All Chapters of The Impact of Her (ALL SEASONS): Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
180 Chapters
~ Prologue - Season IV ~
After Robert disappeared from my sight, the two servants and I headed to the exit with Wonder. They then walked closer with me. One of them remarked, “It is quite amazing how the prince was able to tame the champion.” “I agree. Even our most skilled and experienced trainers were unable to accomplish such a thing,” the other added. The previous servant continued, “He is truly a man of skills.” Our bright and cheerful conversation was suddenly interrupted when a pot broke from behind us. The two servants rushed over to the flower bed that was in front of a window. “What was that?” I asked as they crouched down near the flower bed. One of them reached out to it as I slowly walked towards them. “There is nothing to be worried about, my lady,” he said as he held a piece from the pot. “One of the flower pots just broke.” “How is it possible that it broke? No one threw anything at it,” the other servant asked. My heart pounded harder after that remark. Fear rose from inside of me. My
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~ One - Season IV ~
My jaw clenched as my hands curled into fists. The letter, now but a crumpled ball, encased within my hands. Whoever did this, whoever took Laura by force, they would regret the very day they plotted against me. “Your Highness,” one of the servants groaned. His call pulled me out of my dark thoughts and made me rush back to him. As I arrived before him, he tried to sit properly but his body was too weak from all the beatings that they received. “Please… Your Highness,” his teeth gritted as he tried to speak through his groans, “Forgive me.” “Forgive you? For what?” I asked. He attempted to speak once again. But he stopped as soon as the pain caught up with him. “Good sir,” I put my hand behind his back, my other hand by his arm, “You mustn’t try to stand. You are badly wounded.” “Your Highness… we tried… to protect her,” he continued to struggle as he spoke. “But… before we could get to her… we were… surrounded… by the masked men,” he explained. Masked men? This could only mean
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~ Two - Season IV ~
‘The moment has come, Robert,’ I thought to myself. ‘Grandpa Ben must know what happened to her.’ I knew that this was the perfect time for me to explain Laura’s absence. However, for some unknown reason, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. My mind, my lips, my body knew what I should do, what I should say. But, I lost the courage to tell Grandpa Ben the truth. The brave, the honest, the man that I knew that I was - a man of honour - faded away with the wind. It was as if I was helplessly blown into the air. And I could only wait for where the wind would take me. Perhaps, what I felt as of the moment was fear. The fear of disappointing Grandpa Ben. The guilt for knowing that he trusted me with Laura. I also made a promise that nothing bad would happen to his beloved Laura. Now that she was in danger, I couldn’t blame anyone but myself. I knew I made a few enemies but I didn’t do anything to secure Laura. “Robert?” Grandpa Ben brought me back to reality as he called out to me. I
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~ Three - Season IV ~
I turned my head as someone called me from downstairs. In the middle of the main hall, Gonzalo stood as he stared at me. Immediately, I sprinted towards him. Gonzalo was just the person that I needed in James’ absence. “Thank goodness you are here, Gonzalo,” I remarked. Gonzalo bowed even before I arrived before him. “What can I do for you, Your Highness?” he asked as he slowly stood properly, with his hands in front of him. “Is His Majesty home?” I asked as I panted. “His Majesty was summoned to the Crystal Palace. He was asked to attend a meeting with the Elder Council,” Gonzalo replied. He then explained, “According to the invitation, they wanted our king to plan for gaining new territories. It seems that there have been bandits in other kingdoms who are trying to exploit your fellow monarchs.” “And as for Mother?” “She accompanied him, Your Highness,” said Gonzalo. I groaned as my hands landed on my face. I sighed desperately as I ran my hands down my face. Why was it that
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~ Four - Season IV ~
Some of the glass cracked and broke. The guards in the main hall put their hands over their heads as they covered their faces from falling glass. I slowly turned my face towards Gonzalo. As soon as our eyes met, he was in shock. His eyes widened in horror. He took a few steps back as he kept himself far from my reach. My jaw clenched as fury whirled inside of me. “Do. Not. Ever. Speak. Of her. In such a manner,” I gritted through my teeth. “Your Highness,” Gonzalo pressed on but immediately stopped when I raised my hand towards him. A whirlwind whistled from my hand, the guards knelt and pleaded with me, begging for me to control my anger. Gonzalo, however, did not flinch. He stood his ground, his hands clenched into fists by his sides. I was more than prepared to shoot the whirlwind onto him and I did not care about the possible damage it could implicate on him. However, a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned my head and Elizabeth appeared from a white mist. “That is quite en
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~ Five - Season IV ~
At the foot of the entry staircase, Gonzalo held the door open as he waited by the carriage. Gonzalo has returned to his calm and refined self. But, underneath that silent exterior, I could tell that he was still opposed to my cause. Gonzalo was everything but a good liar, especially when it came to traditions and law. “I sense that Gonzalo is starting to dislike us,” I whispered into Elizabeth’s ear as we made our way down the stairs. For a moment, Elizabeth looked at Gonzalo. With a smile, she replied, “I prefer to be hated than to be loved for agreeing to everything that this world led us to believe is right.” “You don’t do the same when it comes to James, though?” I smirked.” “That is a different matter, Robert,” said Elizabeth as she playfully pinched my arm. “That hurts, Elizabeth,” I winced as I rubbed the pinched area. I moved a few spaces away from her and added, “With all honesty, I prefer to be punched rather than to be pinched.” “My apologies, little brother,” Elizab
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~ Six - Season IV ~
Our heads turned to the stairs behind us. There stood Mother, accompanied by two female servants. “What are you doing?” Mother asked as she walked towards us. “Robert needs to speak with James. He has to tell him something important,” Elizabeth explained. “But, he is still in a meeting with the elders. A gathering such as that is not to be disturbed,” said Mother as she looked at me. “Mother, it is of high importance. Waiting is not an option,” I protested. Mother reached out and cupped my cheek. “My apologies, my dear one, but even the other rulers are not allowed to do so. Every rule, every tradition here is being held sacred. We must obey,” she replied. I was about to speak when one of the doors of the hall slowly opened. Out came an old man with a long, grey beard that reached his torso. He wore a white, thick robe. His feet were visible enough to expose his sandals. “An elder!” the servants shouted as they knelt immediately. We followed their actions right away. “Greetin
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~ Seven - Season IV ~
My eyes widened. My body stiffened and my mouth was unable to speak. “James, would you please keep your voice down?” Mother intervened as she stood beside me. She turned to Gonzalo and continued, “Kindly leave us and close the door.” Gonzalo agreed and left the four of us in the room. “Now, can we have a conversation where not one of us is shouting?” Mother continued as she looked at all of us. “We are not in our home. It isn’t right to argue here.” “Then, can you please explain to me why your son made a scene back at the Crystal Hall?” James answered as he turned to Mother and then, back to me. “James, if I may, Robert didn’t do anything wrong. He remained polite all throughout his conversation with the warriors,” Elizabeth also entered the conversation. James slowly turned to Elizabeth. “And you, Elizabeth, I expected more from you. You know better than to barge into a private meeting, especially here in this palace. Instead of stopping your brother, you tolerated his actions a
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~ Eight - Season IV ~
We all turned to Mother, surprised. Mother walked over to me with a triumphant smile. She continued, “I will approve of your request, dear one. I believe that you are doing what should be done.” “Amelia!” James shouted before he walked towards her. “What do you think you are doing?” he growled as he towered over her to intimidate her. “As I recall, the very reason why my parents agreed to marry us is because of your promise to share the same amount of power with me,” Mother smirked. “That only means that I have the right to make my own decisions for our children.” James turned Mother to face him directly. “I honoured that before as your parents were still alive. Ever since they were buried, that agreement has no power.” “As long as I live, my parents’ agreement with you will hold its power,” Mother replied. “You should know that I have the ability to summon people from the dead. Should we discuss this with them instead?” she threatened. Mother was supposed to look at me, only to
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~ Nine - Season IV ~
James’ eyes widened in horror, his mouth slowly hung open in shock. “Your Highness, why would you do such a thing?!” Gonzalo ran up to me. “Since the king has his conditions in order to approve my request, that is mine,” I replied as I stared James completely in his eyes. I added, “I am now closing any kind of opportunity for you to prove yourself to me.” “But, Your Highness–” “Say no more, Gonzalo,” James replied as he stopped Gonzalo, “If this is what the prince wants, so it shall be done.” He returned to me and continued, “You will not rule Western Wind once I depart from this world. Let us see where you will last.” He then turned back around and proceeded to the door. “I prefer to rule somewhere else than to wear the crown of the monarch who failed as father,” I raised my voice, enough for my words to echo throughout the entire room. James paused for a brief second before he walked away completely. And as soon as he was gone from our sights, I let out a deep sigh. I was not
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