All Chapters of A.I. : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
563 Chapters
Chapter 131
“That expert had let me live. A warning perhaps?” The Sect Master thought and decided to monitor this unknown intruder from afar.If it had wanted to slaughter him together with the rest of his sect, then it could have effortlessly done that. But as it had only participated inside as an outer disciple, then there was hope yet.“Master Yan.” The Sect Master immediately thought of a plan.Since he feared to directly ask the one called Maru and even dreaded to stand in his presence, then he’d go another route to get some answers.And he was sure that the Chief Protector of the sect has some of them,
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Chapter 132
“Of course, boss!” Fatty Feng exclaimed.“Who would want to remain weak in this kind of world?” he added in his thoughts.“Okay then. This is yours.” Tiny Slim smiled and gave a palm sized bottle towards the fat boy.“I can’t take that, boss! You need that also!” Fatty Feng was alarmed after he saw the thing before him. Of course he knew what the contents of the bottle was.Being as nosy as he was, nothing much could escape his busy eyes inside the outer disciples’ court. This magical wonder was a body strengthening paste.
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Chapter 133
“Affirmative, Maru.” Madame Ais replied.“Really?” Maru was surprised because he was really not sure whether she could do that. But since she said she can, then he finally dismissed any further deliberations and began cultivating in full.“Affirmative, Maru.”“Then please make some for me, Madame Ais.” Maru instructed and finally opened the bottles then used them all out, one after the other.1 bottle2500
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Chapter 134
“Thanks, Fatty Feng. Here. Take this.” Maru offered his palm to give a ring to the fat boy.“Is this?!” Fatty Feng’s eyes grew big when he saw the ring. This was a ring in the legends! The one that can only be possessed by real and mighty cultivators of any sect.“Yes. Use it well, Fatty Feng. There’s lots of body strengthening pastes inside it. Be strong and live your life the way you want to.” Maru replied and smiled warmly at the fatty.Since he has an infinite number of these things in his hands, then throwing a few here and there was never a problem. And Fatty Feng was his friend. Maru was not one to deny his friends some help.
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Chapter 135
Although Master Corin knew that Maru was one of the prime disciples of the Chief Protector but the thought of his Elder giving that much amount of resources was unheard of.It would break the very foundation which the Infernal Blood Sect was built upon.A true hardened disciple that would claw, bite, and grab at every opportunity to gain an advantage in order to succeed in the long road of going against heaven’s will.“Is Maru perhaps the Chief Protector’s illegitimate son?” Corin mused in silence as he looked at the boy from head to toe. Maybe.There was a little bit of similarity here and there. He tr
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Chapter 136
“You need not worry about trivial things, Maru. The sect fully acknowledges your exceptional talents and three of these magical beasts is a small gift for your arrival in the sect.Assign two more of these Hilami under the name of Maru.” Corin addressed his student and commanded the disciple who took care of the magical beast thereafter.If he wasn’t mistaken, that masked man was probably the Sect Master or at least an Elder who represented the Sect Master since those tokens of power were never given to a teacher, much less to a disciple who had just entered the sect the day before.Thus, Master Corin had entirely taken the initiative to flatter this little boy with his goodwill. W
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Chapter 137
“What about the Hilami, teacher?”“Don’t worry about them. They won’t go anywhere and someone will take care of them later on.If you’re concerned about losing your magical beast, don’t be since your name has already been imprinted as its owner. No one in the sect would steal someone’s possession inside its premises.That least I can assure you.” Corin replied with a smile.“Okay, teacher.” Maru said and observed the towering buildings around him.While it may appear rundown compared to th
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Chapter 138
“I recommend this one, Maru.” Master Corin took out a cultivation manual from amidst the sea of books.Since this was the first time the boy would see this innumerable collection of knowledge, thus he deemed it necessary to give some kind of guidance to the little child.If not, then they would stay here for decades to finish scouring the place up piece by piece.“Is he really only at Body Cultivator Stage, Master Corin?”Saladino queried while the boy was busy flipping the pages and looked at the various demonstrations of body forms and kata in order to complete the entire cycle of the technique.
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Chapter 139
All were instantly wondering who the little boy was in the midst of the Elders but none got the courage to speak their minds out loud.It would be an exercise of stupidity to do so since it was of no concern to them whatsoever. They would only invite the ire of the Elders and nothing good would come out of that.“Give me a set of sect robes for this new disciple and register him for the best available cave of dwelling in the sect. Do it at once, Kathi!” Master Saladino instructed the one in charge of the registry.They were now inside a lavish room that hinted at the extravagance not only of the sect but also of the taste of the one who occupied the office.
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Chapter 140
Although Master Saladino was more potent than him in might and status but he did not believe that he would do anything untoward unto himself.Internal strife was strictly prohibited by the Sect Master and the sect rules were there for a reason.The existence of the Tomb of Traitors was a clear manifestation of the iron will of the Infernal Blood Sect’s Leader and its Elders.“What about me?” Master Saladino lamented. A fleeting thought of murdering Master Corin flashed through his eyes.There was a slight chance that he could escape the Sect Master because a report landed on his ears that his Master suffered
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