All Chapters of Sir Ares, Goodnight!: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
2667 Chapters
Chapter 181
Angeline had an untainted aura. Her eyes and brows carried the bliss of a girl who was cherished since childhood. There was also the arrogant, confident, and extraordinary aura that emanated from her very being as a scholar-tyrant.Whether it was the special combination of strength and gentleness that was etched deep in her core or her exceptional and pure otherworldly aura, she was simply too outstanding.Rose, on the other hand, wore attire with vibrant colors that were pieced together. She looked devastated with tears streaming down her face. She clearly had beautiful features and an alluring body, but every advantage portrayed on her just seemed like a reckless waste of God’s creation.She had succeeded in concealing her superior qualities and highlighting the unrefined side of herself as a country bumpkin.Seven years ago, Angeline and Rose were total opposites.A great astonishment manifested on Jay's handsome face. Why, after seven years, did Rose reflect so many vivid shad
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Chapter 182
Heavens knew how much time and energy he had spent on Angeline. Since she was ten, he had already started making attempts to train her into a like-minded partner. He helped her develop her hobbies and tried his best to spend time with her. She was the only girl who could share a close physical relationship with him.As she was still too young, he would constantly suppress his feelings so that she could live a pure and innocent life just like other ordinary girls.If he had known that she would leave him so soon, then he would not have done his utmost to suppress himself and would have done it the first day she entered adulthood itself.Grayson looked at the crimson-eyed Mr. Ares. He had worked with Mr. Ares for the last few years and knew that Angeline was a taboo subject. He was here to investigate Rose today, but the investigation ended up involving Angeline as well. What a fascinating thing fate was."Mr. Ares, Rose was on the scene during Ms. Severe’s car accident. Don’t you th
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Chapter 183
Whenever Angeline drew his portrait, it would look extremely lifelike.In other people’s eyes, Jay might be eminent and unapproachable—A horrific and devilish president. In Angeline's eyes, however, he was always just a big boy.In her drawings, he was always wearing a youthful white t-shirt, a platinum necklace with a four-leaf clover lucky charm, and Nike shoes. His hair would flow in the breeze while his eyes were lucid—A big boy with a sunny disposition.Jay held Angeline’s last drawing and it dawned on him how precious this drawing was.He regretted being weak back then, for not having the courage to face Angeline's death. How great would it be if he had seen these mementoes earlier and realized just how much Angeline relied on him.One would think that certain scars would scab and heal slowly if left untouched. What Jay did not expect, however, was that certain scars that were deliberately sealed in one’s heart would only grow richer with time like fine old wine.Take Angel
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Chapter 184
Rose put her hand on her heart. Every child was a parent’s treasure. Any parent would feel heartbroken to see their child getting beaten up. She had told Robbie that little b*stard many times before, asking him not to bully the weak just because he was strong. He actually stepped out of line this time?When the homeroom teacher was done talking, she did not criticize Rose but merely said to Rose in an extremely stern manner, "Ms. Loyle, I hope you can face your children’s problems squarely and work with us to improve their shortcomings.""I will," Rose replied.The homeroom teacher left with a smile. Rose looked at the two children whose tiny heads were dropped so low that they were about to be buried into the ground. There was also the extremely worried-looking Baby Zetty."Raise your heads!" Rose stretched out her hands, lifting one chin in each hand.She then squeezed out a magnanimous smile at Jenson and Baby Robbie. "Let’s go home first."Jenson looked at his tender-looking
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Chapter 185
"A distinction should be made between males and females, Mommy. Please stop spanking my little butt. Other people will laugh at me if this gets out." Baby Robbie scurried to the opposite end of the long dining table. He ran in circles to avoid Mommy whilst trying to convince her at the same time.After running a few laps, Rose was too tired to go on. She put her hands on her hips, huffing and puffing. "You brat. You’ve grown up now, haven’t you? You’ve learned that a distinction should be made between males and females now, huh? Sure, I'll save your dignity and won’t grab your butt… I don’t believe that I can’t fix you even if I can’t lay a finger on you. I must find a rod to teach you a lesson..."Rose began searching for sticks and the like in the house. Being a clever devil, Baby Robbie burst out crying trying to gain Mommy’s sympathy.When Jenson saw Baby Robbie bawling his eyes out in an extremely devastating manner, his little heart began pounding hard. At this moment, Baby Ze
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Chapter 186
"Who taught you the saying about cabbage getting eaten and ruined by pigs?""Aunt Josephine."Rose, "..." It seemed like she and Josephine needed to have a talk.Her gaze shifted to the uneasy-looking Jenson. "What about you, Jens? Why did you say such rude words like mentally retarded to the teacher?"Jenson bit his lip and remained silent.Rose treated her sons differently. Ever since Baby Robbie started practicing Taekwondo, he had gone through countless arduous training and now had skin as solid as a bear’s. She would hit him a few times and it would only feel like she was tickling him.On the other hand, Jens grew up in the Ares family with his needs attended to very carefully. Coupled with his mild autism, Rose was exceptionally gentle toward him."Jens, Mommy won’t beat you or scold you. Mommy just wants to know why you said those ill-mannered words. Mommy can only help you to correct your mistakes and make you an even more outstanding and likable child if you tell Mommy
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Chapter 187
As Rose listened to Baby Zetty's heartbreaking accusation against Jay, she started feeling uncertain and uneasy.Since the day Baby Zetty moved into Horizon Colors, Jay had been treating her like an outsider. The cold and detached Jay had been treating Baby Zetty very indifferently, and this made Baby Zetty feel as though she was living off him like a parasite.Baby Zetty had become more and more taciturn lately and was also smiling lesser and lesser, which was not a good sign. Rose feared that Baby Zetty would start isolating herself and become uncommunicative like Jens if she continued to live in an environment where she constantly suppressed herself.Rose did not know how to comfort Baby Zetty as she had no control over Jay's attitude toward her. She could only rack her brains to think of a solution.Jay returned very early in the morning but did not go upstairs. He sat on the couch and began smoking vigorously.Rose stayed up all night. When she went downstairs to grab a drink
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Chapter 188
“So I was right, you did have a crush on me."Rose said, "Sir Ares, you were always on TV giving amorous glances to all the ladies. The number of women who have a crush on you is enough to form a complete circle around the earth. It’s perfectly normal for me to have a crush on you back then because I couldn’t resist your charm, alright!"He had been interrogating her for a long time and the answers he received from her were all watertight. He let go of her shoulders in frustration and staggered back onto the couch."Sir Ares!""Just leave!"Rose did not know what was wrong with him today as she was unable to make head or tail of any of the things he said tonight. Afraid that he would make things difficult for her again, she poured herself a glass of water and escaped.As soon as she ran up the stairs, she noticed that Jay had passed out on the couch."Are you okay, Sir Ares?" Still worried about him, Rose was left with no choice but to turn back.After placing her hand on Jay's
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Chapter 189
Under Josephine's continuous coaxing, pestering, and trickery, Rose no longer insisted and rushed to the hospital.Fortunately, the indicators of the blood test that the doctor did on Jay were encouraging, hence he was transferred to a general ward. When Rose entered the ward, she was greeted with a sullen look on Jay’s face and an unpleasant aura emanating from him.On the hospital bed next to him was a young female patient who had been staring at Jay like a love-struck fool.As soon as Rose entered, Jay became furious as he questioned her. "Why did you book me a general ward?"Seeing that he was a patient, coupled with Josephine’s words from earlier about how his company was running into problems, which was what was forcing him to socialize even though he was a bad drinker… Rose empathized with Jay from the bottom of her heart and consoled him in a good-natured way. "I wasn’t the one who booked you a general ward. The doctor was the one who made the decision based on the severity
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Chapter 190
"After all is said and done, you’re nothing but a pauper." Jay sneered.Rose did not want to start a fight with him, so she scurried to one side and started peeling apples for him. After slicing the apple into a few slices, she heated them up in boiling water before setting them in front of Jay.Jay stared at the steaming apple, a trace of imperceptible bewilderment emanating from his eyes.Angeline had the habit of heating up fruits in boiling water too.After placing the fruit plate on the side table next to him, Rose turned around and walked away. She stood very still at a spot very far away from him.She always made sure to keep a certain distance from him so that he would not find her distasteful.Looking at the Rose who was so heart-achingly obedient, Jay felt utterly confused and disconcerted.She remembered every single hurtful word he said to her and even obeyed his orders so well.If this happened in the past, he would certainly be pleased with her obedience. Today, h
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