All Chapters of Sir Ares, Goodnight!: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
2667 Chapters
Chapter 211
“Rose Loyle!”Rose was about to reach for the door when she heard Jay’s languid voice that drew her back in. “You slept with me, and now you want to run?”Rose turned around and shrank her neck like an ostrich. Her voice was slightly trembling. “It wasn’t on purpose, Sir Ares!”Jay opened the bedding, and his legs loomed under the bathrobe. He walked to Rose’s side and pushed the door panel with one hand.The door was then automatically locked. Rose felt like she was a bird in a cage. Then, she thought about how he retaliated after sleeping with him for the first time. She was afraid it would be impossible to escape this time around.“I’m sorry, Sir Ares. I went over my limits last night.” Rose was choking back tears at this point.“Rose Loyle.” Jay lifted her chin. He forced her to stare into his stern, solemn eyes.“From now on, you’re not allowed to drink.” He gritted his teeth.“Why not?” In fact, Rose wanted to ask him, ‘Why does it matter to you whether I drank or not?’
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Chapter 212
Jay Ares was surprised. “Why aren’t you watching children’s programs?”Baby Robbie was so hungry that he answered weakly, “Can’t you tell, Daddy? I’m trying to sate my hunger by looking at food.”Jay was taken aback.“If you’re hungry, why didn’t you wake Daddy up to cook for you?” he asked.Jenson replied coolly, “Daddy and Mommy are committed to the prosperity of the family and are working hard to create humans. We should support Mommy and Daddy.”Baby Zetty turned to look at Jay and asked, “Are we about to have baby brothers and sisters soon?”Jay Ares: “…”“Who said we’re making humans?” Jay asked in amusement.Jenson and Baby Zetty both pointed at Baby Robbie.Baby Robbie explained innocently. "Mommy said that after you slept with her, the stork brought us to you. Last night, Daddy and Mommy slept together, so the stork will be bringing children to you again."After pausing for a moment, Baby Robbie’s expression lit up with a look of anticipation. “I want three more brot
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Chapter 213
Eminent Honor Co. Ltd.President Zayne Severe was summoning his entrepreneurial partners and the company's key employees for an emergency meeting.“During this period, there have been persistent attacks by hackers on our network system. But I don’t understand. Eminent Honor has only been listed recently, and we’re not a powerful company. So who would have their sights set on us?” Zayne’s best friend, Francis Greene, asked.Zayne did not hold back with his reply. “Eminent Honor might be nothing big, but it’s supported by the Severe family’s wealth. Back in his younger days, my old man did many evil deeds and annexed too many small and medium-sized enterprises. He has made too many enemies, and many people have put a target on the Severe family’s back.“The most urgent task at the moment is to restore network order immediately. Eminent Honor’s foundation has never been stable. If it operates abnormally for a long time, it'll affect the customer's experience."However, we have mobili
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Chapter 214
At that moment, Rose Loyle was puzzled. Why did her brother, Zayne Severe, not guard the Severe family's massive industry but chose to run to Imperial Capital to start a company from scratch?Unlike other aristocratic families, Zayne and her were the only two legitimate descendants of the Severe family. Even though her father had a mistress on the side and they had an illegitimate child, her grandfather never allowed them into the Severe family.In her grandfather’s eyes, he only had two grandchildren, which were her and Zayne."President Severe!" Rose hid her conflicted emotions and greeted Zayne with a slight smile.Zayne smiled dryly. “Rose, you came just in time. The company has been attacked by anonymous hackers. The hackers are tampering with our data. It's now time for you to show off.”A hacker blatantly tampered with the data of the target company, which was very provocative.However, if such a mad hacker encountered someone more skilled than him, he would be defeated ve
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Chapter 215
Rose Loyle methodically restored Eminent Honor's paralyzed network and repaired its original data, but was intercepted when investigating the hacker's IP.Inside the meeting room, Zayne Severe and the company staff saw that the big, black screen had returned to normal. After the network system could be launched normally, their faces lit up with surprised expressions.They also let out sighs of relief.Zayne let out a sigh of surprise and exclaimed, “Amazing.” Then, he got up and headed to the computer room.“Rose Loyle, you’re the hero of Eminent Honor. What reimbursements would you like? A raise? A promotion? I can give you anything you want,” Zayne entered the computer room and said expressively.“No thanks.” Rose rejected him promptly.Rose was focused on trying to decipher the opposing hacker’s IP address. She had to figure out who the hacker who tried to sabotage Zayne was.Francis Greene stared at Rose thoughtfully.Rose was a legendary hacker, yet she was willing to work
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Chapter 216
"No, Swallow City."“Why did President Severe come all the way here? Why didn’t you start your business somewhere closer to home?” Rose Loyle asked.“I wanted to transfer the crisis of my family business… ” Before Zayne had a chance to finish, Francis started coughing continuously.Zayne quickly changed the topic. "I want to build an empire of my own."“Is President Severe married?”“Not yet.”“Aren’t your parents anxious?”“No, but my grandfather is. He’s so anxious that he fell ill.”When Rose heard that her grandfather was sick, there was a slightly dumbfounded look in her eyes.Her grandfather had always been strong and healthy. Why did he suddenly fall ill?“Is the old man okay?” she asked worriedly.Francis glanced at her from the rearview mirror, assessing Rose’s every move. Her concern for Old Man Severe seemed genuine.Zayne suddenly became crestfallen and said gloomily, “Ever since my younger sister passed away, the old man fell ill from all the grief. He hasn't b
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Chapter 217
Zayne Severe and Francis Greene let down their guards.Even if it was Jay Ares, he was just Rose Loyle’s ex-husband. It was all in Rose’ past. At least it would prove that Rose and Sir Ares’ relationship was fractured.However, this idea was quickly overturned.When the three of them walked out after their meal, they saw Jay’s Rolls-Royce parked by the road outside the hotel. Jay opened the car door and stepped out, walking toward them loftily.Zayne clenched his fists. The blood strands in his eyes seemed to be dyed red, shining with a demonic glint.“Jay Ares.” He gritted his teeth.Jay walked over, his cold gaze meeting Zayne’s vicious one. He drawled, “It has been a while, Zayne Ares.”After greeting Zayne, Jay turned to Rose and said, “I’m here to bring you home.”Rose was flattered. “I can go home myself.”Zayne suddenly lost his mind. He threw the drink in his hand onto the ground and roared at Rose. “Didn’t you say that he's your ex-husband? Why are you still living to
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Chapter 218
To help Zayne Severe, Rose Loyle was willing to cut off her ties with Jay Ares.“Rose, you have to think this through. If you leave the Ares house, you'll never be able to see your son again.” Jay threatened her.Rose tried her hardest to stop her tears from overflowing. She felt very conflicted.She felt sorry for her brother and grandfather. At that moment, Rose could only think about repenting for the hurt that she had brought upon the Severe family.She said pitifully, “Is this not what you want?”Jay, who had initially come here in high spirits just to join the ruckus, became enraged upon hearing her words. He said angrily, “You’re willing to abandon your son for this useless job? Is that it?”Rose looked at him, her tears now streaming down her face. “If I wanted my son, would you give him to me? If I fought with you, wouldn’t it still be pointless? I might as well just give up now and do something useful.”Her troubled expression made Jay swallow all his bitterness.He u
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Chapter 219
Rose stared at the anxious and depraved Zayne with reddened eyes. Zayne’s hatred toward Jay Ares was as deep as her love for him.It could not be changed.She walked up to Zayne slowly and said softly, “President Severe, I'm grateful for your help during my time of need. In the future, if Eminent Honor ever encounters any technical issues, you can contact me at any time. Don't worry, as a hacker it's my professional ethic to not reveal my client's secrets. I won't leak any of Eminent Honor's data. Also…”Rose suddenly stood up on her tiptoes and positioned her lips next to Zayne's ear. It was a gesture that seemed extremely intimate. "Be careful of the Bell family of Imperial Capital's Four Great Aristocratic Families."Zayne looked taken aback. “Are you trying to cause a rift between us?”Rose felt helpless against her brother’s suspicions.“Just be cautious of them. Time will prove my innocence.” As soon as she said that, Rose took a step back and increased the distance between
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Chapter 220
When Jay Ares did not succeed in consoling her, he became surprisingly angry. “Rose Loyle, know your boundaries.”Rose stared at him, gulped, and said timidly, “I didn’t beg you to help me though?”Jay completely gave up on her. “I can’t be bothered with you.”After that, the atmosphere in the car turned icy.The two of them did not speak. When Grayson saw that the president was unhappy, he quickly turned on the music, hoping to adjust the atmosphere.The song was from Angeline Severe’s concert. Jay and Rose were already giving each other the cold shoulder. When he suddenly heard Angeline's voice, Jay felt a surge of anger rise within him. This ignorant fool. He barked at Grayson, "Turn it off."Rose stared at the grumpy Jay, thinking that she was infatuated with him, yet he could not even stand to hear the sound of her voice. She suddenly felt like they were standing on two opposite ends of the earth.“I want to hear it.” She protested softly.Jay stared at her. After seeing t
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