All Chapters of My Master is a Boy-witch: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
465 Chapters
"Just bare with Master Eugene, in the meantime. He is quite grumpy at times, but he is not always like that. He is really a nice man, believe me."Jorah said in his master defense while he tried his best to move the burnt casserole over the gas range towards the empty countertop.The casserole was almost as big as the size of the cat's body itself so the other party was having a hard time carrying it. Seeing this, Abby came to his rescue."If this happened to a normal household, this would call forth an emergency situation. But from how you guys handled it, it seemed that this was not new anymore."Abby could not help but comment as she took the casserole from Jorah's paws."Well, explosions were indeed a common thing whenever Master Eugene was trying to concoct new potions. He is not good at cooking anything in general."
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chichi (1.2)
"Just bare with Master Eugene, in the meantime. He is quite grumpy at times, but he is not always like that. He is really a nice man, believe me."Jorah said in his master defense while he tried his best to move the burnt casserole over the gas range towards the empty countertop.The casserole was almost as big as the size of the cat's body itself so the other party was having a hard time carrying it. Seeing this, Abby came to his rescue."If this happened to a normal household, this would call forth an emergency situation. But from how you guys handled it, it seemed that this was not new anymore."Abby could not help but comment as she took the casserole from Jorah's paws."Well, explosions were indeed a common thing whenever Master Eugene was trying to concoct new potions. He is not good at cooking anything in general."
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Abby and Jorah were busy cuddling with one another. There was still some work left for them to do but they were almost done.They were just having a good rest when all of a sudden, they heard an explosion coming from the kitchen.'BOOM!'Abby and Jorah found themselves staring at one another after they heard the sound and they saw the same shocked and perplexed expression reflecting in each of their own faces."I wonder what could possibly the cause of that explosion?"Jorah though out loud as they hurriedly made their way to the kitchen to come and check for the source of the explosion.When they arrived, they saw Eugene standing in front of the kitchen top. He had his back on them that was why he had no idea that they were already there.His hair and clothes were al
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not this one
"You're late."That was the first thing that Eugene said as soon as he saw Abby arrived at their work station. However, his scowling face was not the first thing that Abby noticed when she got there.Instead, what caught her attention was the state of the room itself.It was a total mess! There were countless empty vials scattered on the floor as well as dangling parchments here and there, to the point that Abby could not help but twitch her face upon the mere sight of it."How were you able to work as such a disorganized environment????"Abby asked out loud as she looked at Eugene's direction with disbelief clearly written on her face."This is what they called, systematic chaos."Eugene replied with the same air of nonchalance that he usually had a
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hey soul sister
"Then… cause they fell my mom?" It makes me cry to think that this is the story behind this necklace. “No… my mom can't do that! I can think of no reason Brylle! My mother is kind! ”   “Many clans and other creatures want to overthrow the White Light Clan. Maybe they are also jealous of the power they have. Whatever your mom's reason, maybe she has a personal grudge against Lux Bloodline. Don't you remember that your mom might have told you something before? ”   I thought deeply and honestly, there were some memories in my brain where my mom was telling me about a princess. But it's a bit vague, it's been a long time so I don't remember much. “How did you come up with this book? And why d
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Abby briefly dusted herself before running towards their front door. It was left open! "Aunt Sarah???! Mara? Clara?!! Hello?!!!!! Anyone in here? Where are you????" She called out and went to check each of their room but there was no one. Even their closets were empty. "They left me?!!!! Did they run away from home???" When this thought crossed Abby's mind, she started to break into a cold sweat and so without wasting another minute of her time, she took a pair of slippers and immediately dashed to the road. To her haste, she no longer noticed that the pair of slippers that she was wearing were mismatched.  The road was still wet due fro the previous rain and while Abby was running along with the traffic, a car that passed by her accidentally splashed water towards her direction. "HOLY SHEEP!!!"&n
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down (1.2)
Abby briefly dusted herself before running towards their front door. It was left open! "Aunt Sarah???! Mara? Clara?!! Hello?!!!!! Anyone in here? Where are you????" She called out and went to check each of their room but there was no one. Even their closets were empty. "They left me?!!!! Did they run away from home???" When this thought crossed Abby's mind, she started to break into a cold sweat and so without wasting another minute of her time, she took a pair of slippers and immediately dashed to the road. To her haste, she no longer noticed that the pair of slippers that she was wearing were mismatched.  The road was still wet due fro the previous rain and while Abby was running along with the traffic, a car that passed by her accidentally splashed water towards her direction. "HOLY SHEEP!!!"&n
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im sorry
I rang the doorbell a few times and soon after, someone opened the door…   "Alyanna…?" Shocked, my cousin Cerina asked. Auntie Seline's daughter. “What are you doing here? How did you find us? ”   I try to control my anger. I was shaking and I think, it wasn't just because of fear. I thought it was time for me to fight. "Where is your mom? Auntie Seline? I want to talk to him. ”   He would have closed the gate of the house for me but that did not continue because I blocked it. Apart from that, some forces also prevented it from closing. Maybe Brylle did it.&
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dont leave me
“Really? Are you sure?"   "Just promise me you'll help me with Brylle too." Then she smiled at me for the first time. “Then we can be friends. Do you agree, Alyanna? ”: Chapter 25:(Brylle Zaffiro POV)   "Is there a change, Vander?"   “Still nothing. Master Lorcan is very difficult to trace. ” We are currently working on a spell to find Master Lorcan and let him know that we have found the Lux Amulet. “In the past he was in the Otherworld, then returned to the mortal world. Then it's in the Otherworld again! Then come back to thi
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its on the back of my mind
 WHERE: Just outside the classroom.   "You were visited again here in our building." Ahihi! Demure happens but deep inside, I'm just really joking!   Actually, after Prince Dustin confessed that he also likes me, I often get along with him. If it wasn't for Elysse, she would be the one I was talking to.   "Here… these are chocolates imported from Switzerland." And every time we meet my prince, he always gives me gifts! This is what it is like .. errr… I am still ashamed to say… what .... ‘Courtship.’ 
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