All Chapters of Noble Husband At the Door: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
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Chapter 171
"Yvonne, where is Samuel? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Linda whispered in fear when she saw the naked eyes of those hooligans."Beauty, you're whispering. If you have something to say, let's listen to it together." A hooligan directly put his hand on Linda's shoulder and said.Linda leaned to one side and said angrily, "Don't touch me.""Oh, you're quite hot-tempered. I like it."Yvonne's face was gloomy. She knew that this was done by Rong Liu. She stood up and said to Rong Liu, "Rong Liu, is it necessary for you to do these things in the conflict between us?""Yvonne, don't you know how many men you've been flirting with outside? How do I know what they have to do with you?" Rong Liu said with a cold face."Big beauty, don't you remember how passionate we were last night? You can't go back on your word when you get out of bed," the hooligan said to Yvonne with a smile."Bullshit. When did I know you? Don't talk nonsense," Yvonne said excitedly."Fuck you, bitch, what's with
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Chapter 172
In Yang Qi's office.Samuel sat on the sofa, and Yang Qi stood on the side, trembling."Brother Samuel, why are you here?" Yang Qi asked. Three years ago, he was just a good-for-nothing. Samuel found him and gave him a chance to achieve what he had today.Even though Yang Qi had connections, he didn't dare to look down upon Samuel, because he knew that Samuel would also take back everything that he could get."I accompanied my wife to the classmates gathering today and came to visit you by the way. We haven't seen each other for three years. I'm afraid you will forget me," Samuel said with a smile.Hearing this, Yang Qi panicked and hurriedly said, "Brother Samuel, how could I forget you? Even if I forget what my surname is, it’s impossible to forget Brother Samuel's great kindness to me.""Yang Qi, I can give you whatever I can, and I can take it back, do you know?" Samuel asked.Yang Qi was shocked. "Why did he suddenly say such a thing?""Brother Samuel, did I do something w
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Chapter 173
What a joke!If he had the ability, how could he be a famous loser in Cloud City?"Yvonne, I want you to kneel down." Rong Liu had said this to Yvonne more than once.Yvonne stubbornly raised her head and said word for word, "Don't even think about it."Rong Liu knew that Yang Qi treated Yang Wen as his son, so she was not afraid of making a big deal out of it. As long as Yang Qi helped her clean up, she could be safe and sound.She grabbed Yvonne's hair, forcefully pulled at it, and then coldly said, "Do you believe that I will allow them to sentence you to death on the spot? Aren't you a noble and aloof person? Let all of the classmates look at your sexy side, what do you say?""Let her go!" A sky-shaking roar suddenly came from the hall.Seeing Yvonne's reaction, Samuel's eyes turned red and he rushed forward.The two hooligans who were grabbing Yvonne were hit by Samuel's fist on their heads. They fell to the ground like mud, and their lives were uncertain.Samuel trembled
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Chapter 174
"I'm going to let uncle kill you. I'm going to let uncle kill you." Rong Liu rubbed the empty spot on her head as she roared at Samuel.Seeing Rong Liu's miserable condition, Yang Wen, who covered his mouth and was still bleeding, rushed to her side and said, "Don't worry. I won't let him leave here alive today.""Samuel, you're dead. I want you to pay a painful price." Yang Wen turned his head and looked at Samuel viciously. Yang Qi treated him as his own son, Rong Liu was his daughter-in-law. Now that her hair had been pulled off by Samuel and she was bald, how could Yang Qi let him go?"Yang Qi," Samuel shouted coldly.Yang Qi, who was still sitting on the ground at the door, was frightened when he heard the reproach. He quickly got up and trotted into the hall."It's finished, it's finished. Yang Qi is coming.""Now Samuel can't run away. What a fool.""That's because he's so arrogant. He has the chance to run away. Now Yang Wen wants him to die, so Yang Qi won't let him go.
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Chapter 175
Yang Qi called Samuel Brother Samuel!The classmates, who had been so sure that Yvonne had something to do with this incident, had been slapped in the face.But...But they couldn't figure out why Samuel was so powerful that Yang Qi could kneel down and apologize.Not only were the students confused, Yvonne and Linda, whose faces were full of doubt.Why did even people like Yang Qi call him Brother Samuel?"Someone wanted to punish my wife on the spot just now?" Samuel said faintly.Yang Qi said without any emotion, "Understood."Soon, Yang Qi called several men and ordered them, "This woman is yours. Here she is."Although his men didn't know what was going on, they didn't dare to disobey Yang Qi's order.Rong Liu looked at the people who were walking toward her in horror. Although she had been naughty before, after following Yang Wen, she had restrained herself because Yang Wen was rich and could bring her a good life. If she was raped by these people today, Yang Wen would
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Chapter 176
On the way to the hospital, Yvonne had a lot of doubts in her heart, but she didn't ask any more questions. Time would prove whether Samuel was a good-for-nothing or not. As for what kind of person he was, time would also tell her.Yvonne knew that it was enough as long as she knew Samuel loved her."Samuel, do you know Yang Qi?" Linda, who was sitting in the back seat, asked unwillingly."We met once," Samuel said. After meeting Yang Qi three years ago, Samuel had not appeared again for the past three years. This was not a lie.Linda puckered her lips. She didn't believe Samuel's words, but Yvonne, who was sitting in the passenger seat, didn't ask much. She knew that she shouldn't poke her nose into other people's business.However, Linda was convinced that Samuel was by no means a good-for-nothing in Cloud City. Ordinary people might not even be able to imagine how powerful he was. It was a pity that such a man was destined not to have anything to do with her. After all, he was
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Chapter 177
"Samuel, you're so smart. If you hadn't asked me to work on the construction site, Harvey would have caught me this time," Yvonne said with a smile. She had come to the construction site yesterday, and it was Samuel's idea.When he brought it up yesterday, Yvonne didn’t understand what Samuel meant. He didn't explain either. It was not until now that Yvonne realized that he had expected Harvey would take advantage of it.“Harvey is the kind of person who can't wait to target you every second. If you don't go to the company for a week, can he let you go?" Samuel smiled and looked at Yvonne's face, which had returned to its original state. He was very gratified.Yvonne found Samuel was staring at her face, and suddenly thought of what he said a week ago when they left the Fortune Villa."Samuel, If there really is a scar on my face, will you really ask Yang Qi to prepare the coffin?" Yvonne asked doubtfully.Samuel shook his head and said, "It's not Yang Qi, but the whole Yang famil
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Chapter 178
When the Sue family came to the construction site, the old lady's face was full of relief. This large area was under development, and it was very likely that it would replace the main city of Cloud City in the future. The Sue family would also become a first-class Sue family in Cloud City because of this springboard, which was the old lady's dream."I thought I would never see the Sue family squeeze into a first-class family in Cloud City. Unexpectedly, God gave me this opportunity." This was the old lady's first time to inspect the west of the city, so she couldn't help but feel a little excited."Grandma, don't worry. Under my leadership, the Sue family will definitely be on par with the Heavenly family. It's not impossible for us to surpass the Heavenly family," Harvey said with a smile.The old lady nodded and said with appreciation, "Yes, you're so ambitious. I'll be able to close my eyes in peace in the future.""Grandma, I'll call Yvonne to see if she's here." With that, Har
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Chapter 179
"Samuel, since the owner of the Weakriver Real Estate values you so much, you can't let him down," the old lady said.Yvonne nodded and said with a smile, "Grandma, don't worry. I will do my best, but there are still a lot of things for me to deal with in the company. I may not be able to go to the construction site next. Grandma, why don't you help me choose a person and keep an eye on it?"It was just keeping an eye on them. There was nothing else they could do, and they would not have the right to do so.The old lady glanced at Yara. She would definitely not allow Harvey to do this. When he went to the construction site, the company would be under Yvonne's control, and the supervisor had no power at all. This was equivalent to emptying Harvey's power.Yara noticed that the old lady was looking at her, and she suddenly panicked. She didn't want to fight against the sun every day. If her white skin was poisoned by ultraviolet rays, wouldn't it be black charcoal?"Grandma, I won't
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Chapter 180
There was silence in the conference room. Everyone lowered their heads and said nothing.Harvey didn't expect Yvonne to really dare to say it. Wasn't she afraid of offending everyone?"Yvonne, since you're in charge of the company's accounts, why didn't you ask yourself where the money went? Instead, you came to ask us. Isn't that funny?" Harvey said."Whose pocket did the money go into? I am quite clear. Do you want me to tell you every stroke?" Yvonne asked.Harvey's face was as dark as water. Everyone's corruption was different. If this kind of thing was brought up in public, not only would they lose face, but also they would be dissatisfied with each other."Yvonne, are you trying to engage in internal strife on purpose?" Harvey asked."That's it. Yvonne, they are all working for the company, and don't do it again," the old lady stood up and said.Was this question the end of the problem just like that?Yvonne looked at the old lady in astonishment. She had thought that the
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