of it for a week." I heard Grey said as he and Sky kept on arguing. "Yah, of course, I'm scared too," Sky responded and I had to resist the urge to call the two and tell them that everything is fine. It has been a week since the episode with Zanaya and ever since that day,  I haven't had the chance to talk to her. Or should I say, I don't have the guts and the balls to do so, after all those things that I've said? I didn't mean for her to hear those words and regardless, I'd say I don't fully regret saying those word
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Seth's POV After what Sky had informed us, we took the next flight back to Korea. Our managers didn't bother asking questions and it's a good thing we don't have schedules set anyways. However,  Sky's information isn't as accurate as it seems. We did we forgot to ask exactly what happened?  We keep on forgetting that this is Sky and yeah, sometimes, he speaks some weird things. Once we barged in into WHISTLE's dorm, we found the girls casually watching a movie in the living room. Though Tokyo's eyes seem red and puffy,  indicating that she indeed had cried. What actually shocked us the most is how Grey ran towards the girl and carry her upside down before locking themselves inside Tokyo's room. "Do you guys think we should let them be?" Raze asked, confused about what is happening.
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Zanaya's POV Two words, SECRETLY MARRIED... That's enough to make both our companies go weak. And that's just what it takes for the head of both of our agencies to march down inside our dorms. After our bosses came together to our dorm, we all knew that either something bad had happened, or is about to happen. And we aren't wrong. After Seth's boss realized that the whole SHADOW isn't at their dorm, he was so quick to contact our boss, whom we didn't know have been in contact with each other because of the recent events. I mean, both our companies had never been put together through media, except that time when Seth and I happened, like going public with our relationship. Moreover, our boss was a little disappointed towards us especially since seven boys were inside of our dorm when in fact, they shouldn't because all
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Seth's POV "Zanaya, it's okay. Stop crying please. It's just an act. Don't worry too much babe. We're not really breaking up." I pulled her for a hug while she cries endlessly. The fact that we were inside her boss's personal office didn't stop me from scooping her from the sofa and allowing her to sit on my lap as she cries on my chest, my right hand caressing her hair to calm her down. I flinched a little when I realized that her boss was staring at us intently.  God. He surely is intimidating.  "Is she normally this vulnerable?" I heard her boss asked and I just bowed awkwardly. We all very well knew why she was acting like this. This is the first time that Zanaya and I were faced to face with her boss as a couple. It must have been weird for him to see someone whom he already treated as a daughter with a man he barely knew.&
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Zanaya's POV "Slow down a little,  babe. You'll end up having an upset stomach." I scooped another spoonful of my ice cream mix while I felt Seth brushing a few strands of my hair to my side. "Hmmm..." a soft moan escaped my lips as the sweet flavor of strawberry and vanilla melted into my mouth. I didn't realize I missed eating something sweet this much. Just after we went out of BP building,  Seth and I went straight to the ice cream parlor just a few blocks away from our agency. Not that it's my first time here but Seth does. I and the girls often eat ice cream in this place when we used to sneak out when we were still trainees.  Though I admit,  this is the first time that I actually tried having three flavors of ice cream at the same time. And it's so so delicious. "You are so adorable." I hea
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Zanaya's POV The day Seth and I parted inside the van as he personally sent me to the airport was probably the hardest day of my life. The night before our flight, I promised myself that I will not cry when we leave but the moment I saw the sign of the airport, the amount of tears that I shed is nothing compared to that when I cried the whole night when I binge-watched my favorite Netflix series. My heart aches like it's being pricked with a thousand pieces of needles. Small yet deadly. It took me a great amount of courage, words of comfort, persuasion, and a whole lot of promises for me to step down from the van to head inside the airport. If it isn't because we only have a few minutes left to head inside, I wouldn't. If I didn't notice how tired Seth had look, his eyes drippy from lack of sleep, I wouldn't budge from my clinging desperately in his arms. He
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Zanaya's POV Six days... That's just how long it took for both our companies to release a statement about our supposed break up. The fact that another article went out about an idol couple who are secretly married made them release the statement which was supposed to be leaked out after two months. After the news went out, photos of my eyes red and swollen when we were at the airport resurfaces and many thought that it might have happened by that time. Seth called me immediately right after an article came out. He was a little afraid that I get might upset since there were a lot of hate comments directed towards me. A lot of fans had fabricated some stories about how we supposedly had broken up and most of it was indicating that I must have done something wrong. What's even funny is that the article never stated anything about why we did
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Seth's POV "You haven't heard from her?" I heard Storm for the umpteenth time and my answer is still the same. No. It has been two days but I still haven't reached Zaya nor her Mom and I'm really getting a little nervous. Usually,  Zaya would be answering my call on the third ring. And if she didn't, she'll send me a message a day after. "Yah, that girl purposely bumped into you earlier at the ending. Did you notice?" Mono said as he types something on his phone. "Right, nice save though. You just bowed and went away." Demo added. We are currently on our van on our way home. Grey was sleeping at the back beside Sky. I don't even know why the two seemed to be sleepier than the usual. I understand we are all tired but those two are usually the ones with more energy left. St
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Seth's POV "Is it really true that you and Zanaya of WHISTLE are really married?" "What made you finally release the information to the public?" "What will happen to SHADOW and WHISTLE?" I swiftly marched my way out from the swarm of reporters that had been following me since the other day, after I dropped a bomb on our Livestream. I just landed in Australia and I still can't believe the reporters here bothered to pay any attention to my arrival. The boys were left in Korea and I've been given two months' vacation by our company, or so until they figure out how to fix the mess I created. But no matter how many times I look back,  I don't regret my actions. The boys supported me on my decision to go public and Zaya does the same. Anyways,  though I never really told her about my plan, I s
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