All Chapters of A.I. : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
563 Chapters
Chapter 121
“The season of recruitment for this year has already passed. Go back from whence you came!” the lone soldier said to the boys.His crimson armors shone brightly under the sun and even his eyes adopted the shade of blood. An obvious consequence of the cultivation technique he delved upon.“Maybe we should just go back, Maru. There are many other sects out there. Let’s skip this one please.” Tiny Slim leaned down to the little boy beside him and whispered softly.He definitely did not like the aura of this place. It reeked of death. Tiny Slim wasn’t too thrilled of apprenticing inside this sect at all.
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Chapter 122
“Are all adults like this?” Maru asked himself. He looked at the old grandfather and shook his head. This was not the time to be soft, he convinced himself and hardened his heart to what came next.“BOOM!” the floors shattered along the knees that were forced to bend down unto its surface.“AHHHHHHHHHH!” the sickly man yelled in pain but his voice carried no further than the 1-meter radius around his broken form.“Who are you? AHHHHHHHHHH! HMMMM.” he roared once more after the unseen force doubled in might.The sickly man found himself kissing the rubbles below as he was totally
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Chapter 123
“Master Corin, these are the new additions of your ward. Train them well. They are Prime Disciples of the Chief Protector.” Master Emil instructed the teacher in charge of the outer disciples.“I will personally see to it that they learn all the teachings of the sect, Master Emil.” Corin replied and bowed his head slightly.“Good. Then I shall leave them to your care.” Emil said and stood back at one corner of the room.“What else…” do you need? was what Corin wanted to say but paused his words before he would make a folly of himself.It seemed that Master Emil wished also
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Chapter 124
“Shouldn’t we bring her to a healer, Teacher?” Maru asked amidst the silent celebration of the few.Only the oily hands and lips showcased their use in full as the children ate their fill without a spoken word after the invitation of Master Corin.“Maru!” Tiny Slim looked at his friend with a hand full of chicken thighs. He blinked comically to signal something indecipherable.“Didn’t you want to stay hidden? Then what are you doing?!” Maru caught the gist of the message but only nodded in response.If worse came to worst, he could just take control of this teacher as well. He th
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Chapter 125
“Thank you.” Sasha replied and decided to take the bowl up with her remaining usable hand. She brought it unto her lips and took a sip at the soup.If the other teacher hasn’t expressed his import in the boy’s food which miraculously came from nothing, then she may have directly rejected the offer out of caution.But what she saw aroused her curiosity and thus, decided to take a risk and try the food out.“Hmmmm.” The soup felt hot as it flowed directly past her broken teeth down her throat and deposited last in her belly.And after only three breaths, Sasha felt her body float in an ocean o
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Chapter 126
“I have the best place for you two boss!” Fatty Feng led the way towards two properly fixed beds on the floors amongst the many inside the boys’ quarters.The halls were bare except for the many scattered mattresses that provided comforts unto the tired bodies of the outer disciples.“So what do you think, boss? Isn’t this spot great?!” Fatty Feng asked after they had arrived at the vacant beds.He had especially prepared these things for the appearance of the two new boys.After Fatty Feng saw the amazing performance of Maru and Tiny Slim, he knew that this was an opportunity worth grabbing
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Chapter 127
"Thank you, b... Maru..." Fatty Feng felt his knees weakened with the sudden relief and he almost collapsed in his spot but a strong arm held him firmly in place."Steady, Fatty Feng. With our friend Maru right here, even if the world shattered in pieces, there will be a safe haven for us. You'll be fine." Tiny Slim assured the boy in his arm.With two big fatties as body buddies, they were certainly a peculiar image in the scene.But no one talked trash to the trio as they were all witnesses to the might of the newcomers earlier this morning.Some of the outer disciples were even harnessing the desire to mimic the shamelessne
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Chapter 128
Maru shook his head and watched with fondness at the satisfied faces of his classmates. At least for now, I did offer them a piece of what they were all missing. Maru thought positively."So you would not give us food even if you can?!" one of the boys said in a huge voice."You greedy bastard!" another rose in a condemning manner."Please, Maru! You have to let us taste those heavenly delicacies once more!" The group pleaded and a select few threw angry words at the pair.But all of this got ignored as Maru just stood there and looked at them in silence.
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Chapter 129
“I grow tired of constant closed door cultivation and find the weather today pleasing for a pause in my tedious practice. You may rise.”The sect master responded and focused his vision on the large dome instead. From his elevated position he could clearly see the faces of the children and their corresponding teachers.These were the seeds of his sect and would someday become strong cultivators themselves.He sighed as he remembered a time when he too, wished to fly amongst the clouds and become the true master of his fate. But looking back now, it seemed that he was too naïve in his simplistic dreams.No one
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Chapter 130
Tiny Slim could have returned the hits he took and broken the bodies of their foes but same as Maru, he knew that it would be a bad precedent to set.And for that, Maru was glad because of the tolerance his friend showed. He was indeed not wrong at picking this friend of his.“Okay, Maru. Beat their asses for me and remember to take the first place for our class.” Tiny Slim relented in the end. He might be strong today but that was because of his friend.Maru could take whatever he provided him in a blink of an eye. Thus, even if he was called a dog or not, he would eat all irrelevant designations if it would mean his continued survival in this world.
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