All Chapters of Addicted to Loving You: The Paranoid and Domineering Boss's Convicted Wife: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
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Chapter 142
If Yi Jinli really did help Ling Yiran take revenge on the Xiao family, then the Xiao family would lose so much to the point where they would no longer be one of the rich and powerful families in Shen City."Young... Young Master Yi, I..." Xiao Ziqi wanted to defend himself.However, Ling Yiran interrupted him and said to Yi Jinli, "There's no need. He had already become a stranger to me when we broke up back then. I should be thankful. I got to see a relationship clearly because of a car accident."Xiao Ziqi's face turned pale, and he felt defeated. When Ling Yiran said these words, she didn't even look at him."In that case, good." Yi Jinli stood up and walked up to Xiao Ziqi. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "You should thank her for not wanting to take revenge on you. Otherwise, by this time next year, we wouldn't see the Xiao family's businesses in this city."Xiao Ziqi was terrified and he was sweating all over. He could only quickly thank Ling Yiran before he helped
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Chapter 143
"I can't refuse, can I?" She asked.His eyes flashed slightly, and the smile on his face disappeared little by little. He then slowly straightened up and looked down at her. "No, you can refuse. I can give you the right to refuse, but..."After pausing, he looked at her with a faint smile. "Sis, are you sure you want to refuse?"Ling Yiran felt that the air around her seemed to be frozen at this moment. If she agreed, she could indeed get a lot of things or even change her own destiny.If it had been someone else who had said these words to her, perhaps she would have agreed.But, Yi Jinli... She had a kind of fear towards this man. It was true that he had never really tried to deal with her. However, just one sentence from him had caused her much suffering in prison.During the three years of imprisonment and even the court hearing, no one dared to accept her case after hearing that it was Yi Jinli's fiancée who had died in the car accident.Even the false evidence and those wi
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Chapter 144
"As long as Mr. Yi agrees, Miss Ling, you can leave the hospital whenever you wish," the doctor said.Ling Yiran felt an unspeakable feeling. So, she even needed Yi Jinli's consent just to leave the hospital?"Okay, got it," she replied.After the doctor and nurse both left, she walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Reflected in the mirror was a delicate face on which were a pair of crescent-shaped eyebrows and almond eyes, a well-shaped nose, and pink lips. Under the light, there seemed to be a slight glimmer over her face.Such a face would be considered pretty good in an ordinary crowd. However, around people like Yi Jinli, there was never a lack of beauty, and she seemed inadequate by comparison.What exactly did Yi Jinli like about her? Ling Yiran smiled bitterly. Was it just because he had found her mistaking him as a homeless person at the start amusing? Was that why he had continued to keep up this brother and sister charade?She raised her hand an
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Chapter 145
"Yes," Gao Congming quickly replied. He followed Yi Jinli as they left the Yi Residence for the hospital.When Yi Jinli walked into the ward, he saw Ling Yiran sitting on the sofa in a very upright and proper manner.Yes, 'proper,' was Yi Jinli's first impression. Her back was straight and she had placed her hands on her knees. It was a textbook sitting position."Do you want to leave the hospital?" Yi Jinli asked."Mm," she hummed in reply, her gaze subconsciously falling to the scarf around his neck. That was the scarf she had personally knitted for him. At that time, she had been afraid that he would be cold and hoped that in winter he would be able to be a little warmer.However, in fact, she hadn't needed to do this at all. He had no lack of scarves or ways to keep himself warm, so he didn't need her scarf at all."I can give you another chance to make your choice. Think carefully before you answer. Do you really want to refuse staying with me?" he asked.In the past, he ha
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Chapter 146
Ling Yiran's body froze. "That's right. Even if I yell right now, who is going to barge in and save me?"Saving me would be going against Yi Jinli. Who would be so stupid?"When she snapped out of her trance, his lips were kissing hers and he pried open her teeth, tasting all of her sweetness."No! I don't want it to be like this!"Almost subconsciously, she suddenly bit him.In the next moment, Ling Yiran's mouth was flooded with a bloody taste and she was taken aback. "That's... Yi Jinli's blood. I know, I just bit his tongue."Even so, he continued to kiss her, assertively forcing her to swallow his blood!She did not know how much time had passed. When the kiss ended, her lips felt numb and the bloody taste in her mouth was very strong."Did it taste good?" he asked quietly. The corners of his lips were raised and a trickle of blood was slowly flowing down from one side of his mouth.His faint smile was complemented by the dark red blood, making it seem extra bright.She
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Chapter 147
Her body trembled continuously as she vomited. Only when she felt as if she had vomited to the point of collapse and could not throw up any more bile did she slowly raise her head to glance out of the washroom.The man's tall silhouette stood right outside the washroom, his handsome face shrouded with a layer of gloom.His dark eyes stared at her coldly. "Are you that disgusted by me?"Her face was pale and she curled up her body as if she were trying to put a thousand miles of distance between them.Yi Jinli pursed his lips tightly. "When have I ever had to desire a woman like this? I'm Yi Jinli. What kind of woman can't I have in Shen City?"And she's just an ordinary woman. Even if she's slightly interesting... I won't lower myself to chasing a woman who is so disgusted by me.""All right, Ling Yiran. Since you're so disgusted, I'll let you leave," Yi Jinli said coldly. His beautiful and amorous eyes were cold with frost. "However, that being said, if you regret it in the futu
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Chapter 148
Ling Yiran returned to the rental apartment in a state of embarrassment. "It has only been a few days since I left on New Year's Eve and returned but it feels like I've experienced a whole lifetime in that period."She studied the cramped rental apartment and felt as if there was a chilliness in the air. Ling Yiran could not help smiling wryly. "From now on, I'll stay here alone once again."No one will accompany me and talk to me in the still of the night. Moreover, no one will smile as they call me 'Sister'!"She grabbed a set of fresh clothes and washed away her shame before starting to tidy up the house."Although Yi Jinli was here for only a short time, there are so many traces of him in the house. The cutlery, towel, and toothbrush he was using as well as the clothes and shoes he wore..."She cleared up everything and placed them all in a cardboard box."Why not throw them away?" she asked herself. "Keeping these things will just take up space, but I'd rather keep them. It
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Chapter 149
They were still perplexed by the material evidence and the unanimous testimony provided by the witnesses to this very day."How dare those people treat you that way! They only criticize others from a moral high ground without knowing anything at all," Qin Lianyi said indignantly.Ling Yiran calmly replied, "It means nothing to me."Qin Lianyi recalled all the pain in her friend's body and could not help sighing. "When I first welcomed Yiran after she had left prison, I noticed all the wounds on her. There were both fresh and old ones. Although Yiran has never told me about what she endured in prison, I can probably guess."I'm afraid Yiran went through all sorts of hardships in prison.""Is Jin really Yi Jinli?" Qin Lianyi asked, changing the topic of conversation."Yes." Ling Yiran nodded."But... if he's Yi Jinli, why would he pretend to be a homeless person and stay with you in the rental apartment for so long?" she asked. "I can't seem to figure out this point. Does Yi Jinli
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Chapter 150
"Don't worry, it's fine," Ling Yiran answered. "Because actually... everyone at the Sanitation Service Center already knows about the accident that caused Hao Meiyu's death and my three years in prison."The man reclining on the sofa held his cheek with one hand and a glass of red wine in the other, sipping from it occasionally. The man looked beautiful and innocent, and there was a hint of allure that unwittingly emanated from between his brows. It was if a slight glance from him could make anyone fall deep into the tightly woven net within his eyes."Unable to escape or leave, I willingly falling into his trap."And it's no wonder that so many ladies of note in Shen City have feelings for him!" Ye Chongwei studied Yi Jinli as he drank alone and could not help sighing internally. "But they're all feelings and few people have turned those feelings into actions."After all, those who have taken 'action' have irritated Young Master Yi and ended up miserable, even becoming a joke in S
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Chapter 151
Even when she tried to kiss him, he would not allow her to do so.That made her feel ill at ease. After all, he kept switching girlfriends. Everybody knew that he would get tired of whoever he was with every few months.Ling Luoyin was determined to capture his heart. She needed to get herself into his good books, as she wanted to continue staying by his side. The longer she stayed with him, the more things she desired from him.After getting used to the comfortable life that he had provided her with, she didn't want to go back to the kind of life that she had lived in the past.Moreover... Ling Luoyin glanced at Gu Lichen's good-looking face from the side. He could easily capture the average woman's heart, and she was no different.She wanted to be close to him not only because of the good life that he could give her. She wanted him and desired to be intimate with him.When his almond-shaped eyes met hers, her heart would throb. She felt stirred up and desired him.She would us
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