All Chapters of Holding Onto His Distorted Love: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
231 Chapters
He wanted to stop but all his actions were in vain; like a beast who had lost his rationality he poured himself on her. When he kissed her cheeks and her beauty bone her unique smell seeped into his senses; she smell so good that he couldn't help but greedily intake a lung- full of her essence. He needed her, he wanted her more than anything. Looking down at the girl who was fully awoken the second he flipped her under his bottom he was dazed; she was neither protesting nor resisting, even though she didn't show him any particular reaction she laid still and allowed him to do whatever he wanted to do with her. Like a kitten she gave him her control and didn't resist his actions. His heart skipped a beat; had she finally accepted him? It looked so, at their first time she fought back for a good few times but now she was calm and composed as she had no problem with it.
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Lu Sheng replied with a grunt and said no more; beside him Qin Yue turned quizzical after listening to the conversation. She asked, "You... Where is the flight ticket for?" Lu Sheng patiently replied, "I will be leaving to America today for a business deal." "Oh... When will you return then?""I will be out for a month!" Qin Yue didn't ask anymore as she silent cheered inside; thank goodness he was going away and that too for a whole month. After the course of twenty whole minutes without traffic the car entered the magnificent gardens of Yang Yang villa. Qin Yue had never been there but she did look into this property before; Qin Yue liked to live in peace and this site was perfect for her lifestyle. She was disappointed when she learned about the price, even being an actress she was unable to afford it. Owning Yang Yang villa was one of her fantasies.
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Learning that the man was leaving without giving her an appropriate answer Qin Yue didn't dare to stop him, she was already used to this ignorance of his. However, she did understand what his quietness meant. She placed an uncertain glance at his disappearing bank doubting herself; the man was as mysterious like some forest encrusted in mist- it was impossible for one to guess what was streaming in his mind. His tongue was glazed with the most vicious poison, capable to destroying even the most willful heart but his actions meant otherwise. Like a tender fruit of gooseberry he was all sour with a hint of sweet note. He claimed to hate her but also was the one to flip over when she experienced the slightest hint of pain. A bittersweet feeling welled up in her eyes- Lu Sheng… what really are you up to? M
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Smiling at her he asked, "Madam, are you satisfied?" Qin Yue was a bit startled by the way he addressed her but then her eyes shifted at the man who was currently managing a call at some distance and understood why he called her so. Returning back a friendly smile she said, "This villa is my dream house, how can I not like it." Chen Han blurted out, "Hehe! No wonder President was dead set on buying this bungalow." "What do you mean?" Qin Yue asked unable to trace the meaning behind his words. Chen Han nonchalantly replied, "Mr. Lu, bought this villa a long time ago. To be accurate he bought it after receiving his first monthly salary." He placed an admiring glance at his boss and continued, "The price of this site was lofty and since he was new to the company he was forbidden from recklessly spending the company money. So Mr. Lu worked day and night to produce profit
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Lu Sheng blinked before looking at the time, he really had to go now. Lu Sheng looked at the girl before giving out few instructions, "The housekeeper will be here soon and she will take care of your daily needs. If you are in need of anything contact me, okay?" Like a wife listening to her husband she jotted down everything attentively, Lu Sheng gave her a few more instructions before saying his final good bye, "It's time for me to go; take care of yourself." "Have a safe trip!" Qin Yue wished with a faint smile on her face; with nothing more left to say or remind Lu Sheng turned around to leave. Qin Yue stood rooted on her place as she watched him leaving; tugging the hem of her dress she bit on her lower lip. Just as he was about to step out she called out his name, "Sheng!" Lu Sheng's step halted as he turned around casting a lazy look.
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After a long journey of 14 plus hours Lu Sheng finally stepped on the land of America where it was currently evening. Lu Sheng cheked- in in a presidential suite, there was still time for the dinner appointment so he decided to rest a bit before proceeding. He took a shower and wearing noting but a bath robe flopped on the bed; he took out his phone to activate it. As soon as he turned on the internet his phone brimmed up with notifications; Lu Sheng lazily surfed through it when a name caught his attention. There was finally a message from his 'Silly Point'. Lu Sheng immediately clicked it! Silly Point- Have you reached? The man's eyes filled with tenderness as he read it out; he immediately replied, "Yes!" Sensing that the reply was too short he add
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Qin Yue, for some reason, felt peace after talking to him; she pulled her quilt and nuzzled in to sleep. By the time she woke up it was already noon; rubbing her misty eyes she walked down the stairs to hear Xiao Xi's muffled giggles. Sensing her approaching footsteps Xiao Xi stood up; casting her a smile she said, "Miss, look. The puppy Mr. Lu bought is here." "This early?" Qin Yue raised an eyebrow as a little round thing greeted her sight. The pug puppy was only a month old and was utterly active, after having a stomachful of dog cereals it was out to play. As soon as it saw a new person approaching it lost it's interest on the toy and turned at her. It stared at her for a while before using its little legs to bounce towards her. Qin Yue picked it up in her arms; the puppy was so small the it easily got accustomed in her palms. He blinked his eyes at her like a li
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Qin Yue, on the other hand, sent him a private message, "It's the name I gave him. It's cute, right?" Lu Sheng replied, "It is but how did you come up with it?" "It eats a lot, I couldn't think of a better name for him!" Qin Yue noisily complained as she felt that the man was not moved by the name. The couple had a chat for a good while before he had to go for work. Qin Yue kept aside her phone and started to play with the puppy. A week passed within a snap of her fingers; that day Wen Xiaoxiao had asked her to come back to the company. After Qin Yue got her reputation tarnished it was getting hard for her to build up her career; it was like staring all over again. Despite being capable it was really hard for Wen Xiaoxiao to accumulate work for her. After pulling some strings Wen Xiaoxiao finally managed to e
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"Look who's here! Miss Qin, what a pleasant surprise..." Mo Yanyan snorted as she stood tall and mighty in front of her; Qin Yue casted her a lazy glance. Truthfully she had no will to chat, not even a bit, but to give the artist a face she smiled and replied, "Oh, Miss Mo is here too. Seems like the competition is going to be tough." "Is there even a competition?" Mo Yanyan laughed; the smile on Qin Yue's face sunk into that of ruthlessness. She had only disappeared from the industry for some while and her situation has turned this pathetic. She scanned the artist with her bright eyes, Mo Yanyan was the new actress whom the company was grooming and thus she was acting a little proud lately. Her lips twitched and she was about to give her an answer but another voice spoke up, "True, there really isn't any competition at all." Wen Xiaoxiao had to leave a bit to take u
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Qin Yue, he had heard about her before but the girl hadn't made any noteworthy achievements which left him uninterested. But little did he know that the girl was no ordinary person but rather someone who possessed real talent. The director asked, "Miss Qin, why do you think that you can be the brand ambassador of 'August'?" Qin Yue took in a deep breath and replied, "To me no one is born made for eachother, it is our strong will and dedication that makes us worthy for it. As an actor I have no idea if the role of the ambassador suits me but I know if given a chance I will give it my best and won't disappoint you" A crisp and clear answer which moved the judges, she was the prefect candidate for it! The moment she entered the judges understood that she was the actress who was selected by the CEO; even though t
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