All Chapters of CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife: Chapter 551 - Chapter 560
737 Chapters
Chapter 551 - A living hell...!!!
Even though she was sad for her son, she couldn’t show it in front of the girls. Otherwise, they would be in a worse situation.She walked over and patted Nina and Rose’s shoulders. “Nina, Rose, if you keep breaking down in front of the children, it might affect them, so stop crying. Liam said we should wait a little longer. If something had happened to David and Adam, as his mother, I’d know this in my heart, but I know my Adam is safe and sound; Liam would fly to A country long ago. So stop thinking negatively. God might take their test. When the test is over, David will come back home with Kate and Daniel.” She tried her best to calm the girls.It might be a few days since everything happened, but they still couldn’t get over this matter. No one knew what happened to David or what exactly was going on, Still, they were afraid yet waited patiently, but sometimes the situation got out of control.The whole S country had grieved over David’s death news. Even though this happened ov
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Chapter 552 - Second chance?..!!!
Adam wiped his eyes and got up when he found everything to fall silent. He swore once they discovered the whereabouts of that bastard, he would die worse than anyone on this earth.He knows David’s emotions, but he always leaves him alone for a while. Otherwise, his emotions will be the most dangerous in his heart.What would he do without David if he falls? Their sister-in-law and nephew were still in his hand.Adam left after a long time, but David still stayed in that condition without moving. He spent these nights alone, and for the first time, he felt the alone night was too scary for him.He was not that afraid when she was in a coma; she was with him with their children in her belly.But now someone came and took her away. He had to stay away from his children because it was needed.He was out of options. David looked at David’s smiling photo. “Just a little longer. I'll find you, Wifey. Come back to me soon, without you. Your darling will die, So pray for me to god, let him f
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Chapter 553 - Hell...!!!
He liked the bright side, but he accepted it since fate didn’t give him a chance. The man kissed her face again and left the room when his phone rang. After he left, sometimes later, a pair of eyes snapped open. Kate looked around. Seeing he finally left, she exhaled. Pretending in a coma was too much for her. These days, only she knew how much she had to suffer because of that bastard’s behavior. He didn’t even leave her alone. She always surrounded her with nannies and nurses. Today she finally got such a golden chance. He was out, and the nannies and nurse were already in for the night. These days, when she thinks of a peaceful moment every night, he would come back and play a disgusting lover. She hated every touch from him, but she had to suffer in his hand for her son and her plan. Whenever he touched her face or kissed her face, She wanted to skin him alive, but she suffered silently because she didn’t want to suffer on his hand for a lifetime. Kate moved her body. Than
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Chapter 554 - Day by day...!!!
Far away from that place, their chopper stopped top of a 7-star hotel roof The man jumped out of the helicopter with a girl in his hand. This time he didn’t have any mask on his face. The mask was not on his face, but the scar was not visible. The girl coyly hid her face in his chest. The man walked inside the hotel and went to the hotel room. He put the girl down on the bed and looked at her face. Then, finally, the little girl’s face has unveiled. She grabbed his hand when the man tried to step away from her. But before she could do something, the man slapped her hand and grabbed her by her hair. "Know your place; if you dare to mess with us, don’t blame me if I cut your hand. I made you; you’re my creation, and you should know why I made you, so if you try to cross the road, I won’t take a mere second to send you to hell to your parents and that older woman. I hate when people think they can control me because I’m a little kind to them.” The man pushed her away and r
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Chapter 555 - Falls in love...!!!
He was just obsessed with her because she was his only toy. When they said she would become his brother's bride, he hated it because he felt like someone had snatched his favorite toy. That’s how his obsession grew day by day; it was an obsession until he saw Kate again on that day. She had all grown up and become a beautiful woman. The moment he laid his eyes on her, he felt his heart, which he thought died long ago, thumped again with aching pain and pleasure. He was not a saint. He had seen many women in his life, but she became different at first glance; she was a little chubby. Unlike other women, as if her chubbiness put a different color on her, making her beautiful like rainbows. People who have never been obsessed with someone would never know the effect when someone falls in love with their obsession. He immediately knew she became the only ray of his life when she entered his life. He fell in love with her at that very moment. It was love at first sight for him, but
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Chapter 556 - accidentally or doing it internationally?...!!!
“Go inside and see with your own eyes.” he left them wondering with a hidden smile. He wanted them to get shocked like him. Three people entered hurriedly. They looked in front of them in shock. They couldn’t help but gasp when they saw him. They never imagined the man they followed for one year blindly, and the man who was feared by the entire city was none other than a 15-year-old boy. “Are you our master? One of them couldn’t believe their eyes. “Why? Do you have any doubts? He asked, giving out a stern look that proved the other three entirely wrong with their suspicion. The first one who asked him about this was shocked, while this sudden discovery left his mouth quite open, but the other two were unlike him. “Welcome to our base, master.” The man who said he was in his 20s while calling a man who was younger than him sounded pretty awkward. But this doesn’t mean they were allowed to disrespect the man who was their leader; even their seniors were afraid of him, so how dare
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Chapter 557 - That Dumb...!!!
This matter was sensitive for David because, for the world, he was dead, so what was going on? Is someone trying to do this accidentally or doing it internationally? David wanted to kick out whoever was daring enough to mess with him throughout his entire system, but something got into his eyes. He saw the sign on the screen. His long fingers stopped on the keyboards, and he leaned back. He also wanted to see what they were trying to do. Soon the screen changed a few times, and they went through his files. It's not like they could find anything, but they didn’t even open any file, to his surprise, as if they were trying to find one thing. But instead of opening the file, they were trying to connect a voice system to his laptop. When David couldn’t take anymore, he felt they were childish. What do they think? If he doesn’t allow them, could they do as they wish? He groaned and grabbed them off guard. “Who the hell are you all? David sent a voice. He didn’t fake his voice.
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Chapter 558 - Forbidden fruit...!!!
David slammed on the desk; the sound almost blew their ears, who heard their conversation as the silent audience.Kevin knew if he kept going, the slap would fall on his back the next time.“Oscar Astor, the illegitimate son of the Astor family.” Kevin couldn’t help but grit his teeth when he mentioned Oscar because he always finds this eyesore. No matter how many times he meets Oscar, he can't bring himself to like that man.But he accidentally found the secret about Oscar when they went to the Astor family for their eldest grandson’s engagement.He had just gone to the washroom to freshen up after someone bumped into him and wine fell on his clothes. But how would he know when he went in he would hear something unexpected?He heard the argument from outside. At first, he wanted to come out, not hide inside the bathroom, but when he heard Onyx talking to his brother.Kevin thought it would be rude to walk on them, but when he heard them mentioning the Blood King and their personal b
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Chapter 559 - Back to your throne...!!!
The video was about a man carrying a girl in his arms since the girl buried herself in the man’s chest. No one could see her face, but that did not shock David. Instead, the man whose face shocked David. Because he knew this man, and he never could forget this man. When Kate had just given birth and returned home, he met this man outside their house. He was about to enter their home when his car bumped into another car. When he saw this man, he wore a golden mask on his face to cover half of his face. Since it was just an accident, David thought little about this and told Max to handle this matter since Kate was with him. So they went for Destiny’s regular checkup. But David gave him a stare when he saw how that man was staring at his wife and daughter with a burning gaze. David was a very possessive man; he didn’t like it when people stared at his Kate, so he hurriedly drove away when he saw that man had no intention of looking out. Kate didn’t care about the other people as
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Chapter 560 - Guilty...!!!
He almost lost the hope of coming back to life after going through that pain. When Alex mentioned Kate, both Amy and Aiden fell silent; the pain they hid in their heart significantly came back. Alex could tell they were hiding something from their expressions; he was David’s right hand over the years, so how could he not articulate what they were thinking? “Don’t tell me my sister-in-law is missing till now? Alex asked, sensing a great fear in his heart; he was afraid of this, Instead, he was deadly frightened for his master; Kate was their master’s life; he once witnessed how David had lost his sense and life after Kate was kidnapped and almost got killed by that bullet. Aideen sighed; he couldn’t hide even if he wanted to. “Yeah, sister-in-law’s whereabouts are still unknown, as well..” He couldn’t bring himself to tell this; when Alex heard this, he felt his head spinning; he couldn’t help but grab his head in pain. Amy and Aiden jumped out of fright and surrounded Alex; Aid
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