All Chapters of My Master is a Boy-witch: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
465 Chapters
its payback time
Spending most of her childhood together with her step family and thinking for the most part of her life that they were the closest thing that she could ever have to the concept of a family, Abby had come to learn how to care for her step family's well being.As such, regardless of how bad they treated her before, Abby still did not wish anything bad to happen neither to her Aunt Sarah, nor to her two daughters."Perhaps when mortals used to
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abby's first spell
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good life gone bad
"This ring was a family heirloom that was passed down  to our family from generations to generations. in due time, this will be yours as well."Abby clearly remembered those words from her late dad. Actually, that was the only conversation with her father that she could recall.She could no longer remember anything  next to her father other than that one. In fact, Abby could not even remember what exactly was the heirloom that they were talking about that time.Abby lost her biological mother at such a young age. That was why she did not have
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darling I know
"Nature sure knows how to choose the best timing."Jorah said.Abby had no idea when did he arrived, but when she looked down her feet, the cat was already
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tough choice
"They are the closest thing I have to a family. I may not be in any way related to them in terms of blood, but for once in my life, I treated them as my own family as well. I basically grew up with them yet they ran away, together with all my money. The inheritance that my parents left to me, they took it from me and left me buried in their debts instead."When Abby was once again reminded of the money that she lost as well as the supposed opportunity to give her life a change, her heart ached.But knowing that there was no point thinking about the things that she did not have control over with, Abby chose to only put it at the back of her mind.Jorah felt sorry towards Abby when he heard her story and so he told the other party something that he reckoned would cheer her up at least."Don't worry little girl, things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end,
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one last time
Spending most of her childhood together with her step family and thinking for the most part of her life that they were the closest thing that she could ever have to the concept of a family, Abby had come to learn how to care for her step family's well being.As such, regardless of how bad they treated her before, Abby still did not wish anything bad to happen neither to her Aunt Sarah, nor to her two daughters."Perhaps when mortals used to
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eye for an eye
"This ring was a family heirloom that was passed down  to our family from generations to generations. in due time, this will be yours as well."Abby clearly remembered those words from her late dad. Actually, that was the only conversation with her father that she could recall.She could no longer remember anything  next to her father other than that one. In fact, Abby could not even remember what exactly was the heirloom that they were talking about that time.Abby lost her biological mother at such a young age. That was why she did not have
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here i am baby
"Sure, go ahead, Clara. By all means, feel free to call the police and let us see who between us deserved to be put behind bars. Lest you forget, let me remind you that everything you own right now was mine and you guys just basically stole all of it from me?!"Just like what they feared, Abby forced her way inside and she was able to shove them with ease.Even with the combined strength of Mara and Clara, they were not able to block Abby and stopped her from coming in. The gate was relatively heavier on their side but it was the contrary for Abby's side. Mostly because Eugene already get in the way and helped her to sort it out.
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well hope not
"Hi."Abby greeted the other party meekly just for the sake of being polite. Of course, she did not want to appear rude in front of her crush, of all the people.Candice and Bryan's presence alone was enough to attract so
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dont you ever
As Abby made her way back to their house, she could not help but notice how the route seemed to become farther than it previously was. She felt as though she spent a long time walking back home compared to the time that she actually took when she traveled from their house going to the bank. It might sound weird but that was what she could observe so far. Perhaps it was due to the mixture of exhaustion and disappointment that had finally taken a toll on her. But nonetheless, after a while of walking, she still arrived at the front door of their house. The house itself looked exactly the same just like how it was before. The only difference though was that it was now empty. There was no Aunt Sarah to boss her around nor no annoying Mara and Clara sisters to make fun of her. It was only then that everything that happened had finally sunk in at Abby. 
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