All Chapters of The Impact of Her (ALL SEASONS): Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
180 Chapters
~ Twenty-Three - Season III ~
“This shows exactly my point,” Bethilda remarked as she pointed at me. She turned back to Mother and James and asked, “Is this what you call exemplary manners?” I instantly stepped right in front of her, face to face. My distance caught her by surprise and Bethilda stepped back right away. I put my hands behind my back and lowered my voice as I said, “And who are you to call us animals? Who are you to say that my parents failed to raise us properly? And who are you to disrespect them in their own castle and kingdom?” Her eyes widened as she grew terrified with my tone and close distance towards her. She tried to avoid my glare but she knew she couldn’t. “Robert, please,” James cautiously called me as he tried to calm me down. “You have no right to stop me now, James,” I replied without removing my stare from Bethilda. “This hog is a relative but she is also a mere guest. She does not have the right to scream and demean the both of you in your own household,” I continued. Bethilda
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~ Twenty-Four - Season III ~
Nana’s sudden appearance startled me. I stopped what I was doing and slowly turned around. “Hello, Nana,” I smiled at her amidst my shaking knees. “Are you going somewhere?” she asked as she approached me. She glanced over to the basket behind me. “This is not the appropriate time to have a picnic.” “Oh, um, I was just… uh…” I stuttered as I tried to stay calm amidst my panicked state. “I was just preparing this for later in the morning,” I reasoned as I prayed in my mind that it would work. “I already planned a picnic with Lady. I didn’t want anyone else to use the basket.” She then nodded slowly. “That’s good thinking on your part. It was supposed to be used to deliver bread to other servants tomorrow. But if you need it, you can use it,” she replied with a smile. “Thank you, Nana.” An enormous wave of relief washed throughout my body. “Don’t forget to clean the kitchen once you’re finished,” she reminded me as she headed back to her quarters. The kitchen was connected to th
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~ Twenty-Five - Season III ~
We instantly returned to our true form as our feet settled on the soft grass. I looked around us and there was nothing but the light from the moon above us. The moon has been abundant with her light tonight and I was grateful for that. As I finished admiring the moon’s beauty, I realised that Laura was still gripping onto me. “Laura?” I looked to her to check on her. Her grip on my clothes was too tight to pull away. She hid her face onto my chest as her eyes remained closed. “Laura, you can open your eyes now. We’re here,” I whispered. Her shoulders relaxed as she slowly opened her eyes. Her grip on me loosened. Her eyes shifted from scared to amazed. She took a few steps forward and looked around. “Is this real?” she asked whilst I prepared the picnic. “Are we really here?” I let out a chuckle. “I don’t understand why you can’t believe what you’re already seeing,” I said as I spread the blanket onto the grass and settled the food on it next. She then turned and sat across fr
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~ Twenty-Six - Season III ~
“Good morning, Grandpa Ben,” we greeted with our heads low, avoiding his stare. “It seems like the two of you enjoyed your rendezvous last night. A bit too much, if I may add,” Grandpa Ben remarked. Slowly, I looked up and Grandpa Ben wasn’t in a forgiving mood today. He continued as he turned to Laura, “Young lady, you know very well that you are not allowed to go outside at night. Especially at midnight.” “It was indeed wrong of me to do, Grandpa Ben. I am truly sorry,” Laura spoke softly as she tried to hide her shaking voice. “If I may, Grandpa Ben,” I carefully intervened, “Laura has no fault in this. It was my idea to have a picnic last night and invited her to come along. She told me she was forbidden to do so but I insisted. I beg of you, please do not punish her for my wrongdoing.” Now was not the right time to act all noble. But I had to say something because this debacle was the consequence of my impulse. I was the one responsible as to why Laura was in such a predicam
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~ Twenty-Seven - Season III ~
I closed my eyes as I gave myself a moment to prepare. I took a deep breath and slowly faced him. ‘That was a good way to greet someone who has been your family for years,’ I thought to myself. I asked, “Is that your new manner of greeting a long-time friend and confidant, Benjamin?” With a few steps forward, I continued, “Is that how you treat your brother now?” Gonzalo scoffed as he raised a brow at me. “Brother? Brother?! You call yourself my brother after you betrayed me?!” he ranted even more as he walked towards me. Gonzalo kept him in arms’ reach as he followed behind Benjamin. “You took everything from me! You are the reason why she rejected me!” Gonzalo’s eyes widened as he heard Benjamin’s complaints. It just gave further confirmation as to what Gonzalo had already suspected: that I met a woman in the Mortal Realm and she was the reason for my frequent visits. From utter shock, Gonzalo slowly shifted to furious. I sighed and replied, “Benjamin, I never did anything to i
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~ Twenty-Eight - Season III ~
As soon as the carriage stopped in front of the bakery, I immediately stepped out and approached the chauffeur. Sternly, I instructed, “ Should my family ask for my whereabouts, you are to tell them that I am in the process of choosing a new horse. You are forbidden to tell them the truth.” “As you wish, Your Highness,” he bowed. After I gave my permission, he left. I proceeded into the bakery and as expected, it was filled with the townspeople. Those who preferred the rushed orders lined up until the door. By far, this was one of the busiest days I witnessed in this bakery. “Robert!” a voice surfaced from the noisy, crowded shop. I looked around and found Grandpa Ben as he waved from the counter. I smiled and returned a wave. Grandpa Ben gestured for me to come closer before he patted an unoccupied seat. Gently, I pushed through the crowd. I didn’t want to bump into anyone, especially the workers. As soon as I reached the counter, I greeted, “Hello, Grandpa Ben.” We shook hand
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~ Twenty-Nine - Season III ~
I turned my head and there stood Laura. She wore a white top with long, loosened sleeves. She paired it with a long brown skirt but kept her working boots. Her long, dark brown wavy curls hung freely down her shoulders. This was her. This was Laura. I immediately walked towards her as I stared at her entire being. My grin grew wider as I was unable to contain my joy. “You look radiant, Laura. As you always do,” I complimented her. I leaned in to kiss her on her lips but she softly pushed me away. “Robert, please,” Laura murmured as she looked around in a panic. “People can see us.” I stepped back with a smirk and a raised brow. “I didn’t know that you care so much about what other people will think. Why does it matter if they see?” I asked. Laura sighed as she stepped closer to me. “I think it is only proper that you understand this,” she started, “But unbeknownst to you, you are highly respected here. Ever since you made your presence known in Bullingar, the people here hold you
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~ Thirty - Season III ~
My eyes widened as I watched everything unfold. The horse had a light brown body. Its mane, legs, tail and snout were a darker shade of brown. A white line traced down from its forehead down to its nose. In the manner that it behaved, the horse came from the mountains. And those horses were not used to other creatures other than their own kind. I looked into its eyes. It was in panic, horrified that a rope held it back. “My deepest apologies for the ruckus, Your Highness,” Lord Cyrus knelt before me. He continued, “This horse still needs more time to be trained.” My eyes reverted back to the horse when I heard a whip. As its tip landed on the horse’s arse, it immediately screamed in pain. It stood and swung its legs in the air and the caretakers ducked for their lives. It didn’t calm down. Its frantic actions only worsened. My heart broke as I saw it all. Laura’s grip on me tightened and I knew we felt the same agony. I lightly squeezed her hand before I broke away from her. “Y
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~ Thirty-One - Season III ~
A long while has passed and I was still stuck in Lord Cyrus’ office. I read each document meticulously to avoid complications in the future. I tried to keep my focus here. But something inside of me was being difficult. My mind kept thinking of Laura. I was increasingly uneasy about being away from her. And I shouldn’t be feeling that way because she was accompanied by two servants and Wonder as well. “That would be all for Wonder’s release,” Lord Cyrus said as he sat across from me. He rummaged through everything and anything in his table. He continued, “All that is left is your signature and everything is finished.” His words were muffled to my ears as I continued to be restless. The quill was in my hand. It was only a few inches away from where I should sign. But I couldn’t move. Instead, my eyes were at the door as I hoped for her to enter. “Is something the matter, Your Highness?” Lord Cyrus asked as he tried to get my attention. I returned to him, my brows knitted together.
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~ Epilogue - Season III ~
The room shook as the doors hit the wall upon his entrance. He then created chaos within his quarters. Hand-made vases gifted by his admirers were smashed as he walked past them. Everything that was on top of his table or cupboards, he swept them clean. And all his page and the guards could do was to step back and watch their master as he destroyed his once beautiful room. He has never been humiliated in such a manner. And he was surprised that a woman - a mortal, to be exact - had the courage to refuse his advances. “Leave!” he shouted. But his page and guards did not move a muscle. They were too afraid to take, even the slightest step out of his sight. He turned around, and when he saw that they were still there, he threw an ornament towards them. “Leave! I don’t need you! I don’t need anyone! Leave me alone!” Terrified, they rushed out of the room. His page immediately closed the door. Exhausted and heartbroken, he sat on the foot of his bed. He held onto his hair as he cried h
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