All Chapters of The Impact of Her (ALL SEASONS): Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
180 Chapters
~ Three - Season III ~
We finished the entire sack and we were now left with the half-filled one. We talked and shared so much about each other. It was as if time stopped, giving us more room to be together. But our joyful conversations were cut short when a soft thunder came from the skies. We looked up and the clouds slowly blocked the sun. Another faint thunder grumbled from afar. The sky continued to grow grey in colour. ‘James must be in an unforgiving mood right now,’ I thought to myself. “It is best that we leave,” Laura tied the sack and put it back under her seat. “We don’t want to return home soaked with rain water,” she added as we prepared to leave. “As a prince of the kingdom who is responsible for rain, I understand what you said,” I teased as I sat firmly on my end of the boat. She then grabbed the oars and fiddled with them as she slid them to the oarlocks. “I hope we will be able to get out of here in time. We are quite deep in this swamp,” she said. “I can row for us. I can do it fast
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~ Four - Season III ~
“Goodness gracious, Robert! You scared the life out of me,” she remarked, a hand on her chest and the other held her blanket. Mother was out of bed. And not only that, she was also fixing her bed. The ledoras worked! “How are you feeling, Mother?” I asked as I rushed over to her. Gonzalo closed the door behind me. “Absolutely,” she smiled as she touched my face. “The medicinal herb that you gave me healed me,” she smiled as she folded the blanket. I asked another, “How was your rest? You immediately fell asleep after you took the herb.” “It was the best sleep that I’ve ever had ever since I got ill,” she smiled as she settled the blanket on the foot of the bed. “The Medicine King came in and told me everything about the ledoras. All in all, I feel so much better.” I sighed out of relief. “I couldn’t be happier that you were well now, Mother.” She was about to hug me when she stopped. “What happened to you? Why are you wet?” she asked as she touched my damp clothes. “Um, well…”
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~ Five - Season III ~
‘After what seemed to be an eternity underwater, strong arms finally pulled me out. ‘As soon as I was removed from the icy ocean water, I coughed vigorously as I tried to get as much air as I possibly could. My back ached as my breathing struggled. ‘Father called out as he helped me regain consciousness, “Robert! My dear boy, are you all right?” ‘I nodded as I continued coughing. ‘Father quickly carried me and rushed over to where my mother and sister were. “There is nothing to fear son, I am here.” ‘Mother cried as we approached them, “Robert!” Father crouched down to them as we sat together in a corner. “My son,” Mother pulled me into her arms. Her tears fell on my face as she cradled my little body. ‘Father looked at us all and said, “No matter what happens, we stay together. Do you understand?” Determination was evident in his voice, driven to make sure we survived this chaos. “I will do everything to make sure we return home safely.” ‘Mother gave him a kiss and we all share
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~ Six - Season III ~
Nana’s grip on her cutters tightened. She stood frozen for a brief moment as she stared down at the shrub of roses. For a while, she didn’t say anything. Not a single word. “Nana?” I called out to her. She blinked quickly as she got out of her trance-like state. I asked, “Have I said anything wrong?” Slowly, she faced me and replied, “Robert, perhaps it’s better if you don’t pay attention to those kinds of dreams. They can be just playing tricks on you. It will make you think that there is something being hidden from you. When in reality, there is nothing.” “But, Nana, these dreams are becoming more frequent,” I quickly held onto her hands. “Before, I was able to ignore them. However, these dreams have been a plague in my sleep. I don’t know what to do anymore. I need answers, please,” I begged, desperate. She sighed and put the cutters in her apron’s front pocket. “Son,” she cupped my face as she looked into my eyes, “I understand that you are filled with emotions right now. An
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~ Seven - Season III ~
The ground was covered with grass, sparkling because of the dew. Different flowers blossomed on each side of the pebbled path. Majestic trees stood tall, the vines complemented its size. Birds flew freely in the air. Some sang from the trees. A fountain stood in the middle. Its waters slowly cascaded down to the bottom. Everything was simply breath-taking. “Well, what do you think?” Laura asked. “This is… beautiful. It truly is,” I answered as I was still taken aback by the beauty before me. “There are no proper words to describe everything that I am seeing.” “And that is just the beginning,” she said. Before I could even turn to look at her, she grabbed my hand and we followed the path. We entered a maze and she just kept moving forward without any hesitation. ~*~*~*~ When we got to the end, we were greeted by a thick curtain of vines. “Please, don’t tell me we’re going through there,” I remarked. Laura turned around, confused. “Is there something wrong? Are you afraid of vi
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~ Eight - Season III ~
An hour later, we finally arrived at the bakery. We returned to the castle first to get Lady. It was for Laura’s comfort and mine as well. To be carried on someone’s back for a long time wasn’t comfortable to anyone. “Laura, we are here,” I whispered. “Laura?” My call was answered by a faint snore. I smiled to myself. She probably fell asleep on the journey back. “Robert!” Grandpa Ben greeted us as he came out. “Grandpa Ben,” I smiled. He immediately noticed Laura sleeping as he walked up to us. “What happened to her?” My heart quickened as he asked. I had to think of an excuse and fast! I said, “We had a little jog around town and she was exhausted. I didn’t notice that she fell asleep on our way home.” Grandpa Ben nodded as his lips formed a firm line. “She does have a bit of a faint heart. I will have Ronald bring her to her room,” he replied. The mere thought of Ronald carrying Laura back to her room didn’t sit right with me. He never treated her kindly whenever I was aroun
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~ Nine - Season III ~
When I arrived, Lady was on the floor, barely breathing. “Lady!” I pushed through the servants. I dropped beside Lady and screamed, “Lady?! Lady, what is happening to you?!” I shook her continuously as I didn’t know what to do, “Lady!” “Robert?! What is the matter?!” Nana rushed in with the other servants. And she gasped immediately at the horrific sight. “Call the Medicine King! Hurry!” I shouted. “You heard the young prince! Do it now!” Nana yelled. One of the servants jumped onto the service horse and went on his way. “Lady, please,” tears fell down my cheeks as I pulled Lady into my chest. I gripped tightly onto her as the fear of losing her was taking over me. ‘I cannot afford to lose Lady. I will not let that happen,’ I thought to myself. “Robert!” I looked to the entrance and James ran towards us with Gonzalo right behind him. He quickly knelt down and checked Lady’s condition. “James, you have to help me,” I cried. I continued, “I don’t know what is going on. I don’t kn
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~ Ten - Season III ~
I knocked as I reached the master bedroom. “A private meeting is in session,” Bethilda answered. ‘Why am I not surprised that Bethilda is here?’ I thought to myself. I ignored her response and entered. Inside was Mother and Bethilda, who stood together by the window. I kept my hands behind me as I walked towards them. I kept the appearance of the calm, sweet breeze. But inside of me, a bottled-up fury boiled slowly, only waiting to explode. “Well, hello, dear one,” Mother smiled as I stood beside her. I smiled and replied, “Greetings to the most beautiful woman in the world.” I then kissed Mother on her cheek. “As I recall, I mentioned that a meeting is happening here,” Bethilda interrupted our mother-and-son moment with her sarcasm. “Dearest sister,” Mother turned to Bethilda with a gentle smile on her face, “Robert was present in almost every meeting that I and James attended. Whether it’s a public meeting or private, we allow our children to talk to us if they need to.” “You
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~ Eleven - Season III ~
I covered my mouth as my reaction silenced the entire room. All of our eyes widened, surprised. ‘Did I just call James “Father”?’ I thought to myself. I cleared myself as I straightened myself. “I mean, yes. It was indeed a good laugh, James.” James nodded as his smile slowly turned into a firm line. “Also, I would like to express my gratitude for saving Lady a while ago. Lady wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t for your help,” I continued, keeping a formal tone with him. James let out a satisfied smile. “I did that for you, son. I understand how important Lady is to you. I don’t want you to lose her because of someone’s ill intentions,” he said. I nodded. “I guess this is where I take my leave, then,” I replied as I stood from my chair. Putting my hands behind my back, I continued, “I didn’t have my rest yet so this will be the perfect time to do so.” “Will you be joining us for dinner?” Mother asked, grinning as she walked towards me. I kissed her cheek gently. “If I wake up
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~ Twelve - Season III ~
Mother’s giggles were heard as I approached the dining hall. The guards from the master bedroom told me that she and James were already having dinner. As I stood by the door of the dining hall, I straightened myself and knocked on the door. The door opened and James’ page appeared, quickly announcing me into the room. As I entered, it was only Mother and James who shared the table. “Robert, is there something wrong?” Mother asked immediately. “Forgive me if I disturbed your dinner. I can return later,” I replied as I was about to turn around. “No, son, you didn’t disturb anything at all,” James said, stopping me right on time. He stood from his seat and asked, “Would you like to join us? We can have a place prepared for you.” “I appreciate your offer, James. But I will be having mine in my room,” I smiled as I kept my hands behind me. James asked another, “Is there something you wish to tell us?” I raised my hand, instantly showing the note. “Someone left this on my doorstep. I
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