All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
5230 Chapters
Chapter 161
She was panicking!Martha was beyond frantic now. She hurriedly took out her phone with trembling hands and took a photo.She wanted to save some evidence so that she could go back and ask Philip.Naturally, Martha was suspicious of Philip’s identity now.How could a spineless coward get into the same luxury car as the richest man in Riverdale?Martha could not understand this. She turned around and left.When she got back home, she told Charles everything. “Charlie, look at this. Is this Philip?”Charles was fiddling with his birds. He put down the birdcage and put on his presbyopic glasses to take a look. He said, “Why did you take his picture? Are you still following Philip?”Charles was shocked. What was wrong with his wife?She was even using such cheap tricks to stalk him?Martha glared at him and smacked him on the arm. She said, “Look at the person next to him!”Charles was curious. He looked closely and exclaimed, “Is… Is that George Thomas?”Martha nodded and sat
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Chapter 162
Philip knew they would not believe him, so he purposely said that.Sometimes, people would not want to believe the truth.Martha did not say anything. It was unclear what she was thinking about. Then, she said in a commanding tone, “You don’t need to go to Wynn’s grandfather’s birthday that’s happening in two days. Just stay home.”Martha’s father would be celebrating his 70th birthday the day after tomorrow. She did not want to bring this cowardly man over.If not, she would be shamed endlessly by her family members from her maternal home.Plus, the old master had always been unhappy about Wynn’s marriage. Would she be congratulating her father or infuriating him by bringing Philip back?Philip expected this, so he did not say anything. He took out a box from his pocket and said, “Mom, this is the gift I prepared for the old master.”Martha looked at the embroidered box on the table and murmured, “What’s this? The box looks so bad. Are you giving him something that’s only worth
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Chapter 163
After he said that, Martha stared at Philip. Her gaze was sharp, looking as if she was trying to find something on Philip’s face. “What? Did you say you bought a house? Philip, do you know what you’re talking about? You’ve been poor for three years but now you can afford a house? I don’t think you can even afford a toilet!”Martha was furious. Philip was really something else. He was still trying to lie to her at this moment.He could afford a house?Martha even paid half of the amount of the house he and Wynn were living in right now.The average property price in Riverdale was 20,000 to 30,000 bucks per square feet.How could he afford that?“Mom, before I got married to Wynn, I brought over some savings from my home. I bought it recently so if you and dad want to live there, I can arrange for it right now,” Philip said calmly.This time, Charles could not continue watching this anymore. He had been fiddling with his antiques at one side before this. He scoffed and said, “Ph
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Chapter 164
Two days ago, Cloud Pavilion sold an item at a sky-high price—130 million!It was a jade ornamental thumb ring that once belonged to Emperor Qianlong!When news got out, the entire city was shaken to its core!It had been quite a while since someone dared to bid like this.130 million!The buyer was so rich and imposing!Don contacted his people to get in touch with the buyer immediately. However, they could not find them and were rejected directly when an invitation was sent out.This buyer was so mysterious. They must be someone rich and powerful. Don had to find them immediately.At the same time, the Yates were indulging in a cheerful and joyous atmosphere.Old Master Yates was celebrating his 70th birthday. It was a huge occasion!Old Master Yates’ name was Bob Yates. He was a high-ranking secretary of an organization and held an important position. He had many students, and it could be said that he was highly respected.After he retired, he went back to Yates Village a
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Chapter 165
Chloe Sommerset.How did Wynn know about Chloe?Philip was stunned. His words were stuck in his throat. He did not know how to answer her.Wynn’s eyes were red with some moisture in them. She looked at Philip and tried to catch something from the changes in his expression. In the end, she only felt disappointment.She was disappointed in Philip.Wynn covered her mouth and got up. Then, she left the room while sobbing. Philip did not say anything because he did not know how to explain this situation to her.He was not ready to explain this to Wynn.Wynn cried for a while in the toilet. She was sure that Philip was having an affair as he did not explain the matter to her. Wynn’s heart was hurting. She did not know how to face Philip.More than ten minutes had passed before Wynn finally calmed down. She went back to the room and did not see Philip. She then continued to accompany Mila with a glum face.Philip had tried to explain himself a few times but it was as if the words
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Chapter 166
Philip looked at the woman in front of him coldly. This was the woman he had wronged seven years ago. He said, “Chloe, don’t involve other people in our business. Don’t cause any trouble for my family.”Slap!Chloe got up and slapped Philip across the face. Then, she glared at him and said, “What happened between you and me will not end so easily. Don’t forget how you left me without a word and how much you’ve hurt me!”Chloe’s heart pounded when she saw Philip. After all, they had not seen each other for seven years.She had even looked forward to this.However, Philip’s eyes and expression just now betrayed how he truly felt.Chloe was a woman, so she knew how Philip was feeling. He only cared about that woman named Wynn.“Chloe, what happened seven years ago was my fault. It’s fine if you want to punish me. However, you can’t do anything to Wynn. This is my warning for you,” Philip said. If Chloe really touched Wynn, Philip would fight back without a second thought.“Warni
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Chapter 167
When he heard Wynn’s voice, Philip’s face fell. He stared at Chloe intensely.Chloe looked at Philip with a fake smile and said, “Hello, Wynn. I’m Chloe.”There was silence on the other end of the phone.“How can I help you?” Wynn was a woman with a temper. It was obvious that she was mad from her cold tone.Chloe did not answer immediately. She looked at Philip and said softly, “If Wynn knows who you are, how will she react? Have you ever thought about it?”Philip clenched his fists, his eyes heated. His low voice sounded like the growl of a beast. He said, “Chloe Sommerset, you’re playing with fire.”Philip was nervous, but at the same time, he was furious.He did not like to be threatened!“Philip, do you not understand me? The more exciting a game is, the more I’ll like it.” Chloe placed her hand under her chin and looked at him provocatively.Then, she said into the phone, “Wynn, what kind of man do you think Philip is?”What kind of man Philip was?Wynn was taken aback
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Chapter 168
“Mom, I didn’t. Maybe Wynn’s just exhausted.” Philip explained.However, Martha did not believe him. She looked at him with the corner of her eyes and her face was as cold as stagnant water. She pointed at Philip’s nose and started shouting, “Do you think I won’t understand the daughter I gave birth to? Philip, don’t say that I never warned you. A man like you is not a match for my daughter at all! If you’re smart, you should divorce Wynn as soon as possible. Stop hindering Wynn from marrying into a rich family!”Philip was helpless when he was faced with Martha’s arrogance and bossiness.Martha was not the only one who was annoyed. Philip was feeling frustrated as well. After being accused by Martha, Philip’s tone became slightly awful.“Alright, I got it. Can you stop nagging? This is between me and Wynn. We will take care of this,” Philip replied coldly. There was no warmth in his eyes. Martha was shocked by that ominous glint in his eyes.Martha was enraged. How dare he talk t
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Chapter 169
Philip Clarke?Martha frowned. She looked annoyed. Whenever she heard Philip’s name, she would feel as if her entire body was covered in thorns. However, she hid that feeling in a blink of an eye.Miss Sommerset was the one who sent over all these gifts.There was precious jewelry, a car, and also cash.It was obvious that Miss Sommerset was from an affluent family.“Um, our Philip is friends with Miss Sommerset?” Martha smiled.That man replied politely, “I don’t know the details. I’m just here to deliver the gifts.”After he said that, the man left with his men. He came just as quickly as he left.Martha finally came back to her senses.She was rich!“Charlie, Wynn, we’re going to be rich! These… These things are worth so much money! We also have two million bucks!”Martha was so excited that her bottom did not hurt anymore. She stared at those gifts and the two boxes of cash. She wanted so badly to fall asleep while holding them.Charles was excited, of course. Especiall
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Chapter 170
Wynn was crying from frustration. She stomped her feet and went back to her bedroom. Then, she slammed the door.Martha was stunned, but she shook her head while feeling pleased with herself. Then, she looked at Charles as if she was showing off. She stood up with a devilish grin on her face. She happily brought everything back to her room.After that, Martha remembered that there was something off about Philip.Miss Sommerset gave them so many expensive gifts for no reason. Plus, judging from Wynn’s reaction, they must be hiding something from her.“Charlie, what do you think is wrong with Philip? Why did Miss Sommerset send so many expensive things to us?” Martha asked.She was constantly thinking about Miss Sommerset.Why would a normal friend send them so many expensive things?It seemed that Philip and Miss Sommerset’s relationship was not that ordinary.Charles was studying his calligraphies. He answered, “You should ask Wynn. She might know.”Martha pressed her lips tog
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