All Chapters of Holding Onto His Distorted Love: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
231 Chapters
As Lu Sheng was a new student who was yet to understand and memorize the school infrastructure he complied along Qin Yue no matter where ever she took him. Even though he acted his best to be unapproachable and kept a low profile his looks were a kind of eye treat which couldn't be evaded by the eyes of the students. No one, not even boys, could stop themselves from stopping and staring at him. Amidst their excited squeaks and lovestruck mumbles Qin Yue heard various kinds of comments. "Wow, who is this handsome? Is he a God?" "Hey, Adonis, what is your name and which class are you from?" "Oh, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" "Hey, turn here and let us have a better look at
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An Zihao turned his piteous sight towards Qin Yue who shrugged innocently, "It's not my fault that you are not his woman!" An Zihao then averted his eyes towards Bai Ning who was actively ignoring him; his voice visibly turned heartbroken as he asked, "What did I do that you hate me to this extent?" "Do I need a reason to loathe you, it's me personal interest!" Bai Ning debates back. The corner of An Zihao's lips twitched furiously as if his tongue was on fire to argue back at her. However, at this point he understood that there was no way he could win a arguement with her and in fact, there was danger of loosing his face again. So, he tactfully ditched the topic; his face lit up as he snatched away the football from one of his colleagues; waving if excitedly at Lu Sheng he asked, "Let's play a match, join us, bro!" 
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The match continued for like thirty minutes with Lu Sheng's squad's goal rate ranging up to 16. Amazing of all was Lu Sheng whose gameplay was par to the standards of professional. Whenever he took hold of that little bulbous ball it seemed as if the ball was originated from his own flesh and blood, like a wizard who had taken control of it's soul he made the ball obediently circle around his legs wherever he took it. An Zihao, to everyone's surprise, played really well too! He was slick who managed to steal away the ball from anyone's grasp; it seemed else than flaut his beauty and flirting around this weakling had other talents too.  While a bunch of girls were actively cheering their lungs out Qin Yue and Bai Ning stood there agape. Seeing his tall and well maintained chassis running and playing around in the field Qin Yue's heart couldn't help but skip a bea
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Her eyes twinkled with curiosity, she asked, "Is football that fascinating to you?" An Zihao whose most favourite hobby was to sing praises of his cousin found his way in; he answered her question, "Fascinating would be a very little word, to my cousin football was his everything!" Qin Yue got a bit taken aback, in her perspective rich hiers like him would be raised to take up the family legacy and take care of the family business once they grew up; never in million years she had thought that they too would have some passion. "Tell me more!" Qin Yue urged An Zihao. An Zihao cleared his thought and started to narrate, "My bro learned about football when he was in boot camp, he was five years old back then." Boot camps were training centers where people would be given military training. The people wouldn't be e
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Lu Sheng's father thus allowed him to go to that little village as he knew that his son would die but wouldn't go back on his words; elated that his son was finally giving upon this crazy dream he even arranged for his son to stay back in the Old Mansion and continue his study from there. As for An Zihao, he willingly volunteered to go with his cousin and his parents had no problem with it as they flew away to Italy to continue their business in there. "Sheng, why are you dazed?" Qin Yue's question pulled him out of his fantasies, he blinked his eyes and flashed a faint smile at her. People have this habit of lamenting about something which they regret strongly but Lu Sheng never bewailed the choice he made back then. Yes, he loved his dream but he loved the selfless girl in front of his eyes more and no worldly possessions could ever compare to her. Lu Sheng chose n
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Lu Sheng kept the phone aside and looked at An Zihao; quizzical he asked, "What is it, bro?" Lu Sheng didn't answer him as he took out his phone once again; dialing a long string of familiar number he connected a call. Long Wei, Lu Chendong's secretary, was going through the documents when he found his phone ringing, seeing that the call was from the Young Master he immediately answered it, "Young Master, how may I help you?" "Secretary Long, can you send me a guitar?" "Guitar? What for?" By his side An Zihao was puzzled as he asked in a hush voice. Lu Sheng turned a deaf ear at him and continued to talk to Long Wei who replied, "Not a problem, Young Master! I will get someone to buy it and delivered it to you." Lu Sheng answered with a hum before continuing, "Don't bother dad and get it delivered as soon as possible." 
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His magnetic voice walked into her ears erupting her heart with a kind of joy which she had never experienced; her bright eyes lingered on his handsome face as they brimmed up with tears. She covered her face as her tears violated the dam of her stubbornness and streamed down uncontrollably. Seeing her silly self Lu Sheng flashed a helpless smile as he pulled her into a delicate hug, "Silly little treasure, did I arrange all this to see you cry?" Amidst her tears of joy she chuckled hearing his remarks; hugging him back she mumbled in his chest, "Thank you, Sheng!" Lu Sheng pulled her apart from him, arranging her messy bangs habitually he kissed away her tears and commented, "Go and get changed, I will be waiting for you!" Bai Ning understood his signal as she pulled her friend away. Whiile she was away Lu Sheng brought in and arranged the two- teired chocolate cake
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Lu Sheng's sharp gaze captured her movements well; she was like a fragile plant of mimosa which would blush up even with the slightest teasing. He found this alluring; after straightening his posture he looked at her. Bai Ning urged her to open it and this was followed by the group summon; helpless Qin Yue unwrapped the gift and was stunned to find a beautiful jade bracelet sitting haughtily inside it. She kept on staring it for a while without making a move; tensed by her lack of reaction Lu Sheng asked, "Don't like it?" His question tore Qin Yue's senses apart as she hugged the bracelet to her chest, "It's so beautiful, I like it so much!" Lending him her right arm she proposed, "Help me wear it!" The girl's playful eyes lingered on him as it witnessed his lips curving up into a satisfied smile; he took the bracelet and hooked it on her slender white wrist. After h
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Under the dark sky the rain poured with all it's might soaking their clothes wet; Lu Sheng's eyes blinked with guilt as he asked, "Why would you do that?" Qin Yue ignored his question with her own, the shower fell on her face but one could make out that her eyes were clearly welled up, in a serious tone she recited, "Lu Sheng, I have no descent origin! I am no young mistress of some wealthy family neither do I have any money brimming status. Socially I am not even worthy of being stated as the same breathe as you. Now say, do you still want to be with me?" "Yes!" Lu Sheng answered without batting an eye. "I can never give you anything else than embarrassment!" The girl warned again as she slowly started to break down in his arms; Lu Sheng looked at her silently before declaring his answer once again, "No prob
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When Qin Yue was finally done cleaning herself she dragged her exhausted body out of the washroom to discover Lu Sheng standing by the table inspecting something. When he sensed some movement by his side he turned his gaze at her. His face was drained out of colours as if he was the one suffering, with a tone which was as frosted as his eyes he showed her the pill case and asked, "Are you consuming this thing?" Qin Yue froze when she saw the bottle in his clutch; she tugged the hem of her cloth and looked down. Qin Yue was allergic to pills and that is why she was always forced to take on injections and Lu Sheng was aware about this too. No wonder she had this sudden out turn, she must have reacted to this pill. Lu Sheng's tone got a little frosty as he said, "I asked you something, did you intake these damned pills?" Qin Yue shuddered, Lu Sheng rarely cursed and thi
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