All Chapters of A.I. : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
563 Chapters
Chapter 141
“Walk through the door.” Was the man’s only response.“I’ll try.” Maru replied and waved a hand out in front of him. He started walking forward and when his outstretched palms touched the gates, the view around him completely transformed.“What kind of magic is this?” Maru wondered out loud as he witnessed the colorful images created and recreated time and time again.At first it came to his house in the slums and to his wooden hut second, then his mansion in the city of Antavale, next was of course his castle in the late Vestal Virgin Sect,and lastly was his recent home in the
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Chapter 142
"Negative, Maru. This spirit has been buried in this place for countless eras and has already forgotten to associate with the material plane of existence." the system replied."Can you help her, Madame Ais?" Maru wished."Affirmative, Maru." the system responded positively."Hello, little child. Are you lost?" the woman finally looked at Maru and lent him her winning smile once more."Hi auntie! I'm Maru. What's your name?" and Maru smiled back. Aside from the complete white that graced the scene, only the azure gown of the unknown woman made a drastic contrast anywhere.
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Chapter 143
"Take me back, Madame Ais." Maru was crestfallen after he met his recent acquaintance and it had shadowed his will to cultivate at this time. Nevertheless, this was the reality of the situation. No sense in clinging on something that could not really ascend simple words and futile wishes."CREAK!" The imagery shattered to birth a new visual delight for Maru.Gone were the boring tints of a singular cast but it was now superseded with the entrance of bountiful vibrant tones."I'm back." Maru muttered and chose to roam his vision upon the beautiful paintings on the wall.After five minutes of inactivity, it was then that the lit
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Chapter 144
* * *On a precipice of the void, two voices reached out to one another.“That giant is making a big movement this time. The other continents are currently suffering with innumerable deaths on all sides. Only our continent of Qeeton remains untouched.”The first voice stated.“The question rises if this is but a ploy to lure us out or does this present us a chance to finally strike a fatal blow at that unknown traveler.” A second whispered back.“Do you think the power of that class would need trickery to wipe us all to the
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Chapter 145
Wherever he may go, from now until the end of time, Maru couldn't imagine a life without his family. This was why he was extremely adamant in gaining strength.To be with them until the last of the night stars fell to darkness."I'm afraid not, Maru. The journey will be long and tiring. I won't advise you to bring anyone else with you if ever you choose to journey in those realms.But what I can promise you is that time will halt on this world, only to restart once more upon your return. Isn't that magical?" the devil spoke in tongues and riddles.Madame Ais' honeyed words brought the little child into the wondrous expectation
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Chapter 146
"Indeed you could, Maru. Even if you were the weakest among all Essence Gathering Experts, squashing a full realm below yours is still as easy as stepping on an ant.Though it may lack creativity because you would most likely only apply brute force to vanquish your enemies, still..." Madame Ais trailed her voice and discontinued.The boy didn't need that abundant spoon feeding after all. She could see that he got the point and that was already enough for her."I want to become an immortal, Madame Ais!" Maru decided. If he could stand to the highest of heavens, then he could easily safeguard his family.Mastering techniques wou
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Chapter 147
"........................." and Maru nodded in understanding."Good. Then I shall start now." Madame Ais opened her palm and an ominous black stone shone in magnificence at the center of both woman and child.It pulsed with mighty waves of power and the world essence that radiated from it were infinitely dark. Wisps of shadows abounded and it blessed the area in a luminescent mystery.Not only that but it also contained incalculable soul nourishment within that small palm sized sphere of power.This diminutive object was called a chaos stone. It was borne only on the birth of a new universe.
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Chapter 148
A Soul Creation Realm has a lifespan of 250,000 years."BANG!"Ascendant Realm 1st StageLifespan of 500,000 years."BANG!"Human Realm 1st StageLifespan of 1 million years."BANG!"Immortal Realm 1st StageNever withers, will never die of old age but can still b
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Chapter 149
While much of the other wiser gods and immortals preferred to remain here to secure their small piece of heaven on these earths."But you are different from them all, Maru. Your path has already been decided for you." Madame Ais thought wickedly before following the footsteps of the little boy.Maru went out and felt the gentle rays of the sun unto his skin. It brought a smile to his face as he was refreshed by the authenticity of the entire experience.Far from what he was used to for untold time while he was still cultivating in hell and its devices.“What’s wrong with Raymond?” Maru asked after he traverse
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Chapter 150
“What about these chairs and tables, Maru?” Fatty Feng asked. He was afraid that somebody might steal it as the properties looked pretty expensive.“Leave it there. Those will be gone by sunrise.” Maru muttered softly and he slept right after.“What are you all looking at?” Tiny Slim addressed the envious gazes of his classmates.“I think they are stunned at your magnificent character, boss.” Fatty Feng smiled on the side.“Boss, can I join your group?” one student said towards Fatty Feng.&ldqu
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