All Chapters of Legacy of the Wolf: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
202 Chapters
Chapter 181. Wind me up
The almost haunted tone behind Dante’s voice had Mj wondering what the hell kind of shower he had taken, but she tucked the thought away and headed for the bathroom once more.  As she looked at herself in the mirror and almost ritualistically grabbed for the hair tie she had on her wrist she paused and thought about what Dante had said, about wanting to see it free, Mj combed her fingers through her hair mindlessly as she thought about what to do.She shook her head out and inspected the way her hair fell in lazy twisted tendrils, like deep red seaweed drifting on the ocean’s surface. “Beautiful” the word tenderly drifted into her mind and Mj smiled when she felt the wolf’s warmth invade her body like a warm blanket. She hummed in satisfaction and closed her eyes to soak up the feeling “welcome back” she whispered out loud and Theron
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Chapter 182. Anything but funny
Lou came rushing up to Mj and seized her by both arms, “MollyJay please,” both Sam and Mara began to growl and Lou looked at all three women who were scowling at him before he released Mj and slumped his shoulders forward, “I haven’t gone off the deep end and I swear to you if I had known who you were before I would have-” Lou stopped talking when Mj folded her arms and leaned back on one hip. “What the fuck are you talking about Lou please for the love of cold cuts on Saturday will you slow down and just fucking talk to me, you know me, Mj, MollyJay Bijou the girl who is almost always late for work and you dont fire her because your sister asked you to hire a screw up nobody with no family she took under her wing.” Mara jabbed Sam in the ribs and motioned toward the dining hall with her head, Sam simply nodded and the tw
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Chapter 183. Can we talk
By the time Lou and Mj had reached the corridor she had so much information crammed into her brain she couldn't even think, “holy fuck and my mom….I mean holy fuck Lou!” The older man laughed deep in his belly and Mj noticed that the lines in his face almost seemed to turn upward like his entire body was smiling. Mj took a deep breath and looked at the closed door at the end of the hall, she knew Dante was on the other side and she sighed out loud, not meaning to.    Lou chuckled and the sound was almost muffled behind his closed mouth, “stop worrying Molly, you defended more than your right to call him mate when you won that challenge won his respect.” Mj looked at Lou and although she knew he was trying to make her feel better, right now it did the opposite, as Mj tried to take several deep breaths to control herself
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Chapter 184. Mate's who talk
Mj backed up and allowed Dante to close the door, “Nova” Mj heard the whisper in her mind and she looked at Dante who simply nodded his head. Mj grabbed at her chest, “my heart hurts Dante” she whispered and Dante rushed forward, grabbing her in his arms and crushing her into his chest, “our heart” he whispered and winced at the pain he too could feel. “Mj” Dante said with a shaky breath and she looked up at him, noticing his eyes were glassed over with unshed tears she pulled away slightly, “what's wrong Dante” she asked and he fell to his knees just staring at his hands.    When he didn't answer Mj slid to the floor and grabbed his hands, placing them in her lap. “Mates who talk to each other remember?”  
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Chapter 185. Mirror of memories forgotten
Mj opened her eyes and tried to blink the sleep away but her sight would not clear, she tried to rub her eyes and noticed that she had no hands, “am I dreaming” she thought to herself and suddenly a soft low purring sound trickled in from behind her. Mj turned her head and could feel the electric strings playing their familiar song “Dante” she whispered but Theron’s body came into clear view. “Theron” she said in a slight whisper and he hung his head whimpering. “I’m asleep,”she said and he gave her a curt nod, Mj moved her body forward until she was in front of the defeated looking creature.  “Did you know about us” she asked and he raised his head to meet her eyes. “Not the boy” he answered and Mj cocked her head
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Chapter 186. Who wear's the dress?
A sudden cold breeze had Mj lazily drifting out of the land of sleep, “cold” she mumbled and blindly felt around for something to cover herself with, as she grabbed a handful of nice warm blanket it was yanked from her hand, “up you get sunshine.” Mj grumbled when Dante’s voice rang through the room like a cheerful Christmas song during Halloween, she rolled over so her back was to him. Dante chuckled maliciously and climbed into the bed with her, he wrapped his arm around Mj’s waist and tucked himself around her body. She simply hummed “so warm” and snuggled into him, Dante leaned into her ear “rise and shine beautiful lady, the day is waiting and so am I.” Dante rolled out of the bed and swung his hand back a
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Chapter 187. Discovery Channel
Mj could feel Theron trying to console her wounded pride and she tried to be grateful, but she really just wanted to be in her emotions at the moment and was pleasantly surprised when the wolf backed off into her subconscious and she sighed in relief, as she approached Dante he was looking down at her with his arms crossed. “I’m sorry” she almost whispered and Dante reached forward and handed her a hair tie. “I’m not... you have spent this entire morning without your security blanket wrapped around your head, I'm proud of you...and I can’t wait to see you in a gold dress.” Mj blushed and snatched the hair tie from Dante before she thrust her hair into a messy bun at the base of her skull.Mj turned when Moxie and Jay came rushing up to her, “nice job Em, a few more sparring matches like that and you could give the comman
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Chapter 188. Talk to a rabbit about a wolf
Mj made her way down to the entrance and her stomach did a few uneasy flips as Lila and Sam’s smiling faces met her in front of a large black SUV. “Hay there she is,” Sam chirped and Mj smiled.   “Ok” Lila said checking her watch, “we are just waiting for Mara and then we have to make a quick stop by my place before we get this party started,” Mj nodded and climbed into the backseat of the SUV. She watched as Sam and Lila continued with their animated conversation, Mj could hear the humming of their voices but could not make out the actual words they were speaking. As she sat silently and observed the two women she thought about how much her and Beth used to talk and laugh like that. Suddenly the knot in Mj’s stomach returned as she started to recall her earlier interaction with Beth
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Chapter 189 The wolf in the moon
The sun was setting by the time the door to the dress shop burst open again and the now rowdy group of chipping and chatting wolves were as animated as a theatrical group after a final performance and as the two larger males came up the rear Moxie deviously reached out and snatched the very intricately wrapped dress Mj was holding out of her hands, “Mox you shit...give it back” Mj laughed and Moxie held the garment up to himself and began to twirl, “I want to be the prettiest puppy under the full moon,” he sang with a higher pitch to his voice and Mj laughed as she shook her head. “Tell you what Mox we can trade...I will take the awful suit Jay says you always wear and you can wear my dress...better yet let’s trade dates, Jay looks like he would have more fun with me anyway.” Although the core of the group laughed, Mj noticed that Moxie’s mood had changed and Jay se
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Chapter 190. Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
After finishing a mostly uneventful meal Dante whisked Mj away toward what looked like an almost abandoned part of the pack house, “is this the part of the story where you bring me to a secluded area to kill me because I know too much?” she asked and Dante laughed with such innocent joy the sound seemed to infect Mj’s entire body. Dante wrapped his arms around her and pulled her from her feet as their laughter bounced off the walls of the empty corridor. Mj slung her arms lazily around Dante’s neck and let her head fall back with laughter as he spun her around like they were dancing.“Can you dance little kitten?” Dante asked and Mj bit her lip as she tried to hide a blush, “I have never danced with anyone before,” she admitted and Dante stopped twirling to set her feet on the floor. “I want to kill whoever made y
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