All Chapters of Sir Ares, Goodnight!: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
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Chapter 191
"Add more spice in it." Jay reminded her on purpose.Rose stared blankly at him. In just two days, this man had eaten an extra meal, consumed alcohol, and was now asking for added spice. He was completely breaking his conventional diet habits. Was he only going to stop after he triggered his digestive disorders?Rose did not retort, though she deliberately bought him chicken soup when she went out to buy his meal.Jay stared at the bland chicken soup before examining Rose with an obscure and unfathomable gaze."You can’t be so poor that you can only afford chicken soup, right?" Jay mocked her.Rose explained in a hurry. "There are too many patients. There was only chicken soup left for breakfast today. Just try and put up with it."This hospital was very near to Grand Asia Hospital, hence most patients nearby would choose Grand Asia Hospital that was equipped with better and more extensive infrastructure. For that reason, business in this hospital had been immensely sluggish. Nee
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Chapter 192
"Please come inside, Mr. Ares." Old Master Loyle greeted their distinguished guest politely.Jay walked in a calm and composed manner into the Loyle residence’s living room as if entering the doorstep of his own house.Grayson brought him a chair and wiped the seat several times with a tissue. It was only then did Jay take a seat."To what do we owe this honor of your presence, Mr. Ares?” Old Master Loyle asked carefully."Old Master Loyle, do answer my question honestly if you don't want Loyle Enterprise to go bankrupt. If I’m satisfied with your answer, then I’ll consider giving the Loyle family a way out," Jay said faintly.Overwhelmed by the favor, Old Master Loyle said, "I’ll tell you all I know without holding back and answer all of your questions, Mr. Ares.""I want every information about Rose from birth up until now. Tell me everything you know." Jay stressed the word ‘everything’ in particular.Old Master Loyle was taken by surprise. "Every information about Rose?"Sy
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Chapter 193
Jay became attentive, staring at Madam Loyle with keen eagle eyes. "Which part in particular was strange?"Madam Loyle recalled the scene of the accident seven years ago very seriously. She was looking more and more uneasy."I have no idea how Angeline and Rose ended up together in that car accident. The two lay on the grass together. Angeline died tragically, whereas Rose was shielded in Angeline’s arms. Although her body wasn’t dismembered or mutilated nor looked as gruesome as Angeline’s, she was no longer breathing after the fall."When we rushed to the scene of the car accident, even the doctor had pronounced Rose dead. Who would’ve thought that after she was placed in the morgue for a day and night, she suddenly came back to life?! We were so terrified because we thought that we had seen a ghost!Old Master Loyle continued, "Now that you mentioned it, after that car accident, Rose seemed to have changed for some strange reasons. She no longer asked the Loyles for money and ev
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Chapter 194
Then upon hearing Grayson's theory of transmigration, his heart could not contain the hope and ecstasy radiating from his very being at this moment.‘Is that really the case?‘Did you really return, Angeline?’As soon as Grayson parked the Rolls-Royce at the villa's entrance parking lot, Jay pushed the door open eagerly without even bidding farewell to Grayson and hurried toward the villa entrance.Grayson looked at the somewhat abnormal Mr. Ares and shook his head helplessly. No matter what it was, Mr. Ares would lose control as long as the matter had something to do with Angeline.Grayson was already used to it.Jay pushed the door in. The spacious house was quiet and peaceful.Jay closed the door behind him, leaned his back against the anti-theft door, and took a quick hard breath. When he had soothed his surging emotions, he finally lifted his foot to walk up to the second floor.Standing at the corner of the stairs, Jay cast his eyes over Rose's room. Slowly and solemnly,
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Chapter 195
Rose protested. "Sir Ares, I spent only 2,000 bucks for your hospitalization fee. Why did you give me 200,000 bucks?"Rose grabbed the phone and was about to return the money to him, but Jay's broad hand pressed onto hers…When his broad hand was placed over her tiny hand, his touch that Rose felt on her skin had her pulling away nervously. Her earlobes flushed crimson at once.As Jay stared at the bashful Rose, a trace of smile emanated from his eyes."It’s for your living expenses." He explained.Rose's eyes widened. "For a year? That’s too much, don’t you think?"Jay corrected her. "For a month!"Rose, “...”"Are we supposed to eat caviar and oysters all day? Sir Ares, you may not be afraid of having indigestion, but the children will be too full from having too much to eat and end up with digestion problems." Rose looked at Jay with a concerned expression.Jay’s head hurt. Could she not tell that he was trying to lessen her burden in another way? This lass’ brain glitch re
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Chapter 196
When they arrived at the kindergarten, the teacher asked other parents to bring their children home first. Hence, Jay and Rose could only stand on one side and wait.Jay was forced to go through an attention ceremony by the students’ parents. He wore an extremely sullen look on his face. He pulled a long face as he stood very still on one side.Rose was guilt-ridden now.Jay had always been the prodigy that others would wait for since he was a child. To have him wait for others today was probably a volcano eruption waiting to happen, right?"Sir Ares, perhaps you can head back first. I’ll stay here and wait..." Rose suggested guiltily.She had disciplined the two little devils when they did something wrong yesterday. Today, it seemed that her discipline methods had produced very little results.The homeroom teacher suddenly butted in and said, “Please stay, Mr. Ares. I’d like to have a word with you about the issues of the children’s education."Jay nodded.Rose's head dropped
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Chapter 197
Rose dropped her head. The children were clearly the ones who had done something wrong, yet why was she the one getting admonished instead?"I was wrong, Sir Ares," she replied feebly in a perfunctory manner.A trace of an inexplicable smile emerged in Jay's long and narrow eyes. He recalled the look on young Angeline's face when she was being admonished. Just like how Rose was acting now, she would hang her head and look as though it was the end of the world. She would listen in fear and trepidation as he reprimanded her.Jay shifted his gaze to the munchkins and reprimanded sternly. "We’ll go home right now."Baby Robbie and Jens followed behind Daddy like two walking zombies, sighing dejectedly.Rose held the hand of the tearful Baby Zetty and followed behind him restlessly.When they got home, Jay sat loftily on the couch. He crossed his long slender legs as he stared at the three munchkins standing in front of him with a dark countenance.Rose stood next to them, looking li
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Chapter 198
Baby Zetty burst into tears as she threw herself in Mommy's arms and wailed sadly."Mommy, my classmates said that I only have a poor mother and no rich father."Baby Zetty sniffed sadly as she choked with sobs. "The teacher said in class that this is called having the same mother but different fathers.""In order to stick up for me, Robbie scolded the group of children who laughed at me while Jenson argued with the teacher because of me.""It’s all my fault, Mommy. Robbie and Jens were scolded because of me. I’m not a good child."Rose felt as though she was pricked by needles after hearing what she said.Her biological father was clearly living under the same roof as her, but the sense of alienation he displayed in front of Baby Zetty had broken the child’s fragile heart over and over again. As a result, Baby Zetty was deeply affected when other students laughed at her for not having a father. That was why she was crying so sadly.Suddenly, she took Baby Zetty's hand and walke
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Chapter 199
Rose looked at Sean in astonishment. "What’s he doing here?"Jay looked completely speechless. He turned his head and interrogated Rose in a cold voice, "Weren’t you the one who invited him?"Rose shook her head. "Not me."The frost in Jay's eyes dissipated slightly. His long and slender legs strode forward as he marched out of the hollow iron gate between the floral brick walls in an awe-inspiring manner. When Sean saw Jay, he stood up straight and gazed at Jay with a charming smile."Sean, are you trying to be my gate pier stone? Why are you standing in front of my gate early in the morning?" Jay's enchanting peach-blossom eyes were stained with a faint smile.Sean's dazzling smile vanished without a trace. "Mr. Ares, you’re not the reason why I’m here at the Ares’ residence today. I’m here for the beautiful Ms. Loyle."Having said that, he darted a seductive glance at Rose who was following closely behind.Rose was so embarrassed that she was anxious to dig a hole in the gr
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Chapter 200
Rose was indeed curious to know why Stephanie had set her up when there was no enmity between them.Rose glanced at Sean and said, "Wait here. I’ll send the children to the kindergarten and come back as soon as I can."She refused to go with Sean for fear that others would get the wrong idea about their innocent relationship.Sean said in a sour tone, "You think I’m not good enough? Are you ashamed to walk with me?"Rose replied straightforwardly, "I'm worried that the rumors will hurt the children."Sean was slightly startled after hearing what she said, and a strange feeling rippled in his heart.He was moved!It was definitely a blessing for the children to have such a considerate mother.After all, he had never felt such warmth from his parents since childhood.From what he could remember, his parents had just quarreled endlessly in front of him ever since he was old enough to be sensible. His dad was out working hard to make a living and ended up having promiscuous relati
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