All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
5230 Chapters
Chapter 171
Philip’s fiancée?Wynn could feel her heart skip a beat. Her fair hands clenched together in fists as she grabbed her dress. She looked at Chloe in disbelief. Then, she lowered her eyes and her lips started to tremble.What was going on?She was Philip’s fiancée?Why did Philip not tell her about this?At this moment, Wynn was feeling all kinds of emotions in her heart. It was difficult for her to calm herself down. She was so nervous that she took a big gulp of her coffee to control her emotions.Chloe smirked coldly. She was feeling pleased with herself and it was made obvious by the smirk on her face. She continued to say, “Philip and I are childhood sweethearts. We've known each other since we were young. Seven years ago, he left without a word at our engagement party. I didn’t expect him to be married and have a daughter seven years later,” Chloe said slowly. Each and every word she said made Wynn feel like a sinner. She had known Philip from a long time ago. They were als
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Chapter 172
Wynn walked down from the top floor lifelessly and miserably. She could not stop the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.Why? Why did Philip hide this from her?She felt hurt and betrayal that she had never felt before.Wynn started to question herself. Was she just one of Philip’s toys?She felt that Chloe was too domineering. She was not her opponent at all.What should she do? How should she face this?Wynn felt exhausted. She started walking with no destination in mind.At this time, a group of people who looked like thugs began following behind her.They had received the signal and been waiting on the first floor for a very long time. They looked at each other while rubbing their fists before heading over to Wynn quickly.“Hey pretty lady, you’re looking hot. Your skin is so fair and your legs are so slender. Daddy likes women like you. Why isn’t there a man with you? Do you want to have a drink with me and the boys?”“Why is a pretty lady like you crying? Who bulli
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Chapter 173
Philip held Wynn in his arms. His eerie eyes reflected a coldness that would wreak havoc.He would be going on a rampage today.He would make these people pay the most horrible price they could ever think of!“Wynn, wait for me. Let me take care of this and we’ll talk when we go back, okay?” The kindness in Philip’s eyes caressed Wynn’s face gently.“Alright,” said Wynn. She nodded, her eyes filled with trust for Philip.This man was her husband. He was her guardian for the rest of her life.Why would she not believe him?Should she waver just because of what Chloe said?Wynn did not want to know who Philip was nor what the Clarkes did for a living.As long as Philip stayed with her, everything would be fine.Even if Philip did not want to tell her, she would not force him.He must have his own difficulties.She was willing to wait for the day when Philip would willingly open up to her.“Doug? Doug, are you okay?” The thugs got up and surrounded Doug. Then, they helped him
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Chapter 174
“You… You brat! How dare you hit me! You’re digging your own grave!” Doug was looking at Philip with fear. He said viciously, “My brother is Michael Moseby! He’s the manager of this restaurant!”Thud!Philip kicked him again. This time, he kicked him on his stomach. The latter screamed and curled up in pain. His face turned extremely red.Half of Doug’s kidney was about to be destroyed from that kick.“I’m going to ask you once, who ordered you to do this?” Philip’s face was dark. He grabbed Doug’s hair and growled.Doug was stubborn. He laughed a few times with blood in his mouth. He said, “Hehe, no one ordered me. I just saw your hot wife and wanted to f*ck her, so what?”Smack!Philip swung his hand and slapped Doug once more. After that, Doug’s brain started buzzing.“Who ordered you?” Philip shouted again. There was a murderous glint in his eyes.Doug was as stubborn as a mule. He lifted his head and laughed lamentably. “Your wife is smoking hot. Her body is so sexy. I’m
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Chapter 175
Michael’s eyes twitched. The two of them were flirting with each other in front of him. They were not respecting him at all!Damn it!How dare they look down on him?Michale was furious. He pointed at Philip and shouted, “Kid, don’t blame me for being vicious. You asked for all of these! Go! Cripple him and take that woman away!”More than ten of Michael’s thugs approached Philip while smirking.Could one man defeat more than ten of them?He overestimated his ability.A few people in the crowd were shaking their heads and sighing helplessly.That was it. That kid was done for.That was Michael Moseby. He was well-known for being cruel. Whenever someone crossed him, it would be as if they had crossed a mad dog. He would target you your entire life.However, Philip was calm in dealing with this. He took out his phone slowly and dialed a number. Then, he said coldly, “Jim, when are you getting here? I’m being blocked by your manager at your restaurant.”At the same time, a midd
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Chapter 176
Jim did not come to the restaurant much. Most of the time, he just let Michael handle this place.As Jim could not watch over Michael since he was so far away, Michael’s prestige in the restaurant naturally became higher and higher over time.However, in front of Jim, he was just a little boy.“Oh no, Mr. Winger is here!”“Hehe, I’m sure that kid won’t be able to escape now. He’s such an idiot!”“Who told him to be so arrogant just now? He might be able to solve this by apologizing and offering compensation. I’m sure Mr. Winger will not forgive him.”Doug was being helped up from the ground. His face was covered in blood. When he saw Jim, he acted like he just saw his savior. He wailed and said, “Sir, you have to help me! That kid made me this way. He’s too savage!”However, reality exceeded everyone’s expectations.Jim did not pay attention to the Moseby brothers. Who were Doug and Michael Moseby? They were only excrement and trash to him now. Jim would not hesitate to punish
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Chapter 177
Jim felt a bone-piercing chill after he heard that sentence.The young master was livid.Jim nodded furiously. He had a nervous expression on his face when he said, “Got it!”Then, he turned around and kicked Michael’s stomach. Michael fell on his face. Jim shouted at Michael indifferently, “Michael Moseby, from now on, you’re not the manager of my restaurant!”Michael was furious. He was shaking all over.“F*ck you! Jim Winger, don’t think that I won’t do anything to you because you fired me! I have more than ten men here! Do you think you’ll be able to handle it if we start rioting?”Michael was savage. He was relying on having more people on his side. Then, he stood up from the ground and rubbed his stomach. When he said that, his men approached them. His men were trying to force them to submit.Jim’s face was dark as he shouted to Michael’s men, “Are you blind? Don’t you know who I am? Jim Winger! If anyone dares to take one more f*cking step, I’ll kill their entire family
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Chapter 178
The customers who were watching the scene unfold all sucked in huge breaths.He was so savage!This was the first time they witnessed someone playing around with money like this.What a nouveau riche!Was this how rich people did things?They were so envious. It was difficult for someone to not feel jealous of a rich man when he was acting like this.However, Ruby and her friends missed out on this.If they had seen it, how would they fawn over Philip?Ruby would definitely dump Howard with no hesitation. Then, she would try to seduce Philip.At this point, Michael was shaking all over.He could not believe what he just saw.All of his men left him for tens of thousands of dollars.That kid was so rich!Michael was frantic. He was scared.What kind of person did his brother offend?Philip stared at the panicking Michael and said, “What do you think I’ll do to you?”Michael started sweating buckets when he heard that.Thud!In an instant, Michael knelt on the ground an
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Chapter 179
However, before he could continue, Wynn shifted her body and found a more comfortable position. Then, she grabbed Philip’s waist and closed her eyes. “I’m tired.”Philip stopped talking. He held her with his right hand and the two fell into silence.It had been a long while since he was this intimate with Wynn.How should he tell Wynn about who he was?Maybe he should find another chance.Philip got out of the car and carried Wynn back to the Old Johnston Manor.Martha was excited today. She had never seen so many gold and silver jewelry before. There were also two million in cash. Martha wanted to sleep while holding the dollar bills.“Eh, you’re back? What’s wrong with Wynn?” When Martha heard the knocking on the door, she opened the door and saw Philip carrying Wynn.Philip carried Wynn into her room and removed her heels and coat for her. Then, he sat at the head of the bed with adoration in his eyes. He was watching Wynn who was sleeping soundly.Her nicely-done eyebrow
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Chapter 180
After being silent for a while, Philip threw away his cigarette. He walked out of the hospital and got into a Benz that was parked in front of the entrance.The car drove slowly in the night, passing the main road of Riverdale. Then, it crossed Scarlet Bridge and went into the darkness of the hillside. After that, it drove along the mountainous road and stopped at a manor at the peak of Mount Cirrus.Cirrus Manor.It was the most extravagant and valuable manor in Riverdale.The construction cost alone was one billion bucks!They had hollowed half of the mountain for this manor.Construction started seven years ago. It took three years to finish.A lot of manpower, resources, and money were spent on this huge project.The most mysterious thing about this manor was that no one knew who the owner of this manor was.There were rumors that the owner of this manor was extremely rich and powerful.Some powerful people even said that anyone who was a guest of the manor would be a gia
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