All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
5230 Chapters
Chapter 191
Everyone at the birthday party was looking at Wynn with contempt and disdain in their eyes.Eric and Aaron’s gifts that were presented moments before were extremely valuable.Then, Ted announced the shocking news of attaining the Oasis development project at the south of Riverdale.He would be making 500 million for the Yates!Now, it was Wynn’s turn. What gift would her family be presenting today?Martha sat on her seat, extremely nervous. She saw what Wynn was holding. It was the box that Philip had previously given to her.If Wynn gave that thing to her father, it would be the biggest joke of the century.Everyone would look at them as if they were fools!Eric stared at Wynn with mockery on his face. He looked at the small box in her hands and the smirk on his face got wider. He lifted his eyebrow and said, “Cousin, it’s Grandpa’s 70th birthday today. Are you really going to give this tiny box to him? What valuable item can it hold?”Eric snorted in his head. He saw with hi
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Chapter 192
‘Wait for my signal. I don’t like the Yates.’ Philip replied to the message in secret and put away his phone.George was over at the chairman’s office in Apex Group. After he got the message, he lifted his eyebrow and asked his secretary to announce this.As long as Philip opened his mouth, he would make sure to bankrupt the Yates.These blind fools must have crossed the young master.“Philip, what are you doing?” Wynn noticed Philip had been playing with his phone the entire time, which is why she asked curiously.“Oh, it’s nothing. Professor Turner told me he’ll arrange Mila’s surgery for next Wednesday,” Philip replied.“Really?” Wynn was excited. She grabbed onto Philip’s hand emotionally.Mila was her everything. Which mother would want to see their own child suffer?“Yeah.” Philip patted the back of Wynn’s hand lovingly.“Hey, did you hear that the Oasis development project in the south of Riverdale was developed by the richest man in Riverdale, George Thomas? Ted’s maki
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Chapter 193
An investment of one billion bucks!All of the Yates’ assets were just worth 700 to 800 million bucks!Adding in Bob’s own company with Samson and Ted’s company, they only had a little over a billion!This investment of one billion bucks came out of nowhere!How would he not be excited?Bob stood up excitedly and widened his eyes. He asked while gasping for air, “What… What did you say? Say it again!”“Old Master, we got an investment of one billion dollars!” the middle-aged man finally wiped his sweat and said with the same excitement.In an instant, Bob’s face turned red. He lifted his head and guffawed at the sky. “Wonderful! The Yates family is finally going to enter high society! An investment of one billion dollars! Go and find out who was the one who invested in us. We have to invite them here and take good care of them!”This person must be an extremely rich billionaire.He had to treat him with respect.Bob was ready to invite them here himself.The middle-aged man
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Chapter 194
Bob glared coldly at Philip who was sitting on his seat. He snorted and said, “Who does he think he is? What a sore sight!”With a scoff, Bob walked away with his black wood cane tapping on the ground. He was about to leave with his group of people.Philip had been enduring this kind of treatment for a long time. He sat on his seat indifferently and took a sip of his wine. He said calmly, “You can’t be sure that I’m not Mr.Clarke.”At first, everyone was shocked. Then, they started laughing loudly.Was Philip an idiot?How dare he say something like this?“Damn! Philip, why don’t you take a look at yourself in the mirror? Aside from your last name, what part of you looks like a rich person?”Eric laughed in frustration.How could such a shameless person exist? He was hilarious!Philip did not say anything. He knew they would not believe him even if he told them.Bob and his group of people snorted and went out of the door.In a blink of an eye, only a few people were left in
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Chapter 195
Eric guffawed. His face was filled with contempt. He pointed at Philip and said, “F*ck me! What did you say, Philip? You’re taking Wynn there? How are you going to take her there? You’re just a piece of trash!“Do you know what kind of place Cirrus Manor is? It’s the most mysterious manor in Riverdale! It cost the owners one billion to build!“Are you saying that you’re qualified to be invited to the party?”Eric could not contain himself. He said all kinds of horrible and sarcastic remarks.He attracted the attention of a few people in just a short while. They started laughing at Philip too.Philip was simply humiliating himself!He was still trying to boast when things had already come to this.Wynn’s face was also burning. She kicked Philip under the table to tell him to stop talking.She was plenty embarrassed already but Philip would not stop talking!Would he only stop after he had beef with everyone?When she thought about this, Wynn was starting to get angry.However
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Chapter 196
Bang!The door of the restroom kicked open and Jess barged in.When she saw the sight before her, she turned around to leave. Before she left, however, she turned around and said, “You’ve been married for so long. Find someplace better if you want to be intimate with each other.”After Jess left, Philip said in annoyance, “There must be something wrong with this woman’s head. She can’t bear to see a husband and a wife being happy.”Wynn rolled her eyes at him and approached him. She straightened her back and buttoned Philip’s shirt for him.Philip wanted to continue but Wynn smacked his hand away. “Stop being unsatisfied with small gains. Let’s go.”Philip shrugged helplessly. He murmured, “We’ve been husband and wife for so long. What are you scared of?”Wynn turned around and displayed a pleasing smile. She looked seductive under the sun.When they got back to the party, it was nearing the end. Philip had just sat down for one minute when he got George’s message.‘Young Ma
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Chapter 197
Bob was beyond excited at this moment.Russell was here and was even gifting him ‘Shrimp’ by Qi Baishi. This was such a precious gift!Not everyone was able to give out such luxurious gifts.Everyone followed behind Bob and came to the outer courtyard. Then, they got to the entrance.Eric was the last one to arrive. When he saw that Philip did not move, he said in despise, “What’s wrong? An important man like Russell Field is here and you don’t want to go and welcome him?”Did this guy have nails on his bottom?How could he still sit there?After Eric’s reminder, Philip thought about it and came to the conclusion that Eric’s words made sense. He got up and followed Wynn as well as the rest of the crowd. However, he stood a few meters away from the crowd. He did not want to go to the front. Philip did not want to get involved in something like this.Everyone stood at the door respectfully. A black Maybach stopped at the entrance.In an instant, the car door was opened and Russe
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Chapter 198
Russel smiled and said, “Oh, Phil and I bonded through collecting. He’s one of my most intimate friends. We’re kindred spirits.”Intimate friends?Kindred spirits?Bob was shocked. Everyone was also taken aback.What was going on?Philip was just a spineless bum. How did he know an entrepreneur with a net worth of a few billion bucks like Russell?Was Philip a collector as well?Impossible. He was so poor. Did he have the money to collect?Eric and Aaron were surprised. Philip even knew someone like this?! They had underestimated him.“I didn’t expect that Russell came here for Philip.”Everyone’s jaws dropped.Was this a joke?“Russell is a famous collector in the country and is worth more than three billion. Why is such an important man so respectful toward Philip? Something’s not right.” Jess was meticulous. She stood among the crowd and sensed that something was amiss.However, when she looked at Philip closely, she could not imagine him being a billionaire or a nouv
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Chapter 199
“Theo Zander? Which Theo Zander?”“Mr. Theo Zander from Theodorus Charity Organization?”“The underground king of Riverdale, Theo Zander? Why is he here?”Before the relatives and younger generation of the Yates in the courtyard came back to their senses, everyone in the hall was starting to get antsy. Compared to an entrepreneur and well-known collector like Russell, Theo was popular in Riverdale because of his power with the dark side.If a powerful man like that did not come here sincerely, it could be said that he was here to take someone’s life.It was only natural for Bob to be nervous.Not everyone could get in touch with a powerful man like Theo. Plus, no ordinary person could invite him to anything.While everyone was in a state of shock, Theo was already walking into the courtyard with a smile on his face. His white suit and fedora were radiating an air of dominance. One would feel like they were being crushed by a mountain with his presence.It was Theo Zander inde
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Chapter 200
That was Theo Zander!Philip did not know what was good for him. How dare he be so disrespectful?Bob was the first one to be mad. He yelled at Philip, “Philip, since Mr. Zander is here for you, why are you still sitting? Who do you think you are? Do you have no manners?”After Bob’s angry shouting, Eric, Aaron, and some other people started berating him as well.“Philip, stand up and apologize to Mr. Zander now!”“That piece of trash really thinks that he’s someone special.”They were saying more and more nasty things about Philip. These people did not like Philip for a very long time now. They finally had a chance to chime in.If Theo got angry, Philip would be done for!However, Philip only lifted his head slightly and looked at everyone. Then, he grabbed the ladle and took some soup for Wynn. He said, “This is not bad. It’s good for your body. You should drink more.”Damn it!Bob was seething!This piece of trash was completely disrespecting him!When he was about to
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