All Chapters of Noble Husband At the Door: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
6103 Chapters
Chapter 151
Everyone looked in the direction of the voice. It was Samuel."Samuel, do you have the right to speak here? You're really boasting without looking at the weather. Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?" Harvey said with a smile.Not only did the relatives of the Sue family not believe it, Grandma Sue did not either. How could the Sue family have the right to get a one billion loan?"Samuel, shut up. You don't have the right to speak here," Grandma Sue said discontentedly. She was so arrogant that she yawned.Yvonne glanced at Samuel and said to Grandma Sue, "Grandma, he's not joking. I can get the one billion yuan loan, but the condition is the company's financial management."Seeing Yvonne was so resolute, Grandma Sue couldn't help breathing heavily. If she could get the loan of one billion yuan, she wouldn't have to worry about the company's financial situation anymore."If you can really get it, I can promise you," Grandma Sue said.Harvey and Yara did not dare to re
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Chapter 152
"Wha... what! What do you think is... what is it?" On the other end of the line, Du Hong's face was full of shock. He hurriedly pushed away the timid and lovable woman in his arms."Brother Du, tens of billions," the manager said."Hiss!"Du Hong took a deep breath. Although he had promised some companies that he could not give the Sue family a loan and he had received a certain amount of benefits, he dared not offend clients with tens of billions of deposit.After thinking for a moment, Du Hong felt that something was not right and asked, "Why is such a rich person willing to vouch for the loan to the Sue Family?""Brother Du, I'm not too sure, but he said that we should meet tomorrow. If you don't show up, I'm worried that he'll transfer his assets," the manager said.Du Hong was well aware of how serious this matter was. Even if he was asked to return all the ill-gotten gains he had taken before, he could only bear with the pain and bleed to death. Otherwise, if the higher-ups
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Chapter 153
"As long as she is willing, we can only write her name in the villa. It doesn't matter," Samuel said.Lydia did not expect Samuel to be so straightforward. The villa was worth more than 80 million yuan, but he did not even blink, which saved her a lot of time. She smiled and said, "In this case, you should find some time to do this.""Lydia, if I were to be kicked out out the Sue family , you might regret it," Samuel said with a smile."Ha." Lydia smiled contemptuously and said, "You've almost spent all your money. How long can you be arrogant?""Such a villa, even if I buy 10, I won't blink my eyes.""Your ability doesn't improve, but your bragging skills become more and more powerful. What's more, even if you have money, I, Lydia, won't be interested in it." Lydia said disdainfully."Really? A gold digger like you doesn't like my money?" Samuel looked at her with a sneer. Lydia was making things difficult for him, but now she wanted to drive him out of the villa. Samuel knew t
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Chapter 154
"If Sir Du is in a difficult position, then I won't ask," Yvonne said.Du Hong nodded and said, "Miss Sue, if you have any questions, go ask your friend. I really can't tell you."According to the contract, Du Hong promised to lend it to Yvonne as soon as possible, so Yvonne left."There will definitely be many companies that are dissatisfied with me this time around." Du Hong could foresee that he would be rejected by those companies in the future. However, he had no choice but to agree to this."Brother Du, we have such a big customer in our hands, and the development of the Sue Family in the future is not simple. Those small fish and shrimps, why do you care?" the manager said.Du Hong smiled and said, "That's true. But who is this person? Is there such a rich person in our Cloud City?""Brother Du, his name is Samuel. Do you want to check it out?" the manager said."Samuel?" Du Hong's brows furrowed. Suddenly, he said in surprise, "Samuel, the infamous loser son-in-law of th
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Chapter 155
Yvonne went back to her room and found Samuel was lying in bed playing with his mobile phone, looking very bored.When she reached the side of the bed, Samuel made some space for Yvonne and asked with a smile, "How was it? Did things go well?""Did my mom make things difficult for you again?" Yvonne asked."It's okay, it's not too difficult. But it's reasonable for you to write your name in the villa," Samuel said."Don't you know why my mother did this? How can you promise her?" Yvonne asked in confusion."I know why she did that, but you're the only one who can make decisions on this matter, aren't you? I don't believe her. How can I not trust you?" Samuel laughed.Yvonne was moved by his words. It turned out that he had promised Lydia not because of Lydia, but because he believed in her!Yvonne leaned over, drank some water quickly, and kissed Samuel on the mouth. Yvonne ran out of the room in a hurry.Samuel was still in a daze. When he found out what had happened, his face
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Chapter 156
In the VIP room of the bank.Du Hong was both excited and nervous as he ran into Samuel.Du Hong was shocked by Samuel's young age. He had seen many promising people when they were young, but it was the first time for him to see a man with assets of 10 billion at such a young age."Mr. Hannigan, I didn't expect you to be so young. This is really unexpected." Du Hong said.The manager winked at him, trying to seduce Samuel with her charm. However, Samuel turned his eyes on her and turned a blind eye to her leg."Sir Du, the reason I've come to see you today is because I hope that you can take good care of Yvonne in the future," Samuel said.He pointed out her name to help Yvonne. "Could Samuel really be the son-in-law Sue family ?""Mr. Hannigan, I'm curious about one thing, but I'm not sure if I can ask you one more question," Du Hong said.Samuel smiled. He knew what he was thinking and said, "I am the one you want. It's not convenient for me to say anything else.""It's true
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Chapter 157
"Damned woman, let's see where you can run to." The leader was a woman with heavy makeup, wearing a very thin black veil."You're the man of that bitch. That's just nice. Pay for it."Samuel said, "I don't know her."Linda punched Samuel and said, "I'm your wife's best friend. You can't just stand by and do nothing."Samuel smiled bitterly. He did not even know what had happened. How could he save her?"Since you have nothing to do with her, hurry up and get out of my way. Don't hinder my work." The woman with heavy makeup scolded."What if I don't get lost?" Samuel said."Don't get out?" The woman with heavy makeup sneered and said, "If you want to be beaten, of course you won't get out."Several men dressed in bodyguards behind the woman with heavy makeup walked toward Samuel in an aggressive manner."Stupid, a hero saves a beauty. At least let's see what kind of person he is.""You didn't leave on your own. Don't blame us for being merciless."Linda tugged Samuel's shirt
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Chapter 158
Among the social circle of Yvonne's classmates, Yvonne used to have a very high position. Many male classmates even chased after Yvonne with the idea of getting close to the building first.In the past, Yvonne had been surrounded by many people, but since Samuel married into the family, the only thing that was left between classmates was to ridicule at her, especially the male classmates. Because they couldn't get her, they began to have evil thoughts and sneered at her in the class meeting, so that Yvonne was now staying away from her classmates.Linda would attend every year, and every year she would hear them say Yvonne had done something wrong, and every time she would argue with her classmates to help Yvonne, but she couldn't argue at all with her weak strength.Now Yvonne had moved into Hillside Villa, and Samuel didn't seem to be a good-for-nothing, so Linda wanted him to help Yvonne vent her anger."You don't know how bad those classmates' words are. Especially that bitch N
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Chapter 159
Samuel told Yvonne what had happened today. She complained about Samuel hurting the security guards by mistake and said, "How can you hit people at will? What if you get hurt? You are not allowed to fight without my permission in the future.""Alright." Samuel replied. He did not care what kind of result this promise would bring."By the way, she also talked about the classmates gathering and asked you to join," Samuel said."I won't go." Yvonne refused without thinking. If she went to the class meeting, Rong Liu would definitely not let her go. Why did she have to be humiliated for no reason?"But I've promised her that I'll take you there. What do you say I should do?" Samuel asked with a worried look."Why don't you go with her? You might even be able to hold her hand."There was a smell of jealousy in the car. A certain someone's jealousy was messed up for no reason. However, Samuel was laughing so loudly that he seemed to have lost all sense of mind.Seeing Samuel was still
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Chapter 160
In the conference room, Grandma Sue held Yvonne’s hand with a smile on her face. This was an unprecedented closeness. Grandma Sue had never regarded Yvonne as her family member, but now Yvonne seemed to have become her favorite granddaughter.Although Yara was to marry into a rich and powerful family in the future, for the time being, Yvonne was the one who would help the Sue family overcome the difficulties.However, other than Grandma Sue, the other relatives did not look well.It was true that the Sue family had survived the crisis, but if the company's financial resources were handed over to Yvonne, it would not be easy for them to make money in the future.Grandma Sue could turn a blind eye to them, but could Yvonne?They thought about their attitude toward Yvonne in the past. If she knew that they were greedy for the company's money, how could she let them go?Harvey and Yara went to the conference room; their faces looked as if they had eaten shit. Harvey saw the intimacy
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