All Chapters of The Impact of Her (ALL SEASONS): Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
180 Chapters
~ Thirteen - Season III ~
‘I squinted as I opened my eyes. ‘Slowly, my sight adjusted to the sun’s brightness. Though it was partially blocked by the leaves’ shadows, it still stung. I covered my eyes with my hands as I sat up. I looked around and I saw nothing but the wide open plains. There was only the rustling of leaves above me as the wind blew gently. ‘I stood up and not for long, a child’s laughter came from afar. I turned my head and a kite was thrown into the air from the voice’s direction. However, it plummeted back to the ground. ‘I reached another hilltop as I walked towards its direction. There, I saw a family. And it was the same family in the castle from one of my previous dreams. I hid behind a nearby tree to get a closer look. ‘A little boy was the one who made the attempts to make the kite fly. His parents sat under a tree behind him. They sat comfortable with their other child, the girl. ‘The boy tried once more but it fell short. He hung his head low as he returned to his family, defeat
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~ Fourteen - Season III ~
As they slowly stepped away from the scene of commotion, my world stopped. My heart slowed down - stopped, even - as I saw the corpse on the ground. James and Mother called out my name from behind. But the noise around me was muffled as my ears rang. All I could hear was the slow beating of my heart and my rasped breath. Finally, I fell to my knees. “NO!!!” I screamed until my lungs gave in. Lady was lifeless on the ground. Her eyes and mouth hung open as she was laid on her side. I reached out to her body as my tears fell. As soon as my hand landed on her body, it confirmed my fear. She was truly dead. “Lady…” I sobbed as I crawled closer to her. I carried her head in my arms and put it near to my heart. “No, please…” James sat beside me and put his hands on my shoulders. In an effort to console me, he lightly squeezed my shoulders. “Lady, please, don’t,” I whispered to her ear, helplessly hoping that she would reawaken with my voice. A hand then rubbed my back as I pleaded wit
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~ Fifteen - Season III ~
An elderly worker was at the door upon my arrival at the bakery. She greeted all who entered with a warm smile. As soon as I approached her, she said, “Good morning, sir. What can I help you with today?” “I am looking for Laura. Is she here today?” I asked as I forced a weak smile. “Oh, that little darling of ours!” she squealed. “You must be her friend,” she took my hand without asking and shook hands with me. “I will call her for you.” She then headed for the kitchen. I headed to the wooden bench outside the bakery to avoid causing trouble. And right when I was about to sit down, Laura’s voice came from the door. I looked in her direction and she approached me whilst she wiped her hands on her apron. “Robert,” she greeted with her ever-dazzling smile, “How are–” her smile faded as she stood before me. Slowly, she held onto my arm and asked, “Has something happened? Your entire face is red and your eyes are swollen.” “She… she didn’t wake up,” I choked as I held back my tears fr
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~ Sixteen - Season III ~
We turned our heads and to our surprise, Grandpa Ben was leaning onto the door frame. “Good morning, Grandpa Ben,” I greeted him as Laura and I stood. “Good morning to you as well, Robert,” Grandpa Ben smiled as he approached us. He continued, “I saw that Laura offered you a hug. For a moment, I got worried. So, I thought I’d come over here and join the two of you. You seem to be in a very serious conversation as I watched from inside.” I smiled nervously as I nodded. Laura answered, “His champion was murdered.” Horrified, Grandpa Ben’s eyes widened. “My goodness! That is horrible!” he exclaimed as he turned to me. “Who did such a crime? Has the culprit been caught yet?” I shook my head as I frowned slightly. He stepped closer to me and said, “I am very sorry for your loss, Robert. She was a beautiful companion.” “Thank you, Grandpa Ben,” I bowed my head briefly. He looked at the both of us and remarked, “I suppose Laura was in search of a way to distract you from what happene
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~ Seventeen - Season III ~
“Prince Benjamin,” Gonzalo greeted from behind me. After we pulled away, Benjamin walked to Gonzalo. “Gonzalo,” Benjamin put a hand on Gonzalo’s shoulder, “Formalities are unnecessary. You can call me by my name whenever I visit.” “Unfortunately, I cannot do that, Your Highness,” Gonzalo replied with his eyes stuck to the ground. He explained, “I am to pay the utmost respect to anyone who has a connection with our prince, especially when it comes to his family and his friends.” Benjamin chuckled as he returned to me. “Gonzalo is definitely the finest. You are blessed to have such a loyal servant,” he remarked. “I agree completely,” I smiled as I put my hands behind me. “Shall we take a walk in the garden?” I asked. “If that will help console you, then let us have a walk. But I will need to put my horse in one of the stalls,” Benjamin replied. He was about to grab his horse when Gonzalo got to the reins first. “Please, allow me, Prince Benjamin,” Gonzalo bowed his head before Benj
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~ Eighteen - Season III ~
My heart stopped for a moment. The manner of how he spoke was similar to Mallory. And I couldn’t help but be concerned. Should he walk the same road that she did, he would be hurt if things didn’t go as he would expect. “She told you that?” I asked. “Her actions speak for her.” “Benjamin,” I looked directly into his eyes, “You can’t simply rely on actions. You need a direct answer from her. Otherwise, you will only get your heart smashed to bits if she doesn’t feel the same for you,” I scolded him. Benjamin never exerted this much effort towards a woman. Ladies would surround him always and they were the ones who made steps to be in his graces. For him to be this invested only proved that he was indeed smitten by whoever this woman was. However, if feelings weren’t mutual from the beginning, the end would be heartbreaking. He sighed as he put his hands behind his neck. “She protests whenever I do something for her. She is never amused with my jokes. She never showed interest in
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~ Nineteen - Season III ~
His brows furrowed as he grew confused. I cleared my throat as I moved closer to him. “Do not be too certain, too confident that she will give you the answer that you want to hear.” His eyes widened, horrified. “Are you implying that I have no hope with her? That I will not win her heart?” he asked. “I implore you not to twist my words to antagonise you, Benjamin. Like what I said before, you can have any woman that you want,” I replied quickly as I wanted to explain everything right away. I didn’t want for our relationships as brothers to be strained because of a woman. I added, “I only ask that you do not be too complacent. We still don’t know what she will say.” “Robert, she will be with me,” Benjamin said as he looked into my eyes. He was full of certainty, utterly determined. He didn’t blink as he continued, “There is no ounce of doubt within me. I know she will be mine.” Never have I seen him act in this manner. I could only wish that I had the same confidence when it came
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~ Twenty - Season III ~
“We have arrived.” My eyes widened at our itinerary. Winston’s Bakery. “What are we doing here, Benjamin?” I asked as we got down from the horses. “This is where I met the apple of my eye,” he replied as we walked closer to the bakery. He continued, “And if I remember correctly, you said you also met someone that worked in a bakery.” “Yes,” I nodded, “She works here as well.” “Is that so?” his eyes widened, shocked but delighted. He continued, “Well, that is a good thing for the both of us. Most of the people here are warm and welcoming. We couldn’t have found the best place to find someone special. Do remember to introduce me to your lady, dear brother.” “Of course,” I smiled. Benjamin looked into the window, probably checking if his lady was still in middle of work. “She seems to be working right now. And the bakery is filled with so many people,” he remarked as he stepped away from the window. He returned to me and continued, “I will look around the stalls for a gift. Do you
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~ Twenty-One - Season III ~
“Go ahead, Robert. Tell her,” Benjamin whispered to me. My heart shattered even more as he begged for my help. His eyes were desperate as his chance was limited. His usual persuasion wasn’t working on Laura. At the same time, Laura’s eyes pleaded with me to stop Benjamin. We never broke eye contact. But I still saw how Benjamin shifted his gaze between the two of us. Truth be told, I wanted to be honest with Benjamin. Laura was the love of my life. I never wished to and I would never trade her for anything else. I would fight for her until the very end of the world. However, Benjamin was my brother. I had known him for my whole life. I didn’t want to destroy everything that we shared, all because we loved the same person. On the other hand, Laura was the woman of my heart. In the short amount of time we spent together, we faced different challenges. And I never wanted to lose her again. Unfortunately, I already knew the right choice for this situation. And as a future king, my em
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~ Twenty-Two - Season III ~
My head turned in an instant. Laura stood behind me with a bouquet of sunflowers and daisies in her hands. Gently, she walked towards me without breaking eye contact with me. “May I?” she asked as she referred to the flowers she brought. I nodded. She left a small kiss on the bouquet before she put it on top of Lady’s grave. She then proceeded to sit beside me without a word. We stayed that way for a long while. We were so close and yet, so far. I wanted so badly to pull her into my arms and hold her tight. But at the same time, I wanted to push her away. I wanted for her to stay as far away as possible so I could recover from the pain that was inflicted on me. I knew she didn’t deserve to be blamed for the pain I had been feeling for days. But she became a part of the problem as Benjamin chose her to be his wife. I cleared my throat to diffuse the tension between us. “So, what happened between you and Benjamin?” I asked as I kept my eyes on the sunset. “He left a few minutes af
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