All Chapters of Taming the Dangerous CEO: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
304 Chapters
Chapter 139 Hush
((( RHIO POV'S )))     After Derick was taken out of my si
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Chapter 140 He Genuinely Loves Me
((( RHIO POV'S )))      I couldn’t eve
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Chapter 141 What the F*ck Is That?
(( RHIO POV’s )))  “You need to eat a lot. I don’t want to see my princess so thin…”  
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Chapter 142 Bad Omen
((( RHIO POV’s )))  I went to the operating room of the hospital. On the big screen, I saw what Deo talked about.  
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Chapter 143 I'm Innocent
((( DERICK POV’s )))  “Look at you Derick!” my father angrily ranted as he approached me.  
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Chapter 144 Clear My Schedule
((( DEO POV’s )))  Rhio was livid at what he heard earlier. There’s already an impact on his reputation regardless if no evidence has yet proven him guilty. The media released information that Rhio has gotten out safe from the Summit a day before the bombing happened. And although the news wasn’t an accusation, it indirectly made the public assume otherwise. Many hated him and that was enough to create false stories and point their fingers a
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Chapter 145 So happy
((( RHIO POV’s )))  When I arrived at the hospital, Jasmin’s things had been packed up.  
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Chapter 146 I was breathless
(( Rhio POV’s )))  But two meters away from the gates of the villa, our car stopped.  
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Chapter 147 Fresh Air
((( DERICK POV’s )))  Jasmin’s face was hopeful when I saw her. But when she wept, the bad memories of me in her seemed to have resurfaced. She really don’t deserve someone like me… I felt happy when I finally hugged her. 
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Chapter 148 Why Did I?
((( JASMIN POV’s )))  Rhio was obviously annoyed until we got back to the mansion.  
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