All Chapters of Addicted to Loving You: The Paranoid and Domineering Boss's Convicted Wife: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
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Chapter 172
He casually leaned forward, closing the gap between their faces. His cheek came in contact with her cheek, gently caressing it. However, the words that came out of his mouth next were enough to send goosebumps rising from her skin and bones."None of my business? But I am capable of finding out the answers if I want to. Should I let something happen to him? Then I’ll find out the level of importance he has to you..."Ling Yiran trembled as she glared at Yi Jinli. "What are you going to do? We're just pure colleagues. We do not have anything going on!""But he has feelings for you, isn't it?" he mumbled as his thumb gently rubbed against her lips.Her lips abruptly felt heated as if the spot that came in contact with his thumb was about to go up in flames."Don't... do anything to him," her lips trembled as she spoke these words with difficulty."Does that mean you care about him?" His breath and voice had the power to lower anyone's defenses, but the gaze he had was so sharp that
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Chapter 173
Yi Jinli pulled Ling Yiran into the car and ordered, “Get us to Royal Court.”“Okay.” Gao Congming acknowledged as he carefully observed the expression of the two people sitting behind via the rearview mirror.Ling Yiran’s head was lowered, thus he could not see her expression. However, Yi Jinli’s mood seemed to be less moody compared to before he entered Ling Yiran’s place. ‘Hmm, I guess it’s considered a good thing,’ Gao Congming thought to himself.The Royal Court Restaurant was Shen City’s famous restaurant. It mainly served traditional palace court dishes, so prices here were exorbitant as well. The diners here solely comprised of the rich and famous. Regular people would not be able to afford a meal here.When the car came to a halt at the entrance of the Royal Court, Yi Jinli naturally held Ling Yiran’s hand once they got out of the car.She wanted to pull her hands out of his grip, but his hold on her was firm. “Sis, don’t move. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee what method I
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Chapter 174
However, compared to the nauseating sensation, she was more afraid of losing her luxurious lifestyle. She was afraid of needing to live like a regular person—working a fixed job from nine to five and becoming prudent when buying any luxury bags.Zhao Mantian feared to lead that sort of life.For Zhao Mantian, she thought of herself as someone who should rightfully lead the upper class life while looking down at Ling Yiran and others of her kind. Now that Ling Yiran had witnessed her currying up to a fatty, the anger in her heart heightened.“Mantian, do you know her?” the short and chubby man next to Zhao Mantian asked.“Yeah. She just came out of jail not too long ago and now works as a road sweeper!” Zhao Mantian viciously revealed Ling Yiran’s identity before looking at the manager. “Since when does Royal Court allow even a road sweeper to dine here?”Yi Jinli’s back was facing Zhao Mantian, so she did not see him.Unfortunately, the manager could!Right now, he was trembling
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Chapter 175
No matter how big a bimbo Zhao Mantian was, she knew that she had just committed a great offense.‘Since when did Ling Yiran get to know such a handsome and rich man?’ Jealousy rose within Zhao Mantian, but soon, she realized that the man looked rather familiar.It was as if she had seen him somewhere before.Suddenly, Zhao Mantian’s eyes lit up. She said, “You’re... the pretty boy that belongs to Ling Yiran?”When that was said out loud, the manager’s expression changed instantly. Mr. Zheng nearly fell to the ground, wishing that he did not know such a woman like Zhao Mantian.Nobody in the whole of Shen City dared to say such a thing to Yi Jinli unless they were asking for a death wish!Yi Jinli smirked as he looked at Zhao Mantian, but his gaze was exceptionally cold.“Mantian, what nonsense are you spouting! This is the president of Yi Group, Yi Jinli!” Mr. Zheng anxiously explained.Zhao Mantian widened her eyes in disbelief.‘This man... is Yi Jinli?!‘Impossible! Why w
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Chapter 176
Such an intimate action sent chills running down the manager and Mr. Zheng’s spines as fear crept up in their hearts.It was said that Yi Jinli never had any woman beside him all this while. Even with his late fiancée, Hao Meiyu, both of them remained courteous toward each other. Nobody ever saw him being so close to another woman before.Plus, he was demanding justice for a woman in public?Zhao Mantian knelt and stuttered as she made her apology. “Yiran, it... it is my fault. I shouldn’t have said such things to you. I... I’ll never do that again. Please forgive me!”Ling Yiran observed Zhao Mantian but did not feel any pity for her. After all, Zhao Mantian had never been merciful toward her either. Ling Yiran was not a saint who could sympathize with someone who had always mocked her.However, she just did not like such methods. Even if Zhao Mantian had knelt down to apologize, she did not have a sliver of pleasure in her heart.“Sis, do you want to forgive her?” Yi Jinli mumb
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Chapter 177
‘Yi Jinli has been backing Ling Yiran ever since then!’-Ling Yiran followed Yi Jinli into a private room. Once Ling Yiran sat down, Yi Jinli asked the manager to bring in some appetizers first.“Come on, eat a little to ease the hunger pangs first. The appetizers here taste quite nice.” He took a piece of appetizer as he spoke and brought it in front of her.Ling Yiran looked at the appetizer in front of her and hesitated for a moment before she received it and ate.Yi Jinli then personally placed the menu in front of Ling Yiran. He said, “Sis, take a look and see if there is anything you want to try.”“Never mind. You can order on my behalf. I don’t have any particular requests.” Even while she was eating such a delicately-made appetizer, it was as if her tongue had a layer of wax. She could not properly enjoy the taste of the food.Yi Jinli squinted his eyes and stared at Ling Yiran.At that moment, the atmosphere abruptly became chilly.The manager who was still in the pr
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Chapter 178
Her body went stiff, and she instinctively looked away. She did not want him to see her current expression.“But have you ever considered that it’s precisely because I’m Yi Jinli that I was able to make your old schoolmate kneel and apologize to you when she humiliated you earlier? With me around, you no longer needed to worry yourself with anybody else’s attitude toward you. I can easily make those who look down on you to humble themselves in front of you,” he said ever so casually.“So what? That kind of power is not mine to begin with.”“Why isn’t it good? I can let you abuse my power. What do you think?” He lazily leaned on the back of the chair, looking at her as if he was discussing the weather.Ling Yiran looked at him. No matter how she tried, she was unable to read him. She thought that when she had gone to beg him the other day, the way he rejected her meant that they would now move on with their lives separately. She thought that they would no longer have any contact wit
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Chapter 179
At that moment, someone knocked on the door to the private room.Yi Jinli effortlessly answered, “Come in.”The door opened. It was the manager and a few waiters who were bringing in the dishes. Ling Yiran wanted to pull her hands back, but Yi Jinli held onto her hands firmly. He said, “Don’t move. They’re still so cold.”At that moment, the manager and waiters all had their gaze on the two pairs of interlocked hands. This caused Ling Yiran’s face to heat up.Yi Jinli continued to warm Ling Yiran’s hand as if there was nobody else in the room.‘Is... this really Young Master Yi? The legendary Young Master Yi who’ll strip a woman off her clothes and throw her into the streets if she tried to seduce him on purpose?‘It’s said that Young Master Yi has zero interest in women, yet right now, he is being so gentle toward such a... plain-looking woman!’This scene was too shocking to be true!Luckily, the manager quickly got a hold of himself and cleared his throat. He hurried the wai
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Chapter 180
“Until I’m satisfied,” he replied.She bit on her lip as she lowered her eyelids. She stared at the glass of wine in his hand. The lights in the room reflected on her face, and her lightly fluttering lashes made her look indescribably pleasant.As if he could read her mind, he said, “You’re afraid that I’ll take advantage of you once you’re drunk? There are plenty of ways for me to get women. I don’t need to use this sort of method. Besides, even if I were to do anything to you right here and now, nobody will bat an eyelid.”‘Fair enough.’ Ling Yiran mocked herself for overanalyzing things.She took the wine glass and gulped it down.Bitterness and dry sweetness filled her throat as the wine flowed in.She was not used to drinking wine. Back then, she would only drink champagne whenever she needed to socialize for work.At that time, she was still Xiao Ziqi’s girlfriend, thus nobody would force her to drink too much.Yi Jinli refilled Ling Yiran’s glass with more wine. She rais
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Chapter 181
She completed her sentence in broken pieces.“I will,” he replied. After all, he had promised her. Since he had seen how she looked like when drunk, then he should fulfill her wishes to let those people go.”He took the glass from her hand and drank from it.She must be very drunk. Otherwise, she would not have called him ‘Jin’ again.He just never realized how much he enjoyed hearing her call him ‘Jin’. The way she gently called him ‘Jin’ made him feel that someone was watching and waiting for him within the darkness that shrouded him.She smiled again in an extremely sweet manner. Then, she slumped against him as if she had completed her mission. Her arms curled around his neck. “Jin, I’m... I’m so sleepy. I feel like... sleeping...”She mumbled before she fell asleep in his arms.He looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms.When she was sober, she would always be so alert against him. Now that she was asleep, her guards against him could be put down.“Sis, you look mu
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