All Chapters of Daddy: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
226 Chapters
Chapter 100: Hide & Seek
Ashton   "Hey! Wake up, Ashton." I had a bad headache when I felt that someone is shaking my body, I did not know who was waking me up, I can't hear his voice it was as if he is whispering to me.   "Hmm." I moan and shook the hand of the man who was trying to wake me up.   "What the fuck man? Wake up, it's not safe anymore." The man said and shake my body this time's with a little bit of force and even though I don't want to open my eyes because I still had a severe headache, I could do nothing but slowly open my eyes. At first, I couldn't see the man's face very well because of the dazzling chandelier at the ceiling but after a few seconds, I slowly recognize the man's face.   "M-Mason?" I said softly and I couldn't help but frown because he seemed u
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Chapter 101: Safe House
Ashton   "Come on, Ash," Mason called me so I walk as fast as I can. This place is not what I expected Mason and I would go. We are now in the middle of the forest, walking and running just to get to Freya's safe house. I no longer asked why Freya had a safe house and why it was in the middle of the fucking forest. My heart was beating so fast as I walked, Mason's steps were too fast so there are times that he left me behind and he needs to stop to wait for me. I can't help but be scared of the thought that Ron and Klen might follow us here or that there is a wild animal in here.   "Hurry, we're almost there," Mason said and he suddenly stopped walking, he waited for me to get close to him and he then grabbed my hand before we walked again.   After a few minutes of walking in the middle of the forest, we fina
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Chapter 102: Camping & Cumming
Ashton   "I can't believe we're camping when someone can track us down here and we won't know it, the moment we realized that they're here, they already got us in their hands," I complained to Mason and Lautner as we walked towards wherever place Lautner thought of camping.   "Oh please, stop the paranoia," Lautner replied and continued walking, I looked at Mason to ask for his support, that camping in the middle of the forest was not a good idea but he just fucking shrugged his shoulder to me. I can't help but rolled my eyes at him out of frustration.   "Hey, calm down, Ashton. They won't track us down here, not for two to three days anyway but I assure you, nothing will happen to you, to us, tonight." Mason said and smiled slightly as if reassuring me that he has control of everything and that I should beli
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Chapter 103: Lustful Night
  Ashton   I took off my clothes one by one until there was nothing left to cover my naked body. Even Mason and Lautner starts undressing their clothes. A while ago, Lautner keeps on inviting us to go down to the lake and he even forced us to undress, when I saw that Mason was starting to take off his clothes, I could do nothing but start undressing as well.   "Yay! Let's fucking swim." Lautner shouted happily as he pulled both my hand and Mason's hand towards the lake.   "Hey! Hey! Chillax bro, I want to grab a drink before I dip into the pond." Mason refused and stopped Lautner from jumping into the lake.   "Yeah! I want to grab a drink too." I said and can't help but grin when Lautner frown at us,
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Chapter 104: Horny Twins
Ashton   As Lautner and I were passionately kissing, I felt Mason's hand caress my chest down to my butt cheeks and gently squeeze it, he repeated what he was doing until Lautner and I were out of breath causing us to stop kissing.   "My turn," Mason whispered to me and he turned me around until we were facing each other. Mason and I stared at each other for a few seconds and I was stunned when I saw Mason's eyes seem to be sparkling, maybe it was just because of the moon that providing us a little light.   "I see that you've been captivated by my twin brothers sparkling eyes," Lautner said making myself return to reality and I swallowed my saliva when I felt an unexplainable feeling in my heart.   "Don't worry, Ashy, you're not the only one captivate
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Chapter 105: Remember Me
Ashton   "Don't stop sucking me, Ashton," Mason ordered authoritatively, he pulled my hair and pressed my head on his crotch, I could do nothing but open my mouth and accept Mason's huge dick that was leaking with precum, I could taste his salty semen.   "Gwarkk!" I almost choked as Mason deepened his dick inside my mouth, I could feel the tip of Mason's dick reaching down my throat.   "Ugh! Ugh! Shít, so fucking warm and tight." Mason said loudly and restrained my head from getting up so I could not spit out his dick. After a few seconds, I felt like I was out of breath because his huge dick was blocking the airway in my mouth.   "Hmm, hmm," I growled and shook my head to tell him that I was having trouble breathing.
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Chapter 106: Breakdown
Ashton   "I was running from Luciano," I said to Lautner causing him to frow at me. For some reason, I was feeling nervous at this moment. I was still hugging Lautner's body tightly, afraid of drowning.   "What?" Lautner asked in confusion.   "You asked me why I'm here and who are those people chasing me and Mason. Luciano was after me, those people chasing us is his assassin." I responded to Lautner and took a deep breath. After he told me about his experiences since their dad enlisted them in the army, until his love story with Aiden, it was as if someone was whispering to me to tell him my story as well.   "But why would Luciano's after you? Did you do something he doesn't like?" Lautner asked and I nodded softly in confirmation of his presumption.
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Chapter 107: Caught in Action
Ashton   I slowly opened my eyes. I look at my surroundings when I felt our tent move. I slowly flicked the flashlight I had placed on my side earlier and when I got a hold of it it, I quickly turned on the flashlight.   "Fuck!" Mason, Lautner, and I cussed together. My eyes widened at what I witnessed while Mason and Lautner seemed surprised because I saw them doing incestuous things.   "What the fuck, guys." I couldn't believe it, because Mason was lying with his hand on the back of his head while Lautner was on top of him and sucking Mason's dick.   "I told you not to do it, Lautner. We're caught in action." Mason said as his cheeks turn red because he was probably embarrassed while Lautner just ignored Mason and continued sucking his dick, it does
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Chapter 108: Gone Forever
Ashton   I do not know what time it is but I slowly opened my eyes when I felt that someone is shaking my body, trying to wake me up.   "What?" I asked with a mix of annoyance because I was still sleepy. I rolled my eyes and then frowned when I saw Mason and Lautner looking at me with a worried face.   "We need to go," Mason said while holding a bag and put some clothes, food, and his cellphone in it.   "What's happening?" I asked in confusion and got up instantly, for some unknown reason my heart beats faster seeing Mason and Lautner busy putting stuff inside their bag.   "Jackson called me and he said that dad already knows where we are, we need to go before they caught us here," Mason expla
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Chapter 109: Welcome to Hell
Ashton   When the black car stopped in front of me, I immediately raised my hands as a sign of my surrender to them. I can't stop crying when suddenly the thought of everything I went through in this country just went into nothing, no matter how hard I tried not to cry, my eyes don't want to cooperate.   My heartbeat quickened when I saw the door of the car open and I froze when I saw Vin and Pang came out from the car.   "Long time no see, Ashton." Vin greeted me, the tone of his voice is full of sarcasm while Pang is glaring at me as if he was ready to kill.   I swallowed my saliva in immense nervousness.   "What are you waiting for? Will you get inside or I will drag you inside the fucking
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