All Chapters of Addicted to Loving You: The Paranoid and Domineering Boss's Convicted Wife: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
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Chapter 112
Xiao Ziyi almost fainted.She had not been expecting the reason for her suffering such a serious injury to be that Yi Jinli had wanted to vent Ling Yiran's anger for her.Why was it Ling Yiran?!In the past, Hao Meiyu had been a famous beauty! As for Ling Yiran... Well, even if Xiao Ziyi admitted that Ling Yiran was a good-looking woman, after three years of imprisonment, she was now a street sweeper. Without maintaining her looks at all in those years, how beautiful could she be?How could Yi Jinli, who had gotten used to beautiful women, be interested in Ling Yiran?!"So don't go and make trouble for Ling Yiran anymore," Xiao Ziqi warned his sister. "Also, you'd better bury what I said to you today in your heart. Don't say it to anyone. Not even your parents! Yi Jinli said that he doesn't want others to know about it. Me telling you this today is already a big mistake."Xiao Ziyi stopped talking. If it had been someone else, she could still have found a way to vent her anger. B
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Chapter 113
Thinking of this, Xiao Ziqi couldn't help but shiver. He looked at Hao Yimeng next to him.Now, the Xiao family and the Hao family were in the same boat. "Even if Yi Jinli was really interested in Ling Yiran, he wouldn't... take action against both families for a woman, right?"After all, Ling Yiran ending up in that state back then was all her own fault, right?Ling Yiran felt that she had been having a very long dream.In her dream, she felt like she had returned to prison. No matter how hard she tried to escape or plead for mercy, she could not escape the torture.Bone-chillingly cold, filthy water, punches and kicks rained down on her as the people said with mocking tones, "Look, she was a great lawyer, an intellectual. But now, she is just like us. Actually, she's not even better than me right now. She can't even fight back!"How long was she supposed to endure all this suffering? Why... Why did she have to suffer such pain when she hadn't done anything wrong?"Ling Yiran,
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Chapter 114
"But... you're wearing..."Only then did he realize that the outfit he was wearing was the same one that he had worn the day before for dinner with his grandfather."If I were the Jin she knows, I wouldn't be able to afford to wear things like this."However, after all that we went through last night, I don't wish to conceal my identity anymore. After all, I'll have to tell her who I really am sooner or later. If I do it now, it'll just be a bit sooner than originally planned."And once she knows my real identity, it'll be easier for me to take her under my wing.""Even if I'm dressed differently, I'm still Jin, right?" he asked with a faint smile as he looked at her.At that moment, even if Ling Yiran had been an idiot, she would have been able to sense that something was wrong. She realized that there were some things that were not as she had originally imagined."You're not a homeless person?""I'm not," he confessed."Then... why did you pretend to be a homeless person?" A
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Chapter 115
"People can't help but want to protect her at all costs."Too many people call me cruel and cold-blooded, and yet they would never expect that I want to protect her.""It's okay. The thing you feared would happen didn't happen last night. When I rushed over, it was just in time," Yi Jinli said."It really is him... who saved me!"Ling Yiran raised her head and dazedly stared at the face that was inches away from her. "But why did you go there to save me?" She thought to herself, "He didn't even come with me to town yesterday!""Sister, did you forget? You called me and I rescued you," he replied with a faint smile. "Luckily, I got there in time.""After only a phone call, he was able to travel more than a hundred kilometers just in time to save me?!"Ling Yiran felt an indescribable shock coursing through her heart.He spoke as he carried her to the bed and carefully tucked her under the covers. "Sister's hand was cut by the mirror shard. It'll probably take a few days for it t
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Chapter 116
Once he was done talking, he ended the call.Master Yi stared at the phone in his hand for some time before passing it to the attendant nurse."I shouldn't worry? It would be great if it were true and yet sometimes, his lack of self-awareness is the most terrifying thing. Just like my son all those years ago who promised me: 'Dad, I will never forgo the Yi family's responsibilities for a woman.'"And yet, ultimately, my son abandoned the Yi family for a woman. He didn't even want his life!""Look into it and find out who that woman is. I want to know every single detail about that woman," Master Yi ordered calmly."Yes," said a man wearing a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses who was sitting in the corner of the hospital room, his fingers rapidly flying across the laptop keyboard.Ling Yiran lay in the hospital bed, her mind still in a mess. After all, plenty of things had happened within the span of a day and she could not come to her senses.The doctor and nurse had just visit
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Chapter 117
She opened her bag and saw that all of her belongings were still inside.Her mobile phone had been discovered at the Feng residence and had been taken away from her. The phone had been turned off so Ling Yiran restarted it. She saw that her notifications were made up of a series of missed calls and text messages.Some were from her grandmother, a few were from Lianyi, and there were a couple of strange calls as well."I can more or less guess the reason for Grandma calling me, but Lianyi..." She looked at her notifications and realized that Lianyi had called her nearly twenty times.Ling Yiran quickly returned her call.Qin Lianyi hurriedly answered it. "Yiran, is that you?""Yes, my phone was... turned off yesterday. I only turned it on today and just saw your missed calls," Ling Yiran explained.Qin Lianyi let out a long sigh. "My goodness! I called you last night but it didn't go through. You said that you were going to your grandmother's house for New Year's Eve and I was wo
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Chapter 118
Just then, Grandpa Lu's urging tone rang out at the other end of the phone. "Why aren't you asking Yiran to rush to the police station to withdraw the case so that our eldest child and all of the rest can be released!?""Released? Why should they be released? They've committed such an evil act, they should be locked up for as long as they deserve!""They're your own children! Do you have to do this for a person who doesn't share our family name?""What are you talking about? She's my daughter's daughter! Her mother isn't here so this old woman must support her!""Are you doing this so no one will care for you when you're old? Or are you going to depend on your granddaughter who has been to prison to provide for you and attend your funeral?"The two old people continued their argument as if they had forgotten that the call was still connected. A moment passed before her grandmother realized that the phone was still on and said, "Yiran, are you still there?""I'm here," Ling Yiran
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Chapter 119
"Her tears always make me feel a sense of helplessness. It's as if I would be willing to do anything to make her stop crying."Ling Yiran cried out loud and suddenly leaped into Yi Jinli's embrace, bawling noisily.She could not explain why she had done such a thing at this time. And yet, when she hugged him with her face pressed to his chest, it was if she did not need to suppress herself and she could release all the hurt in her heart without fear.Yi Jinli lowered his head and studied the woman sobbing in his embrace. He hugged her gently, letting her cry her heart out.Ling Yiran didn't know how long she had been crying for and when it ended, it was as if there were no more tears for her to shed.Yi Jinli used a tissue to gently wipe the tears from her face. "Sister, can you tell me what really happened?""It's Grandma," she said as she sniffled."Did she come to you to beg for leniency?" he asked, his gaze darkening slightly."No, Grandma just asked if I was fine and told
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Chapter 120
Ling Yiran silently studied the nurse's actions from start to finish. Her expression did not change even when she saw the nasty wound on her palm.Only when the nurse was rebandaging Ling Yiran's right hand with gauze did she unwittingly frown at the pain, but she did not cry out loud."Let me do it. Get out," Yi Jinli ordered the nurse.The nurse bowed out of the room respectfully. Yi Jinli took the gauze and bandaged Ling Yiran's right hand in a very practiced manner. His movements were so gentle and careful that she could barely feel any pain in her hand.When he was done bandaging, he put down the gauze. "Try to use your right hand as little as possible for the next few days. Don't clench your hand into a fist like you did just now. How much more blood do you want to lose?"She studied the dressing that he had done and noticed that the knot was tied very prettily. "You seem to be very practiced in bandaging wounds."Shadows flashed through his eyes rapidly. "I learned some ba
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Chapter 121
Yi Jinli's throat felt tight, and he found himself unable to tell her that he was Yi Jinli.He had planned to tell her his identity!Her long hair flowed down her shoulders and her face looked pale under the light. She looked at him nervously with her almond eyes, as if she was worried over something.Life seemed to have been harsh on her and she had resigned herself to receiving unfair treatment."Sis, rest well in the hospital and don't worry about anything. After you are discharged, I will tell you who I am," Yi Jinli said.Ling Yiran looked at him hesitantly before nodding her head.After she had voiced her concerns, she yawned, feeling tired."Sis, if you're tired, nap a while. The doctor said that you would feel drowsy for the next few days," Yi Jinli said as he helped her to lie down.After a while, Ling Yiran fell asleep.Yi Jinli pursed his lips as he looked at her face. He touched her cheek tenderly and moved his hand to her lips."Sis, tell me, how should I inform
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