All Chapters of The Impact of Her (ALL SEASONS): Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
180 Chapters
~ Twenty - Season IV ~
Grandpa Ben was still unconscious when I arrived in the guest’s chambers. According to the guards, the Medicine King was diligent in his service. They also mentioned that they swapped places with the other guards hourly to avoid exhaustion. And the same procedure was done by the maids. I watched from the side as the maids cleaned Grandpa Ben. I prayed fervently in my mind as I hoped that he would wake up soon. The silence was interrupted when the door creaked open. It was the Medicine King with a bowl that had a wooden spoon. “Your Highness,” the Medicine King bowed as soon as he saw me, “It is quite early for you to be here,” he added as he walked over to me. “I had an unexpected meeting with the king and queen,” I explained. The Medicine King then nodded and turned to Grandpa Ben. “How is his condition?” I asked as I knelt beside Grandpa Ben. “He is far better now than how he was before. Some of his wounds have healed. And the infection was stopped before it was able to cause
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~ Twenty-One - Season IV ~
I groaned as I slowly awakened from my sleep. I looked around and Elizabeth welcomed my sight. She looked at me, disappointed. Her arms were crossed as she stared at me, unamused. “Elizabeth?” I asked as I sat up. I took a good look around me. I was in her room. “Why am I here? What happened to me? Where is Benjamin?” I asked one after the other as I walked towards her. Elizabeth let out a sigh as she reached for her teacup. “He is in the throne room with JAmes and Mother. His wounds are currently being attended to,” she explained before she took a sip. I turned around and proceeded to the door. But before I could walk past the centre of the room, I was thrown back by a barrier. As I slowly stood up, the barrier crackled with lightning. I groaned as I returned to Elizabeth and demanded, “Remove the barrier now.” “And then, what?” Elizabeth spatted as she put her cup down. She looked at me and continued, “What will you do? Barge into the throne room and create another ruckus?” I s
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~ Twenty-Two - Season IV ~
Once we arrived at the door of the dining hall, Elizabeth stood before me. She fixed my appearance and said, “Now, remember, you have to be reasonable with your actions. If Benjamin is playing some sort of game, pretend that you know nothing.” Elizabeth took one last look at me before she added, “Play along.” I nodded, my lips pressed in a firm line. Elizabeth returned to my side and the doors were opened as soon as we were announced. The brightness of the room greeted our sights as we entered. In the middle of the room, James and Mother stood in front of Benjamin. He was bandaged around his head and arm. Minor bruises and cuts were scattered all over his face. I should feel guilty because of what I did to him. But, I couldn’t feel the shame. It brought me happiness to see him in such a state. He deserved it. Mother stopped Elizabeth and I before we could proceed any further. “Have you calmed down?” she asked me as she reached us. “Be assured, Mother,” Elizabeth said, “We alrea
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~ Twenty-Three - Season IV ~
Our walk to the guest wing was eerily silent. Absolutely uncomfortable. Our footsteps were loud enough to echo throughout the halls. “Robert,” Benjamin called from behind me. I didn’t respond. “Robert, is it possible for us to talk?” Benjamin persisted. “We are brothers. We used to settle everything through calm discussions.” “Do not call me your brother,” I lifted a finger. “We stopped being brothers the moment you attacked me. You even labelled me as a traitor,” I spatted. “Robert, please.” I ignored his plea and opened the final door at the hall. I entered first and opened the door for them. “If you need anything, just ring the service bell,” I said as they stepped into the room. Benjamin’s page slowly helped his master reach the bed. Benjamin nudged at his page, who was quick to leave the room. Benjamin sat properly on the bed and said, “Robert, I am not leaving this kingdom unless we settle our differences.” “What do you want me to say, Benjamin?” I asked, irritated. I t
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~ Twenty-Four - Season IV ~
The next three days passed over extremely slowly, to my dismay.But, thankfully, today was almost at its end. And it was another day where nothing was accomplished.I examined the map of Eastern Sun as I waited for James and the guards to arrive here in the throne room. I received news that all possible routes had been scouted. And I just couldn’t wait to get to the bottom of everything.The doors finally opened. But when I turned to look, only the guards walked in. James was nowhere to be found.“Your Highness,” the guards bowed to me.“Good afternoon, gentlemen,” I replied with a gentle bow of my head. “Where is His Majesty?”The captain replied, “The king is with your family, Your Highness. Prince Benjamin asked to be sent home and they are sending him off.”I nodded and kept a calm facade. “If you all don’t mind, I wish to start our meeting whilst we await His Majesty’s arrival,” I said as I walked around the table map. “Let us give them time for their goodbyes.”The captain then
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~ Twenty-Five - Season IV ~
The guards immediately looked up to me with wide eyes. “In this matter, we are asking you to risk your lives to protect us. The very least that we can do is to minimise casualties,” I continued as I walked amongst them. “With all that I am, I will talk to His Majesty and see if I can persuade him to take the forest trail.” A smile finally appeared on their faces. And the captain gave me a nod of approval. It might not be the best promise. But it was better than nothing. If the lives of our guards didn’t matter to James, it mattered to me. ~*~*~*~ After the meeting was dismissed, James still hasn’t returned. Instead of waiting, I took the time to visit Grandpa Ben. And upon my arrival, the Medicine King mentioned that Grandpa Ben had some kind of progress. But it would continue at such a sluggish pace. And I would take that rather than nothing. Grandpa Ben’s clothes were changed as well. He didn’t sweat as much. And he seemed to be resting more peacefully. As I watched over hi
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~ Twenty-Six - Season IV ~
“I assume that the terrified look on your face is a yes,” James remarked.“I thought you already took care of them,” I said as I turned to James, horrified.“I never specifically stated how I took care of them, didn’t I?” James smirked as he put his hands behind his back. “I wanted to have a bit of fun with them. And besides, it is only fitting that you decide their fates.”My eyes widened, which caused a smug grin on James’ face. “Have you lost your sanity, James?!” I asked, furious. “Why are you putting such a responsibility on my shoulders??”“Robert,” James chuckled as he approached me. He then put a hand on my shoulder and continued, “If there is one thing that you need to learn about being king is how to make decisions. And there are choices that you don’t like but you have to do it.” He briefly tapped my shoulder and left the room with his guards.The torturer looked at me as well before he followed them.I took a step closer towards the hanged pirates. They were covered with w
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~ Twenty-Seven - Season IV ~
James’ eyes widened.‘Did he suddenly realise something?’ I asked myself.“Why the sudden interest?” James asked as I walked past him. “Did the pirates tell you anything?”I kept my silence as I reached the other side of his desk. Slowly, I smiled to myself for a brief moment. Guilt was evident in his tone. “We were always forbidden to go there,” I replied as I slowly turned back around, “And the pirates didn’t say anything.”James nodded. But I noticed a quick sigh of relief from him. He wasted no time and immediately shook his head. “Why are we discussing this?” he asked as he turned to me.“I wish to go there. Now.”“That won’t be possible.”“And why is that?” I asked as I crossed my arms. “Is there something to hide?”James chuckled as he walked past me. My eyes followed his every action. “There is nothing to hide,” he said as he stood behind his chair. “I just don’t understand the sudden need to go there. There is nothing to see.”“Do I look like I care?” I answered as I approach
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~ Twenty-Eight - Season IV ~
“What about it?” I asked.Gonzalo answered with a question, “What are you planning to do?”I sighed as I leaned onto the table. My arms supported my weight as I raised my head. “Since when was it your duty to meddle with the affairs of monarchs?” I asked as I looked directly into his eyes.“Since you decided to take the path that you are currently on,” said Gonzalo as he replicated my stance.“I don’t understand your hatred against mortals. Everybody has the capacity to change,” I replied. “Not every single one of them is the same.”Gonzalo scoffed. “I have been alive for a longer time than you, Your Highness. I have seen the evolution of mankind after we separated from them. They did change… but it was for the worse,” he snarled. He continued, “Their greed got the best of them. They continued on with their corrupted ways. They would step on others to obtain what they want.”“You are generalising an entire race of species. You don’t even take the time to visit their realm. You merely
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~ Twenty-Nine - Season IV ~
Moments later, another group of guards entered with the prisoners.The pirates walked in a straight line as the guards walked beside them. Their hands were chained. A locked, metal chain was placed on their necks. That connected them with one another. They dragged their feet as they entered.Sweat and blood drenched their worn-out clothes. Bruises and whip wounds covered their skins. They were already thinner than before. And the lack of rest was evident on their faces.My right hand slowly curled into a fist as I turned to the captain. I specifically gave out orders that the pirates shouldn’t be treated with hostility. But it was clear no one listened to me.The captain finally caught my glare and lowered his head in shame.“Is there something wrong, Your Highness?” Gonzalo whispered.“Why are the pirates in such a terrible state? I thought I was clear when I ordered that they should be treated well,” I gritted my teeth.“That is not how we treat our prisoners, Your Highness. I merel
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