All Chapters of Taming the Dangerous CEO: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
304 Chapters
Chapter 129 To Go Now.
((( JASMIN POV’s )))  “It looks like our boy will taste a whooping from Jasmin’s brother,” I heard Dr. Eriez say.  
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Chapter 130 Our Story
((( Rhio POV’s )))   I’m glad to see Jasmin feeling and doing well.  
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Chapter 131 Nothing Bad Happened
((( SYA POV’s )))  “Where’s Miss Jasmin? Master Rhio is calling.”  
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Chapter 132 He Is Looking For You
((( JASMIN POV’s )))  Because I missed taking strolls, I was tempted to accept Sya’s invitation.  
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Chapter 133 It Was Derick
((( DERICK POV’s )))  “Your fiancé is really a flirt,” it was Jessica.  
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Chapter 134 It was him
((( DERICK POV’s )))  Her tears fell bitterly but she pulled her arms away from my grip. She ran fast from me so I tried to follow but three men stopped me from getting any closer to her.  
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Chapter 135 Call Rhio
(( ERIEZ POV’s )))  “Derick…”  
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Chapter 136 Extremely Tired
((( RHIO POV’s )))   “The nominees for the Best Young Entrepreneur of the Year are…” I played with my phone.  
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Chapter 137 Let's Walk Outside
((( RHIO POV’s )))  I didn’t know what I’d come home to.  
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Chapter 138 I Could Kill You!
((( Rhio POV’s )))  “The fever’s her body’s reaction to the drugs that were injected to her. She also needed to eat and drink lots of water,” Liezel said after she checked Jasmin,” and her mood’s not helpful at all. If this continues, she might have an uneasy pregnancy or worse…she might lose the baby.” I cupped my forehead.
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