All Chapters of Love Reborn: The Boss's Love for His Wife Knows No Bounds: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
409 Chapters
Chapter 271
Gu Jiuci's mouth fell open in shock and she asked hesitantly, "Brother Che, are you amazing at everything?"Pride flashed through the man's eyes. He had no lack of admirers, but he had to admit that it felt good to see the girl looking at him with eyes of worship.It just so happened that the lovers next to them had both failed on their first try. The girl looked enviously at Gu Jiuci and Huo Mingche, then she turned to angrily pinch her boyfriend."Why are you so bad? Learn from other people's boyfriends!"The poor boyfriend could only endure being unjustly ridiculed.Five minutes later, the stand owner blew his whistle again to signify the end. Gu Jiuci and Huo Mingche won first place by a wide margin."99 goldfish! That's amazing. In all the years I've had this stand, you're the pair that has caught the most!"The stand owner smiled and handed the rings to Huo Mingche."99 is also a lucky number. I wish your love to be as enduring as the earth!Gu Jiuci cheered and was just
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Chapter 272
She almost asked why she wasn't spending the night with Chairman Huo."He has an early flight back to America. There wasn't much time.""Oh, that's too bad. I thought you could be together for a while and have Chairman Huo soothe you."Qiao's tone was disappointed. Gu Jiuci didn't know whether to laugh or cry."What are you thinking? I'm only 19, and nothing has happened yet."Although the devil almost hit a home run that one night, all kinds of factors afterward made it so the atmosphere and opportunity of that night hadn't arisen again."My god! What year is this? Are the two of you doing platonic dating? How can Chairman Huo resist?"Hearing Gu Jiuci's words, Qiao was even more surprised."Who said we are platonic? We've kissed."As Gu Jiuci spoke, her face turned red. Afterward, she didn't say much more to Qiao and found an excuse to go back to her room to catch up on sleep.Lying on the bed, Gu Jiuci took off the ring on her finger and carefully put it away. Then she sen
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Chapter 273
Qiao jumped excitedly in front of Gu Jiuci. It was as if Gu Jiuci had just won the title of Queen of the Movies."Calm down, calm down. Mu Cheng has always been a likable role."Gu Jiuci's calmly grabbed Qiao. Tang Yu helped as well, "Not only do people like the character Mu Cheng, they like you playing this character."Tang Yu held up his phone. There was excitement in his eyes."In 'Our Best Time's' Weibo's super topics, many fans of the book are tagging the scriptwriter and director, hoping they will increase your scenes. In terms of the attention paid to the actors of this drama, you've surpassed that of the second male and female lead. You're third overall."As Tang Yu spoke, he grew more and more excited. He had a powerful feeling that he would be able to raise a superstar.At this time, Gu Jiuci's phone rang. Director Li Le'an had sent a message into the actor's group chat.Li Le'an: "Our first episode broke the beginner level on both platforms, which was a great success!
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Chapter 274
That night, "Our Best Time" swiftly took the spot as the number one most-watched television drama across all major online platforms. Regardless of whether it was Weibo, WeChat, or Koko Space, the most discussed topic across all major social media was "Our Best Time".It could be definitively said that "Our Best Time" had won a complete victory.Early the next morning, Gu Jiuci went to the set for work. The investors had especially ordered a giant cake celebrating their record-breaking ratings. Furthermore, the staff members gave flowers to all the major actors."Thank you everyone for your hard work. That has given 'Our Best Time' the success we see today!" Gu Jiuci smiled as she gave her thanks.Looking down at the flowers in her hands, she found that hers were different from everyone else's. It was a big bunch of bellflowers.When normal people gave flowers, it was usually roses or lilies. Who would add Nanshan bellflowers?Gu Jiuci's lips curled slowly. "Looks like a certain d
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Chapter 275
Gu Jiuci opened her mouth thoughtfully when she suddenly smelled something sweet. Unconsciously, she sniffed the air and asked Mi An, "Can you smell something fragrant?""Fragrant? Are you talking about this?"Mi An paused then she took out a paper bag and opened it. Inside was a just-steamed, still-warm rice candy. As she opened the bag, the fragrance grew stronger.Gu Jiuci couldn't stop herself from taking a deep breath. To maintain her figure in front of the camera, Tang Yu hadn't allowed her to touch sugar at all, making her crave it desperately right now."This is a specialty from my home. Although it smells very sweet, in reality, it doesn't have much sugar. When I'm losing weight, I'll steam some to satisfy my cravings," Mi An explained with a smile."I wanted to bring you some to thank you for your help last time, but I was worried that you wouldn't like such things.""What do you mean? I think it must taste great. Can you give me half a piece?"Gu Jiuci craved it badly
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Chapter 276
To take the opportunity to promote "Our Best Time", the production crew had especially put aside two hours this afternoon for the media to visit the set and hold an interview.The original idea was to have Du Fanghua and Fei Ming take a two-hour break and go talk with the media. Yet, as filming was unable to progress without the male or female lead, they could only arrange for everyone to go.In the hall of the hotel, Gu Jiuci followed behind Li Shasha as they walked on stage in order. The moment she entered, she felt the flashes from one hundred cameras that started from the moment she walked on and simply continued.Gu Jiuci followed the set arrangement and sat in the very corner of the stage. As for Mi An, Xu Yun'er, and others like them, they sat in a row beneath the stage. They were only participating in the meeting and photos, and they didn't have a chance to speak.Status in the entertainment industry was strictly enforcedThe main actors, director, and scriptwriter had just
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Chapter 277
"Mhm, she'll definitely become a superstar!"No one expected for Gu Jiuci to conclude the media meeting in the end.Below the stage and to the side, Mi An looked at Gu Jiuci on the stage and said with emotion, "Ci is really popular. I'm happy for her!"Her agent, Lin Hao, heard and furrowed his brows."It's her own business whether she's popular or not. What are you doing being happy for her?!"Mi An's expression froze. With a complicated expression, she looked at her childhood friend turned boyfriend, "Hao, how could you say that..."Xu Yun'er, sitting beside Mi An, had an expression as black as the bottom of a pot. Her gaze was filled with jealousy and thirst."Gu Jiuci, why do things always go so well for you? Just wait, one day, I'll be in a position to speak while you'll fall tragically!"Xu Yun'er pulled back her gaze and noticed Jiang Min, who was similarly sitting in a corner. Her expression was just as ugly as her own.They were both side characters in the drama, yet
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Chapter 278
"That's not true! I'm just happy for Ci."Xu Yun'er purposely revealed a shocked and panicked expression as if she had accidentally let something slip. Jiang Min immediately felt like she had discovered something strange and instantly turned to lock the door as she stared intently at Xu Yun'er."Xu Yun'er, are you going to play sidekick to Gu Jiuci and be overshadowed by her forever? Have you forgotten who helped you sign with Huayu Films? One has to know gratitude and how to repay it, right?""I understand..."Xu Yun'er purposely put on an expression as if caught in a difficult situation and was being forced to do something.In reality, she was laying the foundations for the future in case things failed. Even if Jiang Min implicated her, she could say that she was forced and then wash her hands of this matter."It's like this. I just heard Shu Ya discuss this matter with the director. They're going to go with the wishes of the audience and increase Mu Cheng's scenes, using the m
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Chapter 279
With the sound of the clapper board, Gu Jiuci quickly assumed her role and everyone threw themselves into the tense work. No one noticed Jiang Min, who had been filming with the B group, suddenly slipping into the A group's side of the setAs the director filmed, he abruptly called cut in an unhappy tone. No one understood what was happening, they just watched as the director stared with an unpleasant expression at the school buildings to the left.Ever since the release of the first episode, some fans of the male and female lead had managed to find the filming location for "Our Best Time". These fans would quietly follow the production crew to the set and take occasional photos of their idol.In the past, there weren't many of these fans, and for the sake of their idol's career, the fans weren't stupid enough to upload these unsanctioned videos online. Still, as the drama was broadcasted, the number of these fans increased.Gu Jiuci also looked toward the school building and saw tha
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Chapter 280
"I think I have the right to know what has happened."Gu Jiuci's expression darkened and she spoke in a severe tone.Qiao glanced subconsciously at Tang Yu. After seeing Tang Yu nod, she handed the phone back to Gu Jiuci."The scene you shot with Fei Ming and Du Fanghua this afternoon was leaked by fans onto the net. The fan who leaked it profess themselves to be your fan. I'm still in the process of contacting the Fans Support Association. Don't be too anxious. People online speak without thinking, so it's best if you don't look."Tang Yu pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed as he spoke.Still, Gu Jiuci stubbornly opened Weibo. She wanted to see just what the situation online was like.The result was, she instantly received countless private messages hurling abuse the moment she opened the app.The people messaging her were all fans of Fei Ming and Du Fanghua. The contents were all similarly ugly.@Fangfang's Eyelash: "Have you gone the fuck crazy in seeking fame? How dar
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