All Chapters of CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
737 Chapters
Chapter 561 - Let's meet soon...!!!
On the other side, Kate carefully listened to the surrounding noise; everything was calm with no sound; she opened her eyes since she couldn’t hear anyone around her. Earlier, when the nannies were present, they were talking about their master, Kate was a little confused since the man hadn’t appeared to her for the last two days since the day she had seen him leave with that girl. She couldn’t tell what was happening since she did not know anything. But she confirmed her suspicions when Dr. San came back to check up on her since she was best at acting. That man just took her blood and did some tests to see her progress. But before he left, He ordered them that if she showed any sign of waking up or some compilation apparel, they should call him since their master would be away for a few days. The nannies just nodded, and, as Dr. San said, Kate couldn’t tell what she was feeling at that moment. So she waited for a moment because she didn’t want to risk hopelessly. Now that he
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Chapter 562 - Dig out your ancestors
"Cut off this city's connection with these cities; continue even if you all have to dig out the grave of his ancestors. But don't let him find out about this." David looked at the city's name. He touched them. "Give me a hint; I'll find you at any cost." David prayed in his heart. He couldn't tell what he was thinking, but he was feeling different, a feeling that he had lost long ago as if something was going to happen. This made him force this even harder. Finally, David walked back and jumped in the chopper, the long windbreaker on his shoulders flying with air, dominating his presence. Today was the day he would fight against his fate when he was about to test his luck. The chopper flew toward the west; he had 6 hours; he didn't want to waste a second; he pulled out his phone and looked at the picture of his children and his wife. He sighed. He wanted to see whose power was more substantial, his children's fate, or the people who tried to destroy his family. On the other si
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Chapter 563 - Street person...!!!
Kate tied him against her and put him in front of her. Kate covered herself with clothes and took a deep breath. She picked up the vase nearby, left the door jar open, and hid behind the door. She gripped Daniel's bracelet in her hand tightly. That was her only weapon now. When she felt ready, Kate threw the vase toward the bathroom, falling precisely in front of the bathroom door. For the first time in Kate's life, she felt she could be a shooter; her aim was nearly perfect, just kidding. The breaking noise was loud enough to catch the bodyguards' attention. They rushed inside without hesitation. But unfortunately, Miss Allen and the baby were not there when they saw the empty bed. They looked toward the bathroom; 3 of them rushed inside the bathroom, Kate took the chance and ran out, and she didn't forget to lock the door from outside. She didn't look back; The nurse showed Kate the blueprint on her phone, and Kate ran in that direction. The surrounding scenery amazed her.
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Chapter 564 - A death wish...!!!
This bracelet would flash a light that could burn anything that came into contact, that would alert the people. So she didn't dare to risk her last chance of survival. Kate hugged the child and took the path of an unknown road. She didn’t know where she was going or where she was; she walked for an unknown moment. The sky had already turned dark; she barely could see anything. The road didn’t have any light stands, and she could hear the sounds of countless insects in the darkness. The road looks like an immovable road. Kate didn’t even see a car on this road. What she didn’t know was that her darling stopped all kinds of contact and transportation arrangements. Kate didn’t even have shoes on her feet. Earlier, she left her shoes in that mansion because if she walked in the shoes, they would discover her by footsteps. Her feet were bleeding after picking at countless sharp stones, making her even more determined since she had already escaped that hell. She would try with her life
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Chapter 565 - It's your turn...!!!
“Aunty, we got in an accident. Can you please shelter us in your home for a while? My baby and I will wait for a while until my family comes to get us?”Kate knew and believed from her heart that someone would reach there very soon since her husband said so. She knew it was true.The older woman looked at Kate for a moment; she couldn’t tell if Kate was telling the truth or not, but looking at her pitiful appearance, and the baby’s heart melted, her heart softened.She opened the gate and welcomed kate ``yeah, come inside.'' The woman welcomed Kate. Kate sighed, she knew she was taking a risk by going inside a stranger’s house, but she had only this option left.Kate walked inside; the house was small and a little shabby; the house had two rooms and a small living room.A pregnant woman was sitting in the room. When the woman saw an unknown stranger in their house, she looked at Kate in confusion.“Who are you? The girl asked in a weak voice, but she sounded a little rude. The older w
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Chapter 566 - Secret group...!!!
"What happened? David, are you okay? Nate asked worriedly. David finally returned to his senses. "I found it," he growled, almost scaring Nate's weak heart. A call came over David's phone before Nate could understand what was happening. He hurriedly received the call. "Master, someone had sent us the secret code. We're heading to the location." The man informed me. Since they were a secret team of David's, They would immediately take action once the secret code appeared in their system without delaying a second; this was David's order when he formed this group. When David heard it, his heart finally calmed down, but now he was sure about it. "It's your madam; close off the area immediately. Gather everyone there right now. I'm coming; block everything. Don't let a person move from their potion until I find your madam. Jeffrey, it is a matter of madam and young master's life and safety; if you fail, you will fail me," David said; Jeffrey heard his master very clearly. This matt
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Chapter 567 - Capturing her...!!!
"We're here to get our Miss." The man answered.The woman felt a little confused. The girl said she was married, so why were they calling her Miss?Kate, who was behind the door, when she heard the familiar voice; she felt her hand about to open the door shake violently."What the hell? How did they find her so soon?" Kate cursed in her heart. The pregnant girl saw how Kate's face turned pale suddenly. Earlier, she was beaming with a smile; now, suddenly, she looks like she has lost her soul.The girl walked to Kate. She peeked through the peephole and saw many armed people standing outside the door. When she saw it, she understood it was not a mere accident.The girl lied to them, and she looked at Kate with a bit of anger. "What's going on? Why are there so many people? They look dangerous. We helped you, but you threw us in trouble." The girl resounded since it was nighttime. The voice reached outside instantly.The people from outside heard a voice; even though they didn't know
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Chapter 568 - His heaven...!!!
Dr. San and his men walked closer to her with every step. A helicopter flew over their heads when they were closer to grab her. The air made it impossible for them to look up, and before they knew it, a person jumped from the helicopter and landed between them and Kate. Kate closed her eyes and waited for them to go near her. But, instead, she gripped the bracket in her hand, the fear in her heart getting harder for her to breathe. Still, she held herself together for her son. Yeah, she was afraid of death. Why wouldn't I? If she died, someone else would die, and she always wants to protect her own life to protect that life with her might. She knew they all pointed their guns at her despite her deadly weapon. She could wound one person at a time, but what about the other? What if they shoot her baby when she corners them? But she would if she needed to protect her son the last time. But suddenly, the helicopter noise came, and someone jumped behind her. But she was daring enough
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Chapter 569 - More than the world...!!!
When he saw the screen in front of him, he cried tears. He thought this was false news, but seeing his brother carrying his wife and son in his arms, he finally believed in god."Sister in law," Adam shouted.Kate turned her head when she saw the person running to them; her eyes teared again. "Brother Adam," Kate called out; she missed everyone; each person was a family to her; they were David and her family.Adam couldn't believe what he was seeing; for the first time in his life, he had run so fast; when he got near Kate and David.He broke down; he put his hand on his waist and pressed his hand over his mouth, and sobbed.David didn't even acknowledge him; his eyes only stuck on Kate and her; Daniel's eyes were on his dad.He hadn't seen his dad for almost months, yet he still could recognize him; that was the most fantastic scene."Sister-in-law, I can't believe my eyes; I thought this was just wrong news again." Adam looked at Kate with a disbelieving expression.Kate smiled again
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Chapter 570 - I never needed...!!!
“You knew I would die without you, yet you tried to be a dragon queen and follow them at your will. Where was your care and love for me, then?" David ran his fingers through his hair and said impatiently. Kate's mouth twisted, so her man was resentful again. Kate clutched his neck. David didn't hug her back this time; he kept holding her with an expressionless face. Kate felt a little hurt. But not because of his reaction. Instead, she felt hurt for him. She felt like she had hurt him really badly. "Darling, I know I did something wrong, but if they took Daniel without me, we don't know if you could've taken him back or not. We would have lived in guilt if that had happened. I didn't want that to happen but believe me, you stayed and will stay in my heart before anyone, even our children." Kate knew how she would coax the big boy if she became angry like him. David felt his heart melt, but he kept silent because sometimes, some pain was too painful that no one could easily o
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