All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 5031 - Chapter 5040
5215 Chapters
Chapter 5032
Everyone was tempted to stop and look at the window in front. “Why is it called Treasure House? Is it a copy of Bijou Parlor?” “I don’t think so. Maybe they just sell the same things.” “Hehe, how could anyone else sell those things? You should know how difficult it is to find those pills and weapons in this world!” No one believed in the authenticity of Treasure House, so they placed bets and decided to enter the store to take a look. As soon as they entered Treasure House, they saw various pills and weapons. However, unlike Bijou Parlor where herbal fragrance filled the store, the smell here was almost non-existent. “I don’t think this place can make it. There are no beautiful attendants at the door, and there's no pill aroma!” A man with a potbelly waved his fan unhappily, already looking down on this place. As a man who appreciated beauty, he valued beautiful attendants. A feast for the eyes was enough to satisfy him. “I've had enough of the shrew at home, so I w
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Chapter 5033
No one dared to compete with Bijou Parlor. This force that had operated for many years all across major cities was not to be trifled with. Rover arrived at Treasure House and glared at the onlookers in disdain. “Why are you so excited over a newly opened store?” A man next to Rover heard his question. He glanced at him and did not recognize Rover. Since they did not know each other, he could speak his mind. “What do you know? The person in charge of Treasure House is very beautiful! I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman in Orbit City!” Rover felt disdainful of the man’s ignorant remarks. In Rover's opinion, Scarlet was the most beautiful woman in the whole continent. Seeing the fanatic looks of these people, Rover decided to squeeze in and take a look. He pushed through the crowd and entered Treasure House. Noelle did not expect that she would cause such a big sensation. More importantly, these people were not interested in the products sold at Treasure House at
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Chapter 5034
Although the pills on display did not exude any aroma, the customers trusted Noelle for some reason. They felt that Noelle only sold the best pills. “How much would this pill cost at Bijou Parlor?” Noelle asked everyone curiously. They quickly replied, “An average pill would cost 300 energy stones. Better ones will be even more expensive!” “Besides, I think the pills they have that cost hundreds of energy stones can’t hold a candle to the one you have!” “Is the pill you have in your hand worth at least a thousand energy stones? No, probably more than that. I think you can put it up for auction!” Noelle nodded upon hearing the comments. It seemed that these defective pills were very valuable! Philip listened calmly on the side. He knew that his pills would be highly sought after but not to this extent. Were the pills sold here really that bad? Philip shook his head and vanished from the spot. As Philip suspected, Orbit City was relatively remote, making it diffic
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Chapter 5035
Rover had achieved his goal. He just had to wait until midnight to meet Philip. No customers visited Bijou Parlor because they were about to go broke. Usually, many people would hang out in Bijou Parlor even if they did not buy anything. It was not only to look at beautiful women but also to increase their knowledge and catch a whiff of pill aroma. However, no one entered the store today. Everyone thought it was a little weird. Scarlet stood at the door, looking out anxiously. Scarlet would normally never stay at the main hall, but the situation today was so unusual that Scarlet was forced to remain at the main hall to solicit customers. Scarlet was puzzled to see everyone hurrying in one direction. She grabbed a passerby and asked curiously, “Where are you going? Is there a great bargain happening over there?” Scarlet's attitude was very bad, making it clear that she was unhappy. The man she stopped was one of her regular customers, but he was hurrying somewhere
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Chapter 5036
The pills sold by Bijou Parlor were usually worth 300 or 400 energy stones. Even a wealthy customer like Figo Larson would only buy a pill worth about 300 energy stones. How could those misers spend so much money to buy an ordinary pill? Scarlet could not figure it out. “Stop bragging. As far as I know, only Bijou Parlor in Imperial City can come up with this! A newly opened store in Orbit City can’t have this!” Scarlet refused to believe Rover and reached out for the pill. She did not believe that someone would spend their life savings to buy a pill. They were not the young sirs of the Larson family. How could they have so much money? Of course, price gouging was not an uncommon practice in this world. Some people would buy pills at a low price and sell them somewhere else to earn the difference. Some people were unable to buy pills while others were able to buy them but were unable to use them due to financial circumstances. As a result, many proxy-buying indust
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Chapter 5037
With that idea in mind, Scarlet ordered Rover to buy all the pills he could. “Not only the pills but keep a lookout for other things in the store too. Just try to buy anything you can find if you have enough money.” Scarlet opened the cash register and gave Rover a large pile of energy stones. Rover was very excited with the money in his hands. Shopping was his favorite activity. Although it was very crowded and everyone was in a buying frenzy, Rover enjoyed the atmosphere very much. “Don’t worry, I’ll get it done for you.” Rover vanished from the spot. Other than pills, he knew there were weapons for sale too. The number of pills was very limited, so he could forget about getting any good ones if he went there now, but weapons were different. Since Noelle did not introduce the weapons just now, no one held any expectations for them. Although Rover did not think much about them either, they were the new products in the store too. Since there were only two types
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Chapter 5038
Only Philip had the ability to earn everyone’s money so easily. Until the end, many people put together any remaining energy stones they had to make a purchase. They really made the effort to buy something. As soon as someone bought something, someone else would buy it for a higher price. Some people knew that they could not keep a treasure for long and chose to get rid of it. Noelle saw it but did not care. Since the customer had bought it, what they did with it was none of their business. Seeing the empty display counters, Noelle felt very satisfied. “Our products have been sold out. You can return in two days.” Everyone left under Noelle’s urging. Rover returned to Bijou Parlor as fast as lightning. After seeing Scarlet, he wiped the table and carefully placed the weapons on top of it. Amid her anticipation, Scarlet scowled at the sight of Rover’s actions. Scarlet was not happy that Rover held the things sold by Treasure House in such high regard. She felt un
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Chapter 5039
When customers received the catalog and compared it with the treasures in Treasure House, they would realize that this auction was nothing. After getting what he wanted, Philip turned around to leave but was stopped. The attendants introduced their products to Philip with extra good attitudes. Philip was annoyed at the people surrounding him and pushed them away. “Hey, stop bothering me. I want to check out other stores,” Philip said and turned to leave. He learned a lot through this store visit. No one discovered Philip's identity or noticed anything strange about him. They only knew that their only customer was about to leave. At this moment, Scarlet walked down with the bow, which looked so imposing. It did not seem like just anyone could own it. Scarlet had been studying it for a while but found nothing. She thought it was a useless trinket. She took it out of the office and was about to force Rover to find fault with Treasure House. Everyone looked at the bow
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Chapter 5040
For this man to launch the bow so easily proved his extraordinary strength. Scarlet knew that this man was anything but ordinary. However, Scarlet felt a sense of familiarity with him. She might have seen this man somewhere before, but nothing rang a bell. Scarlet cast her charm technique again. Although this man’s attire and mannerisms screamed of wealthiness, he seemed very unfamiliar, unlike a native of Orbit City. If Scarlet could convert this man to become her long-term patron, her sales performance would soar again. It would not be long before she could become the person in charge of a branch in a big and prosperous city. It was better to be with this rich and handsome man than the wretched Figo. Scarlet kept casting her charm on Philip. Philip sensed her attempts but was immune to them. However, to prevent letting the cat out of the bag, he pretended to fall for her charm and let his gaze fall slack. Scarlet smiled brightly at Philip’s reaction. “Why don’
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Chapter 5041
Philip was totally unaffected by Scarlet. Although her charm technique was quite good, he was better at scamming. Philip quietly took out a pill from his ring. He crushed it and let the powder dissipate in the air. Scarlet passed out. Philip ripped off her clothes, threw the rags aside, and walked out. He was not interested in a woman like Scarlet. She was not even as pretty as Noelle. Philip quickly returned to the store. Noelle had closed the store for the day. They were aware of hunger marketing. Besides, Philip’s purpose was to annoy Bijou Parlor. Before Noelle closed the store, she promised everyone that there would be more goodies tomorrow, so they could look forward to it. Everyone was curious to find out what the goodies would be, but Noelle simply shut the door without further comment, and no one could do anything about it. Noelle was simply acting upon Philip’s order. Philip knew that Bijou Parlor would be holding the auction tomorrow, so he wanted to
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