All Chapters of CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
736 Chapters
Chapter 581 - A sinner...!!!
Derek said nothing but just smiled. "If David ruins him with one move, how can this be the revenge of David Xiver? If he wanted, he could, but that's not what he wanted; he wants something else, so we can do nothing until David tells us." He also wanted to crush that bastard since they had found out what he did to his brother, but since David had found out about the photos, he told them to hold on to it until he told them. Nick was unaware of what David wanted to do, but he had enough battles in front of him because he was yet to find his wife, Only he knew how he felt in his heart the whole time; now that he knew his daughter was fine, his heart had one less burden. "But why had he rejected me to return to S country to search for my wife since he said my wife is not in A country?" When they talked on the phone earlier, David told him not to waste energy searching for his wife in A country. Still, when Nate asked David if he knew where Kylie was, all he said was that wherever s
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Chapter 582 - His happiness...!!!
On the other hand, Oscar reached the place he kept Kate captive; when he got there, the view in front of him shocked him. He saw the whole place turn into dust as if the mansion had never existed in the first place. The man narrowed his eyes dangerously; Shock and fury spared into his entire body; Rebel looked at the place, which turned into nothing but a pile of broken buildings, then his eyes turned to his master. He could see the fury in his master's eyes and then shock. "They found her." These three words were enough for Oscar; he kicked the ground as if he wanted to crush them under his feet. "How did this happened? Find out right now," Oscar shouted, still trying to control his mind because once he let his mind out of control, a storm would ravish everything leaving nothing. Rebel nodded; even though he was shocked, the government never dared to cross this road because it hid this place from the world; no one even knew it existed. How were this possible Derek and his men
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Chapter 583 - Knot the moon and sun...!!!
Kate couldn't help but giggle when she saw his expression; her laughter was enough for David; when he saw the carefree and teasing laugh on her face, he couldn't help but smile along with her because his happiness was with her. A huge relief washed over his heart, the pain he had hidden in his heart slowly getting exchanged with happiness. David hugged his Wifey close to him. “Wifey, I love you too much.” David was not a person who would express his love with these simple three words. He used to show them with his emotions, but he decided to add these words to his life because sometimes words can do magic, and he needed everything. Because he owned this person’s heart and would wish her every happiness, but he was never a person who would leave everything to fate; he would earn every happiness on this earth for her. Kate hugged him tightly “how much?” Kate asked with a testing tone, even though she knew his heart’s every beat was for her. She felt loved by his every action beca
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Chapter 584 - Demons...!!!
"They starved him when he refused to take the formula, and he fell sick." She said with tears in her eyes; when she said these words, the entire coward fell into a deep slumber. Kate couldn't keep his tears from falling like rain; she kissed the little boy's face. She knew no matter how much she spent her love to wipe away the bad memories from this boy's life, the little angel had suffered too much. And the mark on his cheek would remind her until she lived how much her son had suffered in that bastard's hand. David couldn't keep his legs in place, so he walked to his son and wife and hugged them tightly as if he was shielding them from the unhappiness and sadness they had to suffer because of one mistake. "It's okay, wifey; our son is a brave hero." David couldn't find words to comfort her because he knew her heart was in pain. When no one was seeing, the coldness in his eyes surged because the fire of revenge in his eyes had turned into lava long ago. Robert fisted his hand on
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Chapter 585 - Take him away...!!!
Seeing the little angel crying so wistfully hurts everyone's heart. David tried to calm his son, but the little boy was struggling in his arms. Kate walked to them and carried the boy. The boy hugged his mother's neck and sobbed until he felt tired; after a few minutes, Daniel fell asleep; David instructed Kate to hand Daniel to him. David carried the little boy in his arms, Daniel even flinched in his sleep, but he might recognize his father's secret, so he slept peacefully. David walked back to the baby cot and put him in it, Nate looked at David's careful action, and he felt proud that his daughter married a man like David; that man never disappointed him but angered him sometimes. But he forgave him because Kate was David's wife and his daughter loved his son-in-law more than sometimes felt jealous. If not his daughter were madly in love, he would have taken his daughter and his grandchildren away because he was not ready to marry his daughter away so soon. But fate was an ex
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Chapter 586 - His heart ached...!!!
Inside the car, David looked outside; Robert was driving to an address, god knows where, but he didn't ask where they were going. "Whatever you will see or know, keep them to yourself, don't tell anyone, especially my father-in-law." David's sudden order puzzled them. "What do you mean, Bro?" Aiden asked. But he had reason to take Aiden with him since he wanted to be sure he had his use. "You will find out soon." He said seriously. Soon he was in deep thought; no one knew what he was thinking in this crazy dangerous mind of his; only he knew what he always ponders in his head; they couldn't even guess his mind even though they spent thousands of years. After half an hour, their car entered the private property, and the area was between a forest area, and they could tell the person who owned this place was no ordinary person. The car stopped before a villa between the forest, and they got off; a man walked outside "
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Chapter 587 - Idiot father...!!!
"He saved her," David said with a sad expression; his heart ached for his mother-in-law, who had suffered so much and almost died at the hand of a vicious woman who ruined her entire family. When they heard him say this, their minds were in a total mess; he saved her, but how? Also, no one knows about him being the son of Nate Allen instead of Jack Allen, but how does he know about this? "He always knew about his birth secret since he had turned ten years old, and even though he knew about this, he could do nothing since my respectful father-in-law went into hiding for almost 15 years. How would he know where he went, even if I had to find him with all my sources? Only then did he find him." (Back to the day David found out about the hidden location of Oscar Astor where he had kept his wife) "But who are you? How do you expect me to believe a phone call? What if you're trying to mess with me?" David asked with a hint of anger and hesitation. He knew there was never a free meal
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Chapter 588 - Karma...!!!
"Where is that person?" But, of course, David didn't forget about the actual matter since he couldn't wait to see that person who almost ruined his lifetime happiness. "He is there." Kevin pointed in the other direction, David followed Kevin and entered a dark room. The room was so dark they couldn't even see their own hands until Kevin's men switched on the light, but a horrific scene caught them off guard. The man was chained to the pillar, lying on the ground, and his entire body was bruised with wounds, but that's not what shocked them; they were very familiar with this man. When the man realized people had entered the room, he shivered, crawled backward, and raised his hand to cover his eyes, but he didn't say a word. "Hello, Mr. Smith; how are you?" Kevin asked with a beautiful smile when he saw the man looking at him with fear in his eyes. When the man heard Kevin call him, he looked at Kevin; even though he was afraid, he looked at him and yelled at him, "Ungrateful bas
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Chapter 589 - Impossible...!!!
That day there were two boys, one was Oscar Astor, and another was someone they didn't know. This mystery puzzled him; why Oscar Astor claimed to be that boy since he was not? But David found nothing about it. After leaving that room, David felt light-hearted since he had long wanted to do this, but his anger and revenge were yet to be done; these people deserve a worse life than a peaceful death. They destroyed 15 years of the entire family's life, yet it would be unfair to his wife, brother-in-law, and mother-in-law if they got an easy death. "I'm leaving; I've left the rest of them to you; when you're done with it, inform me, and I'll surely enjoy the show," David said to Kevin. When the little man heard this, he felt sad; he couldn't help but want to leave the country with his mother and sister. But he wouldn't repeat the same mistake as his father and leave everything halfway just to let his enemies strike him in the future. He wanted to fix everything before his mother ope
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Chapter 590 - A husband's promise...!!!
"Master, this is impossible" Rebel refused to believe this, but Oscar stopped him. "He is alive, Rebel; he is playing with us from behind the scene" Oscar laughed like a maniac. Color vanished from Rebel's face, and he couldn't even dare to say his master was wrong because once they plus everything together, he knew his master wouldn't just say something he was unsure about. "Then what about the video footage?" Rebel did not expect this result, so he wasn't ready to hear this at all. "He knew something before he entered the M country, but what?" Oscar murmured in his heart, and he couldn't find a person who was daring enough to betray him. Rebel couldn't find anyone because M country was old master Welsh's terrorism; no one would dare to go against him, let alone Blood king. But they didn't know someone else long ago overturned their game; not only David took Kate away, but he also put a trap for them, and without realizing it, they slowly ran toward the trap. Soon they wouldn't
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