All Chapters of Dracovia: The Awakening of the Old Magic - Book One: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
93 Chapters
Chapter 70: Lilli POV
I put my robe back on and I’m gingerly brushing my hair trying not to stretch my chest too much when I hear a knock on the wall.“Yes?”
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Chapter 71: Drake POV
I wake with a start, I’m not sure what woke me at first, and as I become more alert, I notice it’s not quite light out, then I hear a noise from Lilli’s room. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I move to the door and listen.
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Chapter 72: Drake POV
To pass the time I decide to explore more of the castle, wandering through the passages and looking at the paintings. I find myself in a corridor that seems less travelled than the rest and the images here are incredibly old.
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Chapter 73: Lilli POV
I couldn't control the smile that spread over my face when he caught my kiss. It was such a sweet and impulsive gesture it made me melt. I sent it on reflex because the sight of him in tight jeans and a tank shirt, showing off his muscles and all covered in oil, set my core on fire and I lost control for a second.
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Chapter 74: Lilli POV
“Um Lilli, where are we going? Is this really a wise thing to be doing right now?”I know his concern is valid, but we need this.
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Chapter 75: Drake POV
I’m not failing her again!‘Bang!’ ‘Swoosh!’
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Chapter 76: Drake POV
His head snaps up and he stares at me. “What do you mean Lilli cut it with an arrow? I know obsidian is the hardest substance on Zodia, but no one can predict a bullets path as it le
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Chapter 77: Drake POV
They both exchange look, then Tony hands me the picture before speaking.“He did the same for us, said we three were the best bouncers he has ever had. By the sounds of it, he has bee
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Chapter 78: Drake POV
She smiles sadly, tears forming in her blue eyes, which she holds back with practised grace. I look a lot like my mother and for that I am incredibly grateful as I want nothing to do with my father. We share the same eyes and dark hair, but where she is slim and shapely, I have inherited my father’s bulk.
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Chapter 79: Drake POV
As I exit, and the door closes behind me I see Lucy hurrying back with Rex and Tony. I'm shocked to see them all here, the looks on their faces clearly show they were worried about me.&ldq
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