All Chapters of Love Reborn: The Boss's Love for His Wife Knows No Bounds: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
409 Chapters
Chapter 251
"Mr. Lighting, have you eaten breakfast? These are some snacks I brought from home, and they're really good! Mr. Photographer, would you like some?"Xu Yun'er was holding a large bag and was tirelessly handing out snacks to the working staff."Oh my, thank you. You're such a generous newbie!""You're called Yun'er, right? I'll definitely take nice photos of you later!""Thank you, Mr. Photographer!"Having received the praise from the working staff, the smile on Xu Yun'er face grew more victorious.Qiao watched as Xu Yun'er curried favor with all the working staff and quietly asked Gu Jiuci, "Ci, should we buy some things and work on our relationships?"Gu Jiuci looked in the direction Qiao was looking in and saw that Xu Yun'er seemed to have become friends with the working staff, appearing very harmonious. She shook her head indifferently."No need. It's too late now, but even if it wasn't, we don't need to do it. I'm not money, I don't need to purposely curry favor with every
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Chapter 252
This was Xu Yun'er's plan coming into effect. The staff members of the crew had seen plenty of big celebrities and each had become an old fox. Faced with celebrities and actors they didn't like, they always had their ways to make life difficult for them."I'm going to go reason with the photographer!"With an angry expression, Qiao picked up the photo and was about to rush out. Gu Jiuci reacted quickly and called at her to stop."What are you going to reason with them about? Are you going to have the photographer apologize, or are you going to make everyone take the photo again?"Putting it like this, Qiao stood where she was and clenched her fists, completely at a loss."If you run out like this without a second thought, not only will you not achieve the effect you want, you'll have cemented the negative labels Xu Yun'er stuck on me. You'll be playing right into Xu Yun'er's hands."Gu Jiuci patiently explained things to Qiao."The more she fans the flames, the more we have to a
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Chapter 253
The camera was focused right on Gu Jiuci's face. The director and staff members behind the screen all sucked in a cold breath. Gu Jiuci's face was too beautiful, particularly that pair of clear and bright eyes. Once you met them, you felt like you would be sucked in. It made one temporarily forget about the main female lead.Director Li Le'an excitedly rubbed his palms together. Mu Cheng's character had to be able to hold down a scene. Casting Gu Jiuci was an amazing decision!At this time, Mu Cheng calmly gazed at Xia Tian, neither joy nor anger could be seen in her expression."Xia Tian, everyone must depend on themselves to be able to truly stand tall."When she said these words, her tone was very light, yet every word struck clearly against Xia Tian's heart.Xia Tian paused, and then climbed to her feet with difficulty. The rain had made the ground very slippery. Du Fanghua didn't pay attention to her feet and immediately lost her balance. It looked like she was going to fall
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Chapter 254
Xu Yun'er was clenching her fists in anger when she suddenly heard Li Shasha's mocking remarks beside her."She just improvised a little, does she really need to be praised to the skies like that? Looks like Director Li's getting old and his talent in picking actors isn't as good anymore!"Xu Yun'er glanced at Li Shasha consideringly. Immediately, a plan came to her.Gu Jiuci had just sat down when Xu Yun'er sidled over. With an earnest expression, she praised Gu Jiuci, "Ci, your performance just now was amazing! Even Director Li, who is such a strict person, praised you!""It was all right."Gu Jiuci furrowed her brows slightly and replied indifferently. She didn't know what Xu Yun'er was up to."What do you mean 'it's all right'? It was amazing! Looks like Shu Ya won't be able to resist giving you more parts. I counted your scenes just now, which's almost catching up to the second female lead! You're going to be famous!"Xu Yun'er purposely acted naively and spoke loudly, part
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Chapter 255
"Go. Go investigate Gu Jiuci's background. It doesn't seem to be that she's particularly close to Du Fanghua. Xu Yun'er is also a very petty person, so they might be a very distant relative of the Du Family. It doesn't seem like they're from powerful families.""When the news came out, I already investigated. Gu Jiuci came from nowhere. If she really is an important relative of the Du Family, Du Fanghua would have protected her from the beginning," her manager analyzed and said."So they're just poor relatives borrowing the might of their more powerful family members. This matter is much easier to handle now!"Hearing this news, Li Shasha's gaze deepened.In the afternoon, as the third female lead, Gu Jiuci chose to remain with the crew even though she didn't have many parts. First, there was a certain atmosphere with the crew. Second, she could watch and learn from the older actors, and the male and female lead's acting.She wasn't a graduate of the acting class, and she had wast
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Chapter 256
"Strange. Why did he run off so quickly? It's as if there's a ghost after him," Qiao muttered as she glanced suspiciously at the staff member."Never mind him. Let's hurry back to the hotel to rest. There's a shoot tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. We can't be late."Gu Jiuci put down the cherry tomato in her hand as she rose.Meanwhile, the staff member handing out the lunchboxes walked to a corner and immediately pulled out his phone to make a call."She has already eaten the cherry tomato. I watched as she ate it. When will the money arrive?""The money will arrive shortly. Remember my words. Once you have the money, you know what to do.""No problem. Don't worry."The staff member handing out the food smiled wickedly. Hanging up, he disappeared into the night.5:30 a.m. the next morning.Everyone had arrived, even Li Shasha and Xu Yun'er who didn't have scenes this morning had arrived. Yet, Gu Jiuci still had not arrived.Late a full half-hour. Everyone looked carefully at Direc
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Chapter 257
When Li Shasha saw this situation, she couldn't help but panic. She had only ordered someone to dose Gu Jiuci with some laxatives. How could it be so severe that she fainted?"Call 120, quickly. Take her to the hospital!"Li Le'an immediately gave orders in a loud voice. Coincidentally, Tang Yu arrived at the scene with a cold expression. He approached Li Le'an and said something to him, then he took out a box of cherry tomatoes and handed it to Li Le'an.Li Shasha saw the box of cherry tomatoes and her expression immediately changed. As expected, Li Le'an angrily said, "Don't worry. I'll look into this matter closely! I'll definitely give you an explanation!"Gu Jiuci vaguely heard some sounds. When she woke again, she was already at the hospital. Opening her eyes, she saw a harsh white light. Gu Jiuci's heart thudded. The scene from the nightmare rose in her mind again.She really hated hospitals!"Ci! You're finally awake! You scared me!"Coincidentally, Qiao just happened to
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Chapter 258
"Gu Jiuci, take a day off to rest. Return to work tomorrow. Your health is the most important thing.""Alright. Thank you, Director."Li Le'an exchanged a few words with Gu Jiuci and then took everyone with him as he left. "Our Best Time" was a drama that was filmed and released simultaneously. The crew had signed contracts with the TV station and platforms. Their progress couldn't be delayed.After everyone left, there was only Tang Yu and Qiao left in the sickroom. Gu Jiuci stared at Tang Yu intently."I will never be taken advantage of like this. Brother Tang, I hope to see your capabilities in dealing with Li Shasha in this matter."She wore a severe expression on her face and she exuded the aura of a leader. Qiao unthinkingly held her breath. This Gu Jiuci was completely different from the young woman who joked with her every day.The Gu Jiuci of this moment was more like a lofty CEO. Her words made one unconsciously want to answer her immediately.Tang Yu felt the same way
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Chapter 259
Without waiting for the devil's response, Gu Jiuci hurriedly changed the topic."I swear I will protect myself. In the future, I will let you know of any situation as soon as possible. Don't be angry, okay? I just didn't want to disturb your work..."Gu Jiuci rolled over anxiously as she waited for the devil to say something."I'm not angry," Huo Mingche immediately said, afraid of scaring her.He wasn't angry with her. He was angry with himself."Then it's fine."Gu Jiuci moved into a more comfortable position. Although she had already covered the main points and it was already late at night in America, she didn't want to hang up the call right now. On the other end, Huo Mingche felt the same.The two of them were silent for a moment, then they suddenly spoke at the same time."When are you ba...""In a few days...""Puff..."Gu Jiuci laughed. In this, their hearts were truly linked.Huo Mingche immediately stopped."You go first."Gu Jiuci was caught. She didn't actuall
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Chapter 260
"I'm sorry, Ci, I've had some urgent matters that I had to deal with personally. Once I'm done, I'll immediately come to visit you!"In reality, Xu Yun'er was overjoyed at seeing Gu Jiuci being sick enough to be in hospital."Oh, right. Have you let Huo Ming... Young Master Huo know about this?""Mhm, he already knows," Gu Jiuci answered indifferently.Hearing this, Xu Yun'er immediately asked, "What did he say?"Although she didn't want to admit it, Huo Mingche cared a lot for Gu Jiuci. Now that such a major thing had happened to Gu Jiuci, Huo Mingche wouldn't be indifferent to it. If he came to visit the filming crew, then wouldn't her chance have come?Hearing Xu Yun'er's anxious voice on the phone, Gu Jiuci smiled coldly. The moment this bitch opened her mouth, she had already guessed her plan. She wanted nothing more than a chance to see the devil."I don't know. He didn't say.""Why don't you ask... ah, Ci, what I mean is, since you are together, you should let Young Mast
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