Semua Bab Addicted to Loving You: The Paranoid and Domineering Boss's Convicted Wife: Bab 121 - Bab 130
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Chapter 122
After Yi Jinli had squeezed out some toothpaste onto the toothbrush, he filled the cup with warm water before placing it in her hand.Ling Yiran blushed and had no idea how she had managed to brush her teeth a few moments later. She was surrounded by his scent.Yi Jinli took a towel and wet it under the warm running water."I can do it myself..." Ling Yiran said, biting her lips."Isn't it easier if I do it?" he asked.Although what he said was true, they were standing too close to each other! His arms were on her sides, and when he wet the towel and wrung it...Ling Yiran lifted her eyes to look into the mirror.All along, she had known that Yi Jinli was good-looking. However, his forehead was no longer covered by the bangs, and he was in a suit, looking elegant. He seemed high up, beyond one's reach.Ling Yiran hadn't noticed it in the past. Even Lianyi had reckoned that he was not a homeless person, but she had insisted that he was in a similar situation to her and had kept
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Chapter 123
...After Ling Yiran had washed up, Yi Jinli carried her back to bed, and she saw that her meal had been served.Although it was a simple meal comprised of porridge and some other dishes, it looked appetizing. Ling Yiran's tummy suddenly growled loudly."The doctor recommended making you eat food that's easy to digest," Yi Jinli said.He then started to put the dishes on the overbed table for her.If anyone had witnessed the scene, their eyes would have popped out of their heads. Young Master Yi, the man who called the shots in Shen City, was attending to a woman.Ling Yiran took the utensils and started eating her food. When she lowered her head to eat, her long hair kept falling down her face, almost getting into the porridge.Just as she was about to look for a hairband to tie up her hair with, Yi Jinli showed that he was one step ahead of her and said, "Let me do it." As he spoke, he took out a hairband and a comb that had been put to one side.When Ling Yiran saw the logo
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Chapter 124
"This reporter seems unaware that Miss Ling has been imprisoned before. He only knows her name and reckons that he can write a tabloid article about you," Gao Congming said.Yi Jinli said coldly, "Continue to interrogate him. Release him only after you've got all the information you need from him. He mentioned that he saw someone post about this on social media. Go and find out who saw it and who mentioned it!""Got it," Gao Congming replied.When Yi Jinli pushed open the door to the ward and saw Ling Yiran eating her porridge, he wondered if the reporter had chanced upon the news concerning the two of them."Was it a coincidence that we were discovered the night before, or... was there something else?" Ling Yiran lifted her head and saw that Yi Jinli's face had darkened. He seemed unhappy, so she stared at him in amazement.Suddenly, the unhappy aura around him disappeared. A smile broke out on his handsome face and he began behaving as usual."Sis, why are you staring at me?"
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Chapter 125
Xiao Ziyi pursed her lips and smiled as she looked at a woman in the group from the corner of her eyes. She remembered that the woman had gone shopping with Ling Yiran, so she must be her friend. Although she could not vent her frustrations on Ling Yiran, she could do so to her friend!When Qin Lianyi's eyes met Xiao Ziyi's, she got a bad feeling.As expected, shortly after eating dinner, Xiao Ziyi toasted with everybody. As it was inconvenient for her due to her injured leg, everyone took turns to go and toast her.When Qin Lianyi was toasting her, Xiao Ziyi deliberately shook her hand and dropped the wine glass to the floor. The wine splashed over the foot that she had put in a shoe.However, Xiao Ziyi said, "Even if you have no wish to toast me, you shouldn't have made me drop my wine glass. You could have told me that I was not welcome to join you for dinner and I would have left."Qin Lianyi stared at Xiao Ziyi after hearing what she had said. The director immediately stood i
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Chapter 126
Since Qin Lianyi had stood up, naturally, she lifted her hand. Xiao Ziyi was caught unaware and she fell to the ground. The chair that she had been sitting on fell on her and hit the leg of hers that was on its way to recovery.Xiao Ziyi cried out in pain. When the rest of them saw her, they went over to her immediately to help her up."Qin Lianyi, don't you want this job anymore? How can you treat Miss Xiao in this manner?!" the director reprimanded Qin Lianyi angrily.Qin Lianyi sneered, "You're right. I don't want this job anymore. I have had enough of it. I'm merely earning a salary, not selling myself to the design research institute as a slave. Why should I allow myself to be treated in this manner?!"Xiao Ziyi said angrily, "Do you think you can get off scot-free by resigning? I will sue you for inflicting injuries on me!""Go ahead. I will sue you for deliberately hurting me too! I will go to the hospital to get an injury assessment report right away!" Qin Lianyi said as s
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Chapter 127
She was not as weak as she had been on the first day. Her phone rang from time to time with calls from relatives on her mother's side.As for their purposes, there were all kinds. Some of them were begging for forgiveness for their uncles and hoped that she could withdraw the case. Some of them were asking which big shot had taken her away from the Feng family that day.After all, there had been so many police cars tightly surrounding the Feng family that all the neighbors around had seen it.Then, there were some people asking to borrow money from Ling Yiran. They said that since she knew a big shot, she should have a lot of money, and it was expected of her to help her relatives.Ling Yiran was speechless. With regards to this "big shot", even she did not know the true identity of "Jin".However, from what these people said, she slowly managed to piece together some things that Jin had not said. She figured out how she had been rescued from the Feng family that night.Ling Yira
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Chapter 128
"Actually, I'm not too sure either," Qin Lianyi said, "I just bumped into Xiao Ziyi. She mentioned something about Yi Jinli supporting you. She seemed to think that you were together with Yi Jinli. However, the only man to have suddenly appeared beside you is Jin. So, I was wondering if the so-called Jin could actually be Yi Jinli?"After all, from Jin's appearance, it was impossible to tell that he was a homeless person. On the other hand, there was no way of finding photos of Yi Jinli on the Internet at all. She had searched a while ago and only managed to find some distant images taken from afar or some images of him taken from behind. There was no clear image of his face at all.Ling Yiran only felt that the sound of Qin Lianyi's voice was growing fainter and fainter in her ears.She knew that Jin was not an ordinary person, and perhaps he was very rich and noble.She knew that she and Jin were people from two different worlds.However, no matter what, she had never imagined t
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Chapter 129
"..." What a gossip."Why don't you bring that woman over and let us meet her? I'd rather like to know what that woman looks like," Ye Chongwei suggested.After all, in their circle, Yi Jinli had always been cold towards women. Even Hao Meiyu, who had been engaged to Yi Jinli that year, had been treated coldly. It was unprecedented for him to rush over and besiege a house with police cars in the middle of the night, just for a woman.When Ye Chongwei had heard about this, he was stunned. After the incident, he had specially called to ask.However, Ye Chongwei's curiosity made Yi Jinli inexplicably unhappy. He didn't want other men to be curious about her and didn't want her to meet those people. He just wanted to have her in a place where only he could see her.If Ye Chongwei and the others met her, and if she became one of their...Yi Jinli knew that Ye Chongwei's group was quite popular among women, especially Gu Lichen. It seemed that any woman Gu Lichen liked would eventually
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Chapter 130
It was because... it had always been just a game, a game between the rich and the poor.Was he going to tell her his true identity and announce the end of this game when she was discharged from the hospital?However, her calmness made the fear in Yi Jinli's heart more intense. She was clearly standing in front of him, but he felt that the two of them were so far apart."Are you Yi Jinli?" She asked him for the second time. She was still so calm, as if she was simply seeking an answer.His thin lips were tightly pursed. His deep amorous eyes met her clear almond eyes. After a long while, he finally opened his mouth and uttered one word, "Yes".Ling Yiran's heart filled with bitterness. Indeed, this man was really Yi Jinli. Actually, she had been quite certain before, but... she had not given up. She still wanted to hear him say it in person."Okay, I understand." She gently lowered her eyes, bent to pick up the fallen phone, then turned and pulled the glass door to leave.Suddenl
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Chapter 131
"Am I right? Sister?" he exhaled and called her "Sister" like before. The slightly raised intonation at the end seemed to carry a kind of attachment.However, she felt as if mountains were pressing down on her chest, making her almost breathless.Ling Yiran returned to the ward with Yi Jinli. As soon as they entered the ward, Yi Jinli asked the nurse to leave.Suddenly, there were only the two of them.Ling Yiran was sitting rigidly on the chair, her head lowered. She didn't know what he was going to do. If he felt that she wasn't miserable enough after she was released from prison, and wanted to give her another stab, then why did he save her on New Year's Eve?As long as things continued to develop, she would become more miserable, wouldn't she?However, no matter what he wanted to do to her, she was powerless to resist. After three years of imprisonment, she had carried a heavy burden. She understood the cruelty of fate and her insignificance.In the eyes of those lofty peopl
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