All Chapters of A.I. : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
563 Chapters
Chapter 161
"AMITABHA!" Reilly laid in passive defense for ten breaths and dodged more than a trillion projectiles within that short amount of time.His figure would flash here and there yet he was not seen to make any motions but just stand there with his hands crossed between his breasts. But it was at this moment that he chose to take the offensive.From a static posture to a kicking movement and back to his initial form once more. This has happened so quick that time even seemed to freeze along its delivery.And with it, arrived a gigantic shadow of one foot that seemed to contain the heaven and the earth with its boundless size alone.
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Chapter 162
Maru only wanted this farce to end and live a fulfilling life with his family for the rest of eternity."Is there no other way?" the elven woman asked again."Of course there is. If one wants to do something, even a thousand paths is not impossible to conjure.But unfortunately, this one has only two ways you could go." Maru paused for effect and looked intently at every one of his guests.Some flinched when their vision connected while others hastily disconnected after merely half a breath. Most of them feared to get the ire of this blood thirsty individual.
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Chapter 163
Or it might have been because of your cultivation technique where you’re always searching and delving deep inside your soul to ask questions about morality and the balance of the world, of good and evil,or maybe some other thing that may have escaped my perception.But what I wanted to say is that…” Maru halted his speech and gazed at the heart of the silent old monk.After a few breaths, he then watched the quiet audience that scattered around from their immediate vicinity.“What are they so afraid of? I don’t look like a monster, do i?” Maru conjured a question or two in his mind before
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Chapter 164
After all, the only other soul who witnessed that long period of life and death was now gone.One cannot appreciate the light while living in a shadow less existence. Only then in darkness shall one truly manifest and wish a will for the advent of another ray of light."Bring him home." said Maru before he vanished from his spot.And in his wake was the raving lunatic that disturbed the silence of the night with his continued struggles with the unseen demons that plagued his mind and soul at this very moment."Take him back to the Temple, Adriel." the elfin woman, Tierra instructed at one of her peers. She recognized that no o
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Chapter 165
The man has no sickness called cancer and the woman did not truly spend the rest of her life in search of a ghost.""Are you telling the truth, brother? Or is this one of your white lies also? Like what you forced me to tell mom..." and it was at this time that Uwyn finally cried. Maru was speechless for a time.In his soul, he could pause an eternity to deal with the words he was given and that was exactly what he did. So upon the next breath, Maru lent an appropriate reaction to the guilt that he carried inside."I would never do that to you, Uwyn." Maru closed the distance between him and his sister and gently took Uwyn into his arms.
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Chapter 166
"I will do as you ordered, master! Please excuse this lowly mortal's stupidity!" the old man replied in as much a loud voice as he can. Even this slight effort has taken much from him.His throat hurt and he even found it hard to breath from the hasty misuse of his damaged faculties."When was the last time i talked to someone but myself? I can't remember any longer." These were the old man's thoughts as he drank from the water served for the beasts.As he worked, stayed and slept here for years already, the old man was used to the isolation branded to one like him. A no name captured slave.And with these dark musings, the ol
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Chapter 167
"Do you think father would let me ride his back, brother?" and she turned 180 degrees in an instant.For a happy carefree girl to one filled with intense longing and apparent insecurity."I don't know, Uwyn. But we could ask him and try. And if he doesn't want to do that, i'm still here. I can be your horsey forever." Maru replied. He understood his sister well.This time and age was the rarest among it all. When children can still open up about anything and everything they feel. But Maru was fully aware that this would not remain the same as time passes by.So he could only cherish this and not let a moment go by without taki
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Chapter 168
Those two magical beasts which were now lying comfortably on the shoulders of this pair of kids possessed the breath of an immortal.A being that they could neither offend nor battle. Even if their patron god would come and defend them for a time.And even if he would be successful in warding off the potential enemies but that would only result in one likely outcome. The destruction of the entire city of Almond.Joku could see that the children before him didn't have any cultivation attainments yet. But he would be a fool to believe what only his senses could perceive.Two children with two immortal magical beasts would probab
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Chapter 169
Maru wanted to take another route of escape once again but his sister's words stopped him cold."Is father not here? Tell me, brother. I can take it. I'm a big girl already. Is that it? Were you just lying to me all this time?" These words of accusations rang in the air and Maru felt his heart get crushed.He wanted to open his mouth but no words came out. With how hurt his sister appeared, Maru knew what would happen next. And so he could only do what he can."Uwyn." Maru muttered and hugged the little girl in his arms. After this, Uwyn bawled like a baby."You liar! I hate you, brother!" Uwyn cried and her tears marred the d
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Chapter 170
Maru decided to keep to himself and spare Uwyn some cause for disappointment. This world was ugly and it seemed like he can't keep his sister out of the muck for any longer."Really, brother?!" Uwyn asked once more."Hmmm..." Maru smiled and only nodded gently towards his sister."Oh... my poor lovely Fiona..." Uwyn whispered softly and took the magical beast into her arms in a babe's carry.It was good that Fiona's intellect was not that inferior to a human's and thus, she continued to close her eyes and enjoyed the caress of her master, Uwyn."We want
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