All Chapters of Addicted to Loving You: The Paranoid and Domineering Boss's Convicted Wife: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
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Chapter 152
A shiver suddenly ran down Ling Luoyin's spine. "He's... is he...""Jinli, do you know her?" When Ye Chongwei heard Yi Jinli's comment, he found it strange. Ling Luoyin was a third-rate actress and it was unlikely for her to be acquainted with Yi Jinli."Yes. We've met once before," Yi Jinli replied flatly.Ling Luoyin widened her eyes, her heart almost jumping out of her chest. "He's... the man who was living together with Ling Yiran!" Back then, she had reckoned that he had met Ling Yiran in prison!Ling Luoyin had not expected him to be Yi Jinli, the man who called the shots in Shen City!She almost fainted. "What's happening? Why was Yi Jinli living with Ling Yiran in the run-down rental apartment?!" Gu Lichen was surprised as he looked at Yi Jinli and Ling Luoyin. He then asked, "Luoyin, I never heard you mention that you knew Jinli."Ling Luoyin shivered. She smiled wryly and said, "I didn't know it back then... I mean, I didn't know that he was Mr. Yi." After saying that
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Chapter 153
Even after touching her lips, he would use a clean handkerchief to wipe his fingers, as if she was dirty.Ling Luoyin was puzzled by his actions, but she dared not ask him about it."You don't have to apologize to me. You're my girlfriend and you only need to care about me. As for anything else, you don't have to bother about it," Gu Lichen said.His actions were gentle, as if he was stroking something precious. However, his voice sounded cold and aloof.At times, Ling Luoyin felt that she could not understand him. She had no idea what was going on in his mind or what his desires were."I... understand," Ling Luoyin stuttered.Gu Lichen withdrew his hand and, as usual, took out his handkerchief to wipe his fingers.Ling Luoyin bit her lip. She was determined to capture his heart one day and become his final girlfriend. She wanted to marry him in the future!That was the vow that she had secretly made to herself!The New Year ended in no time. On the eighth day, Ling Yiran went
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Chapter 154
Ling Yiran was used to this kind of person. They looked down on sanitation workers, and even if they knocked into one, they would push the blame on them."Forget it, Sister Xu, it's no big deal," Ling Yiran said as she and Sister Xu continued sweeping the streets. After knocking off from work, Ling Yiran changed out of her uniform. She found a silver bracelet in one of her pockets."When did this bracelet get into my pocket?" Ling Yiran was puzzled. As she was on the night shift, not many people were around. She put away the bracelet and decided to put it at the Lost and Found Counter the following day.When she got back to the rental apartment, it was dark and quiet.In the past, when she got back from her night shift, the house had been bright because Jin had always been waiting for her. However, when Ling Yiran switched on the light, the room was empty. She could not help smiling wryly.When she lay in bed, she took out the bracelet. It must have belonged to a child and the des
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Chapter 155
She reached out for her cellphone to look at the time. It was 3 a.m. and she could sleep for a few more hours.Just as she was about to shut her eyes, she suddenly sat bolt upright. The next instant, she stared in disbelief, her eyes wide open.A man was sitting by the dining table in her rental apartment, playing with the silver bracelet that had been in her pocket.Under the light, the man looked like a painting that been drawn on a piece of rice paper. His brows were thick, and his nasal bridge was high. His lips were thin, and he had a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes. When he curled his lips and looked at her, he seemed cold and aloof.As he looked at her, Ling Yiran felt as if he was a mirage."Is this man real? Am I... dreaming?""Are you awake?" The man's voice broke the silence in the room.Ling Yiran suddenly came to her senses and realized that she was not dreaming. Everything was real!"You, who are you? Why are you in my apartment in the middle of the night?" Ling Yi
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Chapter 156
"Wait..." Ling Yiran suddenly shivered. She looked at the man with even more confusion. How... how had he known that the bracelet was with her?She had found it in the pocket of her work uniform when she had gotten off work.However, this man had known that the bracelet was with her. Then, he had even found out where she lived and silently barged in...To be able to do such a thing, who on earth was this man?"You picked up this bracelet, what reward do you want? As long it isn't too excessive, I can give it to you." Gu Lichen lowered his head and looked down at the woman in front of him.He had planned to leave directly with the bracelet, but when he saw the woman's sleeping face, he had decided to remain in the house.He thought, maybe, he wanted to see what this woman looked like when she opened her eyes.Now, she had really awoken. She had a pair of extremely beautiful almond eyes, the deep and dark pupils clearly contrasting with the sclera. The eyelashes that curled upward
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Chapter 157
—Ling Yiran had heard Gu Lichen's name before.After all, the Gu family was in charge of all kinds of businesses within the entertainment industry. Some even said that in the entertainment industry, whoever Gu Lichen wanted to be successful would become successful. If Gu Lichen wanted to suppress someone, then they would never be able to be successful for the rest of their lives.From this, one could tell how influential Gu Lichen was in the entertainment industry.When she had been dating Xiao Ziqi, she had once heard Xiao Ziqi mention him. Although the Xiao family was also considered rich and powerful in the city, compared to the aristocratic Gu family, the Xiao family was lacking.Xiao Ziqi, of course, was not qualified to make friends with Gu Lichen.As for the other "hearsay", it had come from the mouths of those gossipy women in the Sanitation Service Center. It was said that Gu Lichen was indifferent and difficult to get along with, but he never was short of girlfriends.
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Chapter 158
After a few more days, the scar on her palm would fade away, just like the memory of what had happened between her and Yi Jinli. As time passed, it would disappear as if nothing had happened.Ling Yiran gently balled her hands into fists and walked out of the Sanitation Service Center.Before she could get very far, a silver-grey Porsche blocked her way. A slender figure got out of the car. It was the protagonist who had been being discussed by the girls in the Sanitation Service Center—Gu Lichen."Is there something wrong?" Ling Yiran asked."I want to treat you to a meal to thank you," Gu Lichen said. He directly opened the passenger seat door, clearly indicating that he wanted Ling Yiran to get into the car."I didn't do anything to help you with your bracelet, so you don't need to thank me," Ling Yiran said, raising her foot to try to get past him.However, just after she had taken a step, he suddenly raised his hand and blocked her way. His phoenix eyes were fixed on her, bu
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Chapter 159
As Ling Yiran ate the dishes, she still could not figure out exactly what Gu Lichen wanted to do. Did he really just want to thank her, so he was treating her to a meal?"Miss Ling used to be Xiao Ziqi's girlfriend?" Gu Lichen suddenly asked halfway through the meal.Ling Yiran's hand suddenly froze on the chopsticks. She lowered her head and said, "Yes." Indeed, people like him would have already investigated her thoroughly before having a meal with her."The reason you broke up with him was because of the car accident that year?" he continued to ask."So what if it was?" She lifted her head and asked back, "Mr. Gu, the person whom I knocked down and killed back then was Yi Jinli's fiancée. In Shen City, who would dare to associate with me?""I dare," he said.Ling Yiran was stunned. She looked at the person in front of him with a surprised expression, and her mind suddenly went blank."What do you think? Do you want to try being with me?" he asked.Hearing these words, not o
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Chapter 160
"Pah!"A crisp slapping sound rang out.Due to how abrupt it was, Ling Yiran had no time to react. It was not until she felt a burning sensation on her face that she realized what had happened."You must be that vamp!" the other party said hatefully. "I hadn't been expecting you to ask Lichen to bring you to a place like this for dinner. You're just a third-rate celebrity. Do you really think you'll be able to secure the position of being his girlfriend? Let me tell you, it won't be long before you're dumped by him!"Ling Yiran looked up. Surprisingly, she recognized who the person who had slapped her was!Zhong Rongrong had originally been a second-tier actress who often played some supporting roles. However, after getting together with Gu Lichen, she had become famous with his support.Some had previously wondered if Zhong Rongrong would be Gu Lichen's last girlfriend. After all, Zhong Rongrong had been the one to stand by Gu Lichen's side the longest.However, unexpectedly, Z
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Chapter 161
It was just this time, the one who was being beaten and the one carrying out the beating had been reversed.Zhong Rongrong covered her face with her hands and her expression was one of disbelief. "You... you hit me?""Since you can hit me, why can't I hit you back?" Ling Yiran retorted. Even if she had to take responsibility, Zhong Rongrong wouldn't end up any better."Who do you think you are? You're just a third-rate celebrity. What right do you have to hit me?" Zhong Rongrong was going crazy with anger.Although Ling Yiran was not the "celebrity" as she was called by the other party——"What about you? You're just a small-time celebrity yourself, and if it weren't for Gu Lichen, do you think you'd be what you are today? You ran over here in such a fluster today only because you broke up with Gu Lichen and you're afraid that you'll lose everything. Everything you have was built on this man's willingness to help you. Do you really think that you're a more noble person than me?"L
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