All Chapters of The First Heir: Chapter 5131 - Chapter 5140
5215 Chapters
Chapter 5132
Since joining Philip's team, Fennel had become more animated. He was usually stoic, but he would show some emotions occasionally. Yeger was dumbfounded at Fennel’s remark. The man in front of him was so strong, but he was not the boss! How powerful was the boss of these people, then? “Tell me, how did you get in? What's your purpose here?” Montel said in disdain. He could not be bothered to explain anything to this guy. They were always at odds with each other, and Montel wished he could simply toss him out. Of all things, why did he choose to turn into a big, smelly lizard? Yeger lowered his head and knew that he had to seek help. Although he resented Montel, he had to oblige if he wanted Montel to clarify his identity. “There are rumors outside that this villa is full of treasures, so I found a woman named Martha and paid a high price for a token. “I didn’t think that this token was useful at first, but when I saw many people being blocked outside, I realized that th
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Chapter 5133
Wynn took the initiative and said, “This is my mother's fault. We can't condone her anymore. She has to suffer a punishment to realize the importance of this matter!” Even Wynn could not overlook Martha’s repeated mistakes anymore. In the past, Wynn could speak to everyone and gloss things over. If this continued, however, they would slowly lose respect over time. Besides, this was clearly Martha’s fault. Wynn did not want this incident to affect the relationship between Philip and everyone. “I propose to confine my mother for a month and stop her from stepping out of the room and communicating with the outside world. We can get a caretaker to keep an eye on her,” Wynn voiced her opinion. Since Martha was an ordinary person, it was difficult to mete out any punishment. Everyone nodded in agreement without any objection. No one expected that Wynn would suggest a punishment for Martha. For a troublemaker, a month of confinement was more than enough. She would definitely feel
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Chapter 5134
While the villa was in an uproar, Philip was eavesdropping intently.Philip was enjoying the conversation between the elders and the village chief. Through their conversation, Philip was surprised to find that they were lizard people. A genetic screening would automatically take place after someone ate some practitioner meat. The lucky ones would turn into lizard people and continue to live, while the unlucky ones would become dead bodies. However, the success rate of transformation was not very high with practitioner meat, so the lizard people gradually found a new method, which was the meat of fellow lizard people. They were neither beasts nor humans, simply a special existence. In their human form, their eyes would flash green from time to time, especially at night, which looked bizarre. “Only lizard people are eternal existences!” the first elder said solemnly. Philip was shocked to hear their conversation. He could not imagine what kind of world it was. Like Philip, A
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Chapter 5135
Philip stood calmly and wanted to turn around to talk, but Aslan became agitated and ran away. Before that, he patted Philip on the shoulder as a signal for him to run. As Aslan vanished before his eyes, Philip was dumbfounded. It happened so fast that he could not stop Aslan. Archie and the village chief, Mitch Corbyn, saw Aslan’s actions and realized something. Without any delay, they started running too.Philip quickly followed Aslan’s cue. He wanted to try to pull the wool over their eyes, but Aslan ruined it. “Everyone, catch those two guys!” Mitch yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone quickly got out of bed, and the green light in their eyes became even brighter. They quickly gathered at an open space and waited for Mitch to make arrangements. The three elders also gathered, not at all afraid that Philip and Aslan would run away. Over the years, the people of Peach Blossom Village had explored every inch of this island thoroughly. They knew Philip and Aslan could ne
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Chapter 5136
Philip was surprised that the lizard people had the leisure to decorate the cave. The cave looked so ordinary that Philip would not have suspected it was a hidey-hole if not for the intricate decoration. “The location of this cave is not that conspicuous, but these markings make it very eye-catching.” Philip sighed and smiled. However, Aslan did not agree. “Maybe the enemy specially set this trap for you!” Aslan pondered. Philip was so infuriated by Aslan’s thoughtful look that he wanted to give this guy a good beating. “What’s the matter with you? Why did you suddenly act on your own? We agreed to pretend nothing was wrong, but you turned tail and ran away. You gave yourself away!” Philip admonished Aslan for ruining the plan. Now, the two of them could only go on the run and find a way to leave. “You should've at least waited until I figured out how to get out of this place!” Philip looked around worriedly, but his anger was reduced by half when he sensed no danger. H
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Chapter 5137
“That’s impossible,” Archie said nervously. It would be awkward if the two young men really went to the forbidden area in the mountain at the back. No one thought that Philip and Aslan could survive. They simply felt sorry about losing their ‘food’.… Meanwhile, Philip entered the cave successfully. He was quite learned in the art of formations and sensed the overwhelming layouts as soon as he entered the cave. He wanted to enter the cave without destroying the formation, but on second thought, Aslan might do something out of the blue and ruin everything. More importantly, he could not care less about something that belonged to the village. Everyone in the village was a psycho, and Philip did not want to be associated with them at all. Aslan also sensed the formations inside, but he simply followed Philip without fear. “Philip, I feel this cave is quite deep.” Aslan looked around curiously. They had arrived at the place where the three elders received their heritage.
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Chapter 5138
“Set this up at the cave entrance,” Philip ordered Aslan. He did not expect the villagers to come so quickly. He had destroyed all the formations in the cave. He had to set up his formation to prevent them from entering. Aslan carried out the order without hesitation. He was quite reliable at times like this. He rushed to the cave entrance with the charms and released the formations. After everything was done, Aslan stood at the entrance waiting for them. He was very familiar with the token given by Philip. They used the token to go in and out of the villa. The villagers rushed to the cave entrance and were surprised to see Aslan waiting for them smugly. Everyone scowled at the arrogant look on Aslan’s face. This cave was their forbidden land. No one was allowed to enter or exit at will. Their race could survive until this day and develop rapidly because of the powerful heritage given by the cave. Therefore, the villagers regarded this cave as the greatest existence that
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Chapter 5139
As someone who had reached the periphery of the cave, Archie believed he could defeat Aslan easily. He knew that Aslan could not survive if he entered the cave either. The formations in the cave were extremely dangerous and could kill him easily. As Archie lunged forth, several others followed suit while the villagers stood at the cave entrance timidly. They were aware of their own strength and knew they might cause some unnecessary trouble if they entered the cave rashly. The people who had entered the cave confidently in the past had already been reduced to corpses. Some were even obliterated with not one speck left. The three elders quickly caught up and saw Aslan standing motionless as if waiting for their approach. “Keep coming if you can.” They hesitated at Aslan’s fearlessness. If Aslan took another step back, he would reach the point where they received the heritage. The three big holes marked the spot where they knelt for three days and nights before the heritage
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Chapter 5140
Archie had obtained the heritage of the God of War, so it was shameful to be taken down so easily.Philip was not doing well either. He scowled as he held the stone tightly. He seemed to have changed something unknowingly. He picked up the stone and looked at it carefully. He saw the words 'Sealing Stone’ carved on it. Philip stood up slowly. He searched the table carefully to see if there was anything else. Before long, he saw some small writing behind the stone platform, which introduced the Sealing Stone. The Sealing Stone came from the sealed land, and it contained a terrifying world inside. When someone took control of the Sealing Stone, the sealed land would merge with the place where they lived. After seeing this introduction, Philip felt a chill running up his spine. He would not be so worried if it merged with the Guzo Continent. However, it would mean the end if it happened to the ancestral land. Thinking of this, Philip stopped wasting time and grabbed Aslan fro
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Chapter 5141
“Philip, can I bring some people to pick up my family members?” Aslan said nervously. He had family among the lion monster beasts too.No one knew what would happen next. It was better for everyone to stay together. Philip nodded in agreement. “At this rate, I think we’ll fall in a week,” Philip frowned as he analyzed solemnly. Without further delay, Aslan rushed back to the villa and quickly informed everyone about it. Meanwhile, Philip patrolled the surroundings to observe the changes. For the time being, he could not sense anything wrong in the city area. Other practitioners felt the changes in the air. It did not occur to them that a crisis was looming. They just thought that their era was coming. The reclusive practice world had integrated with the secular practice world. The law of the jungle remained unchanged. Everyone felt the changes in the surroundings. Some were nervous while others mapped out their grand plans. The Stein family and the Zucker family had met
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