All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
5220 Chapters
Chapter 151
Brian was dumbstruck. He had not expected Deaton to become enraged! He had never experienced such a thing before. As a veteran, Brian knew very well that something had to have happened! Could it be that the young man who had been arrested had a terrifying background?! “Director Wade, what happened?” Brian braced himself. Deaton glared at him and said coldly, “You dare ask me? What a stupid thing have you done? That man, where is he? Bring me to him now!” Brian Fuller was still unaware of the current situation. He had worked for the police force for many years, but he was still so ignorant. Brian knew that Deaton was enraged and dared not delay. Hence, he led Deaton way to the interrogation room. At this time, Philip was calmly resting with his eyes closed in the room. He was not worried at all. He had not done anything wrong. Naturally, someone would take care of the matter for him. He just had to wait in peace. However, Philip was contemplating one thing, and
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Chapter 152
He used another phone and called Al Hopper. The call was only answered after a long while.“Juan, are you surprised that it’s me?”Juan trembled at the familiar voice. His hands and feet turned cold as sweat started to roll down his forehead in beads.“Philip? How did you…”Juan’s words were stuck in his throat.This was Al’s number but Philip was the one who answered the phone. Even a pig-brained idiot would know what was going on.“Where’s Al?” Juan controlled his frantic emotions and asked. “In front of your house,” Philip said calmly. Then, there was a muffled voice coming from the phone.Juan was shocked. He stood up from the sofa and ran to the window, looking outside through the glass.Two black Mercedes-Benzs were parked in front of the entrance of the mansion. Their tail lights were shining in an ominous red glow.There was a man at the hood of the car. He was smoking a cigarette. The red glow of the cigarette caused Juan to panic.Philip!How did he get here so f
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Chapter 153
Philip squinted his eyes and there was a coldness in them.Juan trembled. He felt that at this moment, Philip was radiating an aura that he could not understand.It was an air of over-confidence.“Philip, do you think you’re all that because you know Theo?” Juan scoffed. He forced himself to calm down.This must be fake. How could a coward like Philip become so strong all of a sudden?Juan had his father. His father knew people.He was not worried about what Philip might do to him!However, in the next second, Philip said calmly, “Juan, I’m not targeting you, but you’re always targeting me. I know you’re the one behind what happened tonight. If I let you go just like this, I won’t be able to forgive myself and I won’t be able to face Wynn.”As for Juan, Philip still had some sadness in his heart. The word ‘friend’ had become foreign to him. Juan was stunned. He knitted his eyebrows together and chuckled coldly. “Philip, I don’t believe that you’ll do anything to me.”How
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Chapter 154
Back to Philip. After he got out of Juan’s mansion, he got into Theo’s car and drove to George’s place.“Old Man George, it’s so late. Why are you here?” Philip sat on the soft sofa and savored his wine.George walked in front of Philip respectfully and bowed. He said, “Young Master, I’m sorry. My mistakes have caused you to suffer unredressed injustice.”Philip replied indifferently, “Old Man George, don’t do this. It’s nothing. Tell me, what’s wrong? Why are you so anxious to see me?”George pondered for a while and answered deferentially, “Young Master, Miss Sommerset will be coming to Riverdale in a few days.”Clank!The room plunged into dead silence.Philip’s wine glass was suspended in the air. After a long while, he placed it on the marble coffee table that was adorned with gold lining. His face looked glum.His eyes looked lifeless. He looked as if he had something on his mind.After a long while, Philip asked while lifting his eyebrow slightly, “Why is she coming her
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Chapter 155
Swoosh!The door opened to reveal Philip standing there.Martha’s expression froze. Then, she said curiously, “Aren’t you in jail? How did you get out?”Philip smiled and said, “Mom, I didn’t break the law, so naturally they let me out.”At the same time, Wynn heard Philip’s voice and ran out. She hugged Philip and wailed.Philip consoled her. “It’s alright now. I’m fine. See, I’m here now.”Everyone sat together in the living room.Martha and Charles sat on the sofa. Their eyes were piercing and they looked angry. They stared at Philip like they were going to interrogate him.There was an old man next to Philip. It was George.Martha started at George, looking annoyed, “Philip, who is this old man? How can you bring strangers into my house?”Martha did not like this old man’s outfit. He was old and wearing a suit. He was also holding a black hat that she had never seen before. There was a grin on his face.It was obvious that he was not an honorable person.No wonder Phili
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Chapter 156
“Oh, um… Mr. Thomas, please don’t misunderstand. Please don’t mind me. I’m just a wretched old woman. I was just babbling before. Please don’t take my words to heart.”Martha was frantic, but she was excited. She got up and went over to brew some tea and cut some fruits. She wanted so badly to give George all the best food in her home.George just smiled lightly. He said courteously, “You don’t have to do that. I’m just driving little Philip home. I’ll get going now.”“It’s nothing, it’s nothing at all. It’s such an honor to have you in our house, Mr. Thomas. Please have some, these are the fruits I just bought today. This is also the best Maojian tea. I won’t even be willing to drink this usually.”Martha’s attitude did a 180 change. She was eagerly attentive to George.She even interrupted Charles when he wanted to say something.“Sit there and read your newspaper,” Martha scolded Charles before turning around and looking at George like he was a national treasure. Her eyes were
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Chapter 157
This was Martha’s true self. She would reach out her hand and ask for money like it was the most natural thing to do.She was a woman with no shame.Philip was dumbfounded. He did not know what to say, so he looked at Wynn instead.Wynn walked over and said coldly, “Mom, what are you doing? Even if Philip has that money, we can’t give it to you. It’s for Mila’s treatment.”Wynn knew Philip’s personality. He must be saying that he had one million bucks to deal with Martha.However, he did not expect his mother-in-law to ask for the money.When Martha heard that, her face fell. She got up and started making a ruckus. “I never said I won’t use it to treat Mila. I’m just gonna keep this money for you and you can ask for it from me when you want to use it.”Wynn was furious. She would not give her the money no matter what.Martha did not even care about Mila. It would be hard to get the money back from her when she got her hands on the money.Martha turned her head to look at Phi
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Chapter 158
200 million? Derrick almost fell down from his chair.“Director Stanley, are you sure you’re not joking? It’s obvious that the terms in this contract are more beneficial to Beacon.” Wynn felt like she was dreaming. This was unbelievable.Director Stanley smiled and said, “Miss Johnston, we’ve already signed it. What else are you worried about?”Wynn looked over and the contract was indeed signed. It was also stamped.This meant that as long as Wynn signed it, the contract would be in effect.It seemed like Philip and Professor Turner’s relationship was not that simple. There must be something she did not know.She had to go back and ask Philip.Recently, Wynn realized she understood Philip less and less. He had changed too much.When she thought about that, Wynn lifted the pen and was about to sign.However, at this moment!The door of the meeting room was opened. In a flash, eight bodyguards in suits barged in and stood at the door.An elegant woman with a strapless lon
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Chapter 159
After that icy woman left the meeting room, everyone still could not calm down.Wynn’s face was burning. She did not even know who that was.However, it seemed like she knew Philip.Derrick looked apologetic. He said, “Director Stanley, I’m sorry about that. Um, about our collaboration...”Director Stanley smiled and tried to soothe the awkwardness. “Of course there’s nothing wrong with the collaboration. We can just…”Before he could finish, Director Stanley’s phone rang.After he answered the call, Director Stanley said a few things before his face fell. “Alright, I got it.”“What’s wrong, Director Stanley? What’s going on?” Derrick could read the changes in Director Stanley’s face.Did something happen?“I’m sorry, Mr. Hall, Miss Johnston. We have to stop this collaboration. I don’t really know the details. I have to go back and discuss this further with Director Turner. I’m sorry.”Director Stanley said that and left with his people. There were now only Derrick and his
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Chapter 160
Lynn was panicking. She stomped her feet and grabbed Philip’s arm. She said, “Philip, tell them if this is real or not. No, you have to call Theo now and tell him to come here!”Lynn was starting to throw a tantrum.She had never been suspected like this before, so of course she was feeling unhappy.However, Philip shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t know any Theo Zander. Lynn, did you make a mistake?”“Hahaha!”Laughter immediately erupted.Lynn’s face went red. She could feel the detest coming from her friends.She felt like a featherless chicken that was standing in front of everyone naked. She was being criticized and shamed by everyone.“Lynn, that’s enough. Your brother-in-law has already said that, so stop lying to us already. We won’t laugh at you.”“Your brother-in-law is an honest man. He’s not that much of an idiot it seems.”“That’s enough. We’ll just go and have fun ourselves.”Her friends left while laughing.Lynn was livid. She turned around angrily
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