All Chapters of Sir Ares, Goodnight!: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
2667 Chapters
Chapter 171
When Sean opened his hazy eyes, he saw the pure and beautiful Rose. He teased, "Beautiful lady, do you want a taste of me? You know, with your level of beauty, you really didn’t have to go through all this trouble of drugging me. How am I supposed to satisfy you if I’m all weak like this? If you get me the antidote, I can assure you that I’ll give you a good time!” The Bell family's faces looked sour. ‘Rose is Jay's ex-wife. How can Sean try and hook up with her?‘Is he that desperate?’Jay was livid. Not once did he move his gaze away from the big screen. Rose would have been pierced into a sieve if his eyes were flying knives.'She tried the same trick and drugged Sean as well?'Rose looked at Sean as if she was admiring a national treasure. After a while, Rose’s lips curled up into a smirk. "I can tell that you must have done too many wicked things, and someone is trying to get back at you.”Sean's body felt weak, and his eyesight turned blurry. His cheeks started to turn red
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Chapter 172
"Well, if you want to die a humane death, then I can help you." Rose teased him mischievously.Sean was extremely speechless. "Can you put those impure thoughts away? I was just trying to ask you to pour me a glass of water."Rose was rendered speechless.She got up and poured him a glass of warm water. When she handed it to him, Sean eyed her with great resentment. "My hands are tied. Can you feed me?"Rose stretched out a hand to lift his chin and poured the water into his mouth.Sean choked so hard that tears flowed out of his eyes. He roared, "Are you even a woman? Why are you so rough?"Rose snapped. "You should be thankful that you still have water to drink. Don’t be so demanding."Rose continued to interrogate him. "Think carefully. Who drugged you? Why is she trying to hurt you? I’m the most notorious woman in Imperial Capital, so I’m sure she didn’t send me here to taint your reputation because she wants to find you a kind and virtuous wife, right?"Sean looked at Rose
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Chapter 173
Jay expressed his opinion on the matter on behalf of the Ares family. "I’ll investigate this matter, Mr. Bell. I promise to give you an explanation."He looked askance at Rose and gnashed his teeth. "I’ll deal with Rose too."The head of the Bell family said, "Please do, Master Ares! Just give her a small punishment as a warning will do. I don’t want anyone killed." He was gone as soon as his voice fell.Petrified, Rose yelled at the Bell family who was leaving, "Old Master Bell, I’m willing to accept any punishment from you." ‘I’ll go down on my knees. I beg you, please don’t leave me to Jay, this demon king!’Jay gazed at Rose and said eerily, "Come with me."Rose hugged the European-styled wooden pillar next to her firmly as though she was trying to mould herself on it and be a part of it.After taking a few steps, Jay turned around to find Rose still standing on the same spot. Frost enshrouded his eyes at once."Rose?" His voice carried the high pressure of a volcanic erupti
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Chapter 174
Rose's thoughts were muddled. She could not think calmly and rationally when she was in front of Sir Ares. She began speaking incoherently, "Her face, her nose, and her mouth are bigger than yours, Sir Ares..." Jay’s face was as big as the size of a palm, like a masterpiece carved out by the heavens. It was certainly not an existence that was superfluous.Unable to stand it any longer, Jay sprung up from the chair, beckoning to Rose by hooking his fingers.Rose shuffled over in a daze. Jay suddenly pinched her mouth shut with his pliers-like hands as his other hand grabbed the rubber tape next to him. He sealed her mouth completely."Since you lack the ability to express yourself, you should probably use your hands instead!" he exclaimed in a domineering, ruthless, and cruel manner.“Mm… Mmm..." Rose glared at Jay as she cursed him incoherently, "Jay, you b*stard, you sc*mbag..."Jay returned to his chair, his furrowed brows smoothing out. He took out a piece of paper and a pen fr
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Chapter 175
Jay was forced to shift his gaze to the portrait…Apart from her skillful brushwork, there was not one single merit in her portrait sketch. When viewed separately, the person’s facial features were that of God’s masterpiece, though when they were put together, the result could be said to be that of a scene of a car accident.This certainly did not reflect Angeline's standard.Jay shook his head, pushing back all the complicated thoughts in his mind.How absurd. How could a rough and shameless woman like Rose be the perfect and beautiful Angeline whom he had taught?Even professional art students would feel a deep sense of shame when they laid eyes on Angeline’s artwork.Taking a second look at Rose's portrait now, it was as if she was trying to draw a flying eagle with its wings outstretched but ended up handing in a drawing of a chick pecking rice instead.Jay figured that he must have hit his head or gone blind, or maybe he just missed Angeline too much. Maybe that was why he
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Chapter 176
She had tried her best to be nice to Daddy these few days, but it seemed like Daddy still did not like her.When Jay entered the house holding Baby Robbie, Rose was sitting restlessly on the couch waiting for the children. When she saw Jay holding the sleeping Baby Robbie in his arms whereas Jenson held the hand of a drowsy-looking Baby Zetty, Rose’s heart sank a little.Jay was well-known for being domineering, but seeing how he was even showing preferential treatment to children, she now saw him in a very bad light. "Mommy." When Baby Zetty saw her mommy, she threw herself into her mommy's arms pitifully.Rose rubbed her tiny head tenderly. Baby Zetty's voice carried a trace of whimper that was almost difficult to detect. She was clearly heartbroken by Daddy's unfair treatment.Rose picked Baby Zetty up, took Jenson’s hand, and went upstairs."Rose!"Jay's deep and serene gaze fell on Rose's thin but resilient back.Standing at the top of the stairs, Rose turned her head aro
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Chapter 177
Jay had successfully triggered his digestive disorders in the middle of the night.His stomach hurt so badly that he found it impossible to fall asleep. He had no choice but to go downstairs to look for his medicine. He ended up stumbling on the stairs, causing Rose to wake with a start when she heard the loud noise.Rose walked out with a coat draped over her shoulders. When she saw Jay sitting on the stairs holding his stomach, she knew instantly that he was having a relapse. She ran over quickly and tried to carry Jay back to his room, but Jay was six foot two and had no strength to support himself at the moment. Rose could not move him at all.She had no choice but to run downstairs. After finding his medicine, she poured him a glass of warm water and returned to his side. She fed him the medicine personally."What nonsense are you trying to give me?" Although Jay was already in so much pain that he could hardly even move, his extraordinary willpower helped him to stay clear-
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Chapter 178
If this was Angeline, she would not be able to wake up even when the alarm clock rang if she had stayed up late the night before."I’ll go and call Mommy." Worried that Mommy was having a lie-in and that Daddy would teach her a lesson when he found out, the clever Jenson decided to go upstairs to call Mommy lest Daddy made things difficult for her."Let her sleep, Jens!"Jenson turned around and looked at his merciful daddy in amazement."Daddy, you don’t look like you hate Mommy anymore!" Jenson exclaimed after a very long time, unable to hide his excitement.Jay brought out the bagel he made. Jenson looked at the bagel and asked, "Daddy, you actually made breakfast?”Jenson thought that Daddy was acting a little weird today.Jay frowned at Jenson. "You have a lot to say today.”Being dealt a heavy blow, Jenson denied. "No, I don’t."Realizing that it was very inappropriate for him to say this to his autistic son, he salvaged the situation immediately. "I hope you can keep up
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Chapter 179
Jay warned Jenson by darting him a stern glance. This kid was living off him while helping others in secret. He had promised not to interfere in his relationship, so why was he standing on Baby Robbie's side to go against him now?Rose was poking her bagel with her head lowered, pretending not to hear her son making attempts to encourage Jay to pursue her.She knew even without looking that Jay must look terribly sullen right now."Rose..." Jay's faint voice rang out like an enchanting spell.Rose's hand that was holding the bagel dropped on the table with a thud. Jay frowned. Was she just so afraid of him?"What grudges do you bear against Stephanie Stevens?" Jay had yet to lose his temper even after she had repeatedly made mistakes. Instead, he was changing the subject and questioning her in an exceedingly steadfast tone.Rose put down her cutlery and protested in a whisper. "Sir Ares, I may not be a 100 dollar bill that everyone likes, but that isn’t enough reason for me to g
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Chapter 180
When he rushed to Grand Asia, Grayson was seen holding a thick folder while waiting for him in the president's office."Show it to me," Jay ordered eagerly as soon as he took his seat.Grayson stepped forward and poured out all the contents from the folder.There was a stack of photos.Some letters.Several drawings.A few CDs!When Jay saw the creative earth-tone rose painting, his lucid and sparkling pupils suddenly turned crimson.This was Angeline's painting. She had a crush on him and would always send him roses. Later, she discovered that the roses always withered, hence she began painting roses for him instead. Earth tone was his favorite tone, hence she made alterations and replaced the crimson color of the red roses."I asked you to perform a background check on Rose, didn’t I? What are these?" Jay questioned in a hoarse voice.Grayson explained. "These things belong to the late Ms. Severe."Jay said painfully, "I know that. I’m asking you why are they here now?"G
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