All Chapters of A.I. : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
563 Chapters
Chapter 111
"I want to go, Maru." Fade started vaguely."Go where, Fade? Is there someplace else you want to be?" Maru frowned at the sudden request of his slave.In truth, he had already gotten used to Fade's presence in the six months that they had been together."BANG!" The immaculate floors cracked loudly and debris of dusts followed shortly afterwards."Please grant me my freedom, Maru!" Fade's voice resounded clearly in the empty halls while her head was tightly plastered upon the broken tiles of the floors."Why? Why now, Fade?" Maru was at a loss for words.
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Chapter 112
"I know. Thank you, Master Klement." Diana whispered. Although this guy was as promiscuous as any man she knew.At least when push comes to shove, he had presented himself and did not turtle down like the rest."Shall i give him my first time?" Diana added within her mind.This man had been wooing her for some time and there were really no other candidates worthy of her attention.She had already lived for thousands of years and most of her peers preferred to focus on cultivation rather than love which clearly mirrored her own life and dedication.And sh
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Chapter 113
"Oh... Don't worry, Maru. With your power, you could get women and slaves as easy as breathing. And besides, don't you have many of them here right now?HAHAHA! Want to tease and play with the elder sisters?" Tiny Slim offered.Although these mortals were just so so compared to the cultivators like Fade and Lucy, but they were still women and smelt so good to be around.Like flowers who shed its scent to entice the imagination of man.Tiny Slim's fancy wandered because he also felt admiration for some of the lovely outer disciples of the sect."Hahaha! W
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Chapter 114
"Why?" Maru muttered. In his eyes were flowing the tears of lament for the fallen. He could not understand why these people would go to such lengths.“Wasn't death the end? Why embrace it all so freely.” He thought miserably."Supreme Elder?""SUPREME ELDER!" the Elders of the Vestal Virgin Sect called for Maru.The sect was now totally infiltrated and the determined figures of their enemies were now fully upon them.Facing them was certain death and everybody knew of this fact. But they would have no chance of surviving if the one who led th
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Chapter 115
"Let me answer that with your death, Tobias." Ravenal replied. He was now a monstrosity that reached five hundred meters tall."BOOM!" Ravenal's humongous size sported speed that defied comprehension.Only a flash went by before he stood in front of Tobias. His huge mouth swiped low to eat the old grandfather whole."Ding!" a jarring note echoed out and the bouncing mammoth figure receded from his view.Thousands of cultivators were crushed by the immediate repel of might that ensued."You take that snake in the sky, Alric. Please take care of that titan
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Chapter 116
"All of you have fought valiantly today. You are brave warriors and worthy of the banner you stand for.I shall see to it that the Indomitable Titan Sect will flourish anew in your absence." an aged crone addressed the lone man."Hah... Hahh.... Hahhhh....."The two hundred feet tall giant answered not but only tried to breathe his last. And within three breaths, its body started to disintegrate into pieces.“WHOSH!” A blinding light flashed once and after the last shade dimmed, more than a trillion cultivators vanished alongside their combined form.
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Chapter 117
"What happened, Maru? Where are we?" Tiny Slim asked towards his friend.At first, he was watching the war from afar but a sudden change occurred and the next thing he saw was a scene of desolation and wreckage.There was also a transparent glow that surrounded his body and it disappeared as quickly as it had come.The next thing he did was sought for someone amidst these unknown lands. But there was nothing but a lone cry that echoed harshly in the vast emptiness.That's how he found Maru, weeping in the ground. Maru hugged himself and took solace in his own thin hands that cradled his sullied body fiercely.
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Chapter 118
Alric asked because, the same as he was, his friend right here also sported a harem of goddesses in his abode."Those are mere numbers, Alric. A sad replacement of something that's lost and will never come back."Tobias shook his head and sighed. But this pessimistic view did not mirror his own heart.It still rang strong even after all the ages that had passed. A sad tune of longing throughout the years."I don't understand." Alric answered."HAHAHA! You shall, my friend! Soon enough. And may you have better luck than i did." Tobias laughed and hid his
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Chapter 119
“We’re going now, mom! I don’t know what time I’ll come back tomorrow. But I promise to visit, okay?” Maru said and specifically addressed the last of his words to his sister.“Why the change, brother? Is your training getting harder?” Uwyn asked.They had just eaten breakfast and her brother was already now hastily leaving back towards his sect.Uwyn was not heartened by the news because she wanted to go out again together with her brother.“Yes, Uwyn. The elders of the sect are having a hard time fixing a problem they encountered. It resulted in our masters doubling up our exer
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Chapter 120
“What does he mean, Madame Ais?” Maru asked the system as he had no recollection whatsoever of anyone he killed who wore the same peculiar garb of this old Buddhist monk.Even the people who attacked the Vestal Virgin Sect did not resemble the sect robes and its distinct insignia of this person.“A human attacked your sister when you passed out yesterday, Maru.The system took defensive measures which ended in the termination of the life of that particular human.” Madame Ais replied.“I see. Thank you, Madame Ais.” Maru said in his thoughts and could not help but take a deep breath.
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