All Chapters of CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife: Chapter 591 - Chapter 600
736 Chapters
Chapter 591 - Pride for being single..!!!
"Wifey, this time, I'll not give anyone a chance to get close to our family; this is a husband's promise to his wife, a father's promise to his children's mother," David said firmly. Kate felt his promise with her heart. She smiled and touched his face. "Darling, it doesn't matter how many times the universe tries to separate us because every time, my heart will find the way back to you." she would sacrifice the world for him. David's guilt broke her heart; she didn't want him to feel guilt over someone else's crime; someone else wanted to harm their family; it was significant enough that she was alive so that David could still escape this guilt. "Darling, let it go; it wasn't any of our faults; that man was too sinister," Kate whispered in a low voice when she saw the man's eyes were like a thunderstorm when she mentioned that man. "I'm sorry, darling, I'll let him taste how it feels like to be in despair; I'll not give him an easy death, and the person who hurt ou
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Chapter 592 - Someone generous...!!!
The people outside the kitchen could feel the sweetness coming from the kitchen even after being far away from the kitchen. But they pretend not to notice it because, damn, it hurts their pride for being single in the presence of a couple like David and Kate. David washed strawberries and handed a bowl to his wife; Kate took the bowl and picked up a fresh strawberry. When the juicy strawberry touched her tongue, she smiled; she had a wicked idea in her head. Suddenly David felt a pair of hands on his waist as he sighed helplessly, but all he could do was put down the knife because he didn't dare to be careless. Kate pulled his face to the side. "Darling, the strawberries taste too good." She smiled innocently; David looked at her red ears; he knew she was too daring. "Okay," he replied as she said innocently. "Do you like to taste it?" Kate asked him as if giving him a chance; David was not a naïve teen who wouldn't know what was going on in her little head "Okay." David gra
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Chapter 593 - She returned...!!!
Kate's mouth twisted with shock; she couldn't believe someone would be so generous with gifts."I didn't; someone generously gifted this for you and our baby," David confirmed their doubts. Kate turned to David in consternation.David patted her head "Someone precious gifted this for our baby and you; you should accept them because this is your right as the person who should own these." David didn't want her to feel bothered by the price or how expensive these were; even what he had stockpiled in their home wasn't a smaller amount than these gifts, there was nothing in front of them, but this was not what changed his mind.Money is just a number for David, but what touched him, the teen boy who had done his best for his sister and nephews, and nieces at such a young age?He is not even 15 yet; that made David believe in that boy, so David didn't want to hide anything from Kate; he would leave the decision to her because that boy needed his family.Kate was now his only family who cou
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Chapter 594 - Welcome home...!!!
"I think Blood king doesn't even regard them as human; how can he send these people to death without information about us." He acted like he felt pity for these people. Aiden smiled "he thought too little about us." He said meaningfully.They laughed out loud; these 20 people weren't even worthy of fighting against them because they used to handle 50 together, so 20 was nothing compared to 50."I just hope my brother's plan will work this time," Aiden said, looking toward the sky; the plane had already taken off, so they had nothing to worry about."I believe in him." Robert believes David knows what he is trying to do.On the plane,Kate leaned on David's shoulder as she fell asleep; Adam had already changed his seat and sat next to David."Brother, why are you leaving everything halfway? Why not end it already?" Adam is not complicated-minded, but he believes Oscar Astor doesn't deserve to be given a chance."Who said I let him go? My game just started; wait till he crawls to me him
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Chapter 595 - Wild lion...!!!
As a father, even though he never expressed with words, only he knows how much he missed them and how much he felt guilty leaving them all alone. Richard's mansion was 40 minutes away from the airport, so with Liam's driving skills, they took about 30 minutes; Kate usually fell asleep whenever David was with her, no matter how small or distant she was traveling. But at this moment, she only felt she couldn't keep her eyes closed for a second, as if she would fall asleep the next second and miss the moment of finally seeing her family. David felt her hand on his palm, sweating intensely; he felt her nervousness, so he tightened his hold. "Everything is going to be okay." This requirement from this man was like heaven's will for her. Her restless heart finally calmed down, and she smiled brightly. The car stopped in front of the first check post before they could enter Richard's mansion; Liam lowered the window on both sides, the military officer walked to the car, and Adam put his
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Chapter 596 - Dowry...!!!
Old master Richard was fond of Kate since their marriage; he was present, even though he was overly affectionate; he knew she was no ordinary girl.He felt respect toward this little girl who could tame a wild lion-like David Xiver; she could be anything but an ordinary girl. "Okay, as you wish, but don't forget this old man; as much as they are children of the Xiver family, they are also god-great-grandchildren of this old man, so keep coming anytime to trouble this old man."The older man said with a sigh, what he could, if possible, he wanted to keep the angles to himself.But he knew that was not possible, so he let them go.After dinner, Liam drove David and the others back home; since Adam had just returned, David didn't want him to come along and spend time with his parents and grandpa.Adam knew, so he stayed back, but in his heart, he couldn't understand it was not like David hadn't any other properties; why did he have to return to the south mansion, since their enemies kne
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Chapter 597 -
"Then I'll send my family over on Sunday to fix the marriage date." He had waited for enough; he didn't want to miss another month again. He looked at Rose with a smirk; Rose blushed; she didn't look at him anymore; she knew what he meant by that lustful look. David deliberately ignored his soon-to-be brother-in-law's flirting stares and looked at Kate. "I need to go to the hospital to see Alex. Can you wait for me at home?" he didn’t want her to go there yet; they had just returned and left the children alone, and he didn’t want that. Since David knew this time he wouldn't give anyone a chance, that meant he was confident. He wanted to meet Alex; also, he had important work at the hospital, but he didn't want to tell anyone about it because he was unsure. Hearing Alex's name, Kate showed an emotional expression. "I want to go with you, but I don't want to leave Devin and Destiny for today; I'll meet Amy tomorrow; you can meet them if you have time; we'll be okay." She said sh
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Chapter 598 - Dipped in poison...!!!
As a mother, she could sacrifice the world for her son without a second thought, let alone go to the living hell; she wouldn't think twice. Otherwise, her life would be worthless. "Where are brother- and sister-in-law?" Nina asked when she first hid her meeting from David; she had already caused mental torture for herself, and she didn't want to keep it from them anymore; it would be nothing a foolish decision. "They just went to their room; I think my brother went to change his clothes to head to the hospital to meet brother Alex," Rose informed; she failed to notice the tension and helplessness on Nina's face because she would never have imagined in her dream her sister was facing such a life-death situation in just a few minutes. Their brother and sister just returned, and their family reunited; who knew someone already knew about this secret when David Xiver stepped on S country? That man hid too deeply; even the old master Welsh had control over his absolute power; he was so
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Chapter 599 - Rebuild...!!!
"Alex." Hearing this name, Alex felt he had passed the most challenging time in his life, and the lightness wiped off the darkness."Master." Alex's voice was shaking when he took this name.The book fell from his hand, when he realized it, he tried to pick it up, but someone beat him with it. David walked in front of his bed and picked up the book. He put the book on the bedside table.Seeing Alex after so long, he felt guilty inside; he had seen Alex lifelessly lying on the hospital bed and the ripped-open wounds all over his body.David remembered his body without a soul, yet he left as a strong brother beside Alex.But he has to choose again; he must decide to leave again, but he also believes Alex would hold on and fight to go against his fate.David patted his shoulder; Alex couldn't hold himself back and hugged his master without hesitation, not because he was sad but because he was too happy to see his master alive in front of him.Also, he felt guilty; he failed to protect t
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Chapter 600 - Wait too long...!!!
Since we already met Alex and the doctor, where are we going? "To meet someone important." David's voice suddenly turned cold; even Liam felt David's mood had changed again; he couldn't tell why. But he felt a bit chilly. Liam was puzzled; since David had just returned, who else could be so crucial for him to meet in such a hurry? Also, Max had already transferred to another city near his family since they were not from this city.But David already told Max's parents that as long as Max has a little hope to get well, even if it were 1%, David would provide him with 100% treatment.Also, the doctor said Max's condition was more stable, so David allowed his men to send Max to his parents; they just needed to take care of him.Liam followed David in a confused mind; they took the elevator. To the 10th floor, David walked out, following Liam behind him; Liam saw a few doctors standing near the elevator, lining up and bowing when they finally saw the person. "Master Xiver, welcome." eve
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