All Chapters of Noble Husband At the Door: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
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Chapter 181
"Yvonne, let's wait and see. In this company, you can't live without me," Harvey said coldly."When I marry Hannigan family, I want you to be unable to lift your head for the rest of your life." Yara said that, she left the conference room with Harvey."She's really a woman who doesn't know what's good for her.""Let's wait and see. We won't have a good life, and you won't have one either.""Use chicken feathers as arrows, what the hell are you?"After all the relatives left the meeting room, Yvonne went back to her office. She knew that doing so would cause public anger, but it didn't matter. After all, no one in the Sue family would take her seriously. Once they became enemies, there would be no reason for her to be soft-hearted in the future.After work, Yvonne got in Samuel's car and said only one sentence, "Now they all want me to die."Samuel didn't say anything. However, if anyone dared to touch even the slightest hair on Yvonne's body, he would make them beg for death.
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Chapter 182
When Yvonne woke up in the morning, she found that there was something wrong with her posture, so she blushed again.She sneaked a peek at Samuel. When she realized that he was still asleep, she heaved a sigh of relief.How embarrassing would it be if he found out about this?Just as she was about to secretly pull back her leg, she suddenly felt a hand grabbing her ankle.Samuel, who wore a smile on his face, opened his eyes and said, "You suppressed me for a night. Do you want to run away?""Ah! When... when did you wake up?" Yvonne said in a panic.Samuel woke up early in the morning, but was afraid of disturbing Yvonne 's rest, so he did not move. Moreover, this kind of skin-to-skin date was rare, so he naturally had to cherish every minute and second."You've been holding me down. How can I not wake up?" Samuel asked.Hearing this, Yvonne's face suddenly changed, and he said angrily, "Do you think I'm fat?"Samuel was confused. She didn't mention weight. Why did she think
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Chapter 183
They drove to a small village in the suburbs of Cloud City.After various inquiries, they confirmed the exact location of Saber Twelve's residence.The old red brick house seemed a little reluctant to shelter them from wind and rain. It was hard to imagine that someone like Saber Twelve would live in such a shabby place.Samuel did not dare to knock the door too hard , which was on the verge of collapse, , fearing that it would be broken.With a creak, Saber Twelve pushed the door open. When he saw Samuel and Manfred, he didn't even raise his eyelids.After entering the house, there was a yard. Although it was muddy, there was no weeds. It seemed that he had cleaned up the house quite well.After a while, a few villagers rushed into the yard and shouted."When do you want to pay back the money you owe us?""You hide at home every day. Do you think you don't have to pay the money if you don't say a word?""Damn you. You can't afford the money. Why don't you sell your daughter?
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Chapter 184
Before leaving the village, Samuel saw a little girl at the entrance of the village. She was about 10 years old, with a ponytail.Seeing her, Samuel knew where the money of Saber Twelve spent on. The girl's clothes were all well-known brands.“Saber Twelve has spent all his attention on his daughter. No wonder he doesn't want to work for me even if I give him money," Samuel said with a smile.Manfred's expression was slightly serious. That was because just now, Samuel had said that Ye Fei would definitely die tonight. However, in his opinion, this was not an easy matter.Ye Fei was followed by many bodyguards, who were all thugs in the boxing field. Moreover, Ye Fei was very strict. Even if there were some leisure places, he would send a large number of guards, but it was not impossible to kill him. However, if the noise was too loud and the impact was too wide, it was very likely that he would be involved."Samuel, how do you plan to deal with Ye Fei?" Manfred asked in a deep voi
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Chapter 185
After parking the car, Samuel entered Golden Bridge City.The manager was a woman. She had heavy makeup and beautiful makeup. When she saw Samuel, she greeted warmly and said, "Sir, may I ask which floor you are going up to?"Golden Bridge City had a total of three floors. The first floor was for a foot massage, and the second floor could be used for a bath. As for the third floor, it was the paradise of many men. As long as you had money, you could enjoy everything here."The third floor," Samuel said."Please follow me." The floors were different and the consumption was different. So when Samuel said he would go to the third floor, the manager in the hall was more enthusiastic and personally took him upstairs.The environment on the third floor was elegant. It was a small suite with only one room. Samuel asked for the most luxurious one, with a standard cost of 5888 yuan.The lights in the room were ambiguous. The lobby manager introduced all kinds of service and prices to Samu
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Chapter 186
Seeing that the manager was going to take off her clothes, Samuel knew that she had misunderstood him. He said quickly, "I asked you to come here because I have something else to ask you for help.""Something else?" The manager looked at Samuel warily and said, "You don't have any special hobbies, do you? I don't accept those strange things."Samuel smiled helplessly. What was the manager thinking in her mind? But on such an occasion, it was no wonder that she would think so."I want to know which room Ye Fei is in. How many people are following him now?" Samuel asked. Although he knew that Ye Fei had arrived at Golden Bridge City, he did not dare to check the situation outside easily, so asking people was the best way."Brother Fei? What do you want to do?" The manager looked at Samuel in surprise. Ye Fei was a frequent visitor of Golden Bridge City, and he was also the boss of the underground boxing field in Cloud City. The boss of Golden Bridge City had specially opened a member
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Chapter 187
When Ye Fei saw that it was a man, he sat up from the bed and said scornfully, "Boy, you can deal with two of my men outside silently. You do have some ability.""They're already waiting for you on the way. Now it's your turn." Samuel walked toward Ye Fei.The remaining two subordinates were standing in front of Ye Fei. Ye Fei said indifferently, "With just you alone, what kind of trash are you? I, Ye Fei, have been in the industry for so many years. If I were to be killed by a brat like you, wouldn't I be the laughingstock of a dead person if word got out?""They can protect you?" Samuel smiled faintly. These two people might be considered very strong to an ordinary person, but in front of Samuel, they were merely an egg powder made of paper paste."Then try it. I hope you won't die too miserably." After that, Ye Fei lay down without any concern.The two men rubbed their hands together and glared at Samuel."Kid, how do you want to die?""What does it feel like to have a broken
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Chapter 188
Seeing Yvonne had fallen asleep, Samuel didn't ask much and slept on the floor for the night.At six o'clock the next morning, Samuel was about to get up, he heard Yvonne say coldly, "I'm going for a jog alone today. Don't follow me. I'll go to work by myself. You don't have to see me off.""What happened?"Samuel was completely at a loss. She was fine yesterday, but why did her attitude change so quickly today?Could it be that her period had come?Samuel had experienced such a thing several times in the past. He also knew that women were always very hot-tempered every month.That was probably the reason.Samuel touched his legs. It was indeed not very suitable for running today. Although he jumped from the third floor last night without hurting his bones and muscles, he still had to have a good day's rest.At the gate of the villa, Yvonne, who had waited for three minutes, ran alone disappointedly.It seemed that he was really tired last night. Otherwise, how could he really
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Chapter 189
"This is serious. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have called Yvonne."Linda was extremely regretful, but in this situation, it was useless to regret.Since Yvonne refused to ask, Linda could only go to Samuel and ask him about it. If it was a misunderstanding, making it clear might save the relationship between them."Where are you? I want to see you." Linda dialed Samuel's number and said directly.Samuel was on his way to Saber Twelve’s Families. Naturally, he was not free. He said, "Maybe another day. I have something to do today.""I advise you to come out and see me immediately, or it will be too late for regrets," Linda threatened.Samuel didn't know what the woman was doing, but it was not the first time for her to mess around. So he didn't bother to talk to her after hanging up the phone.Linda was furious after being hung up. If it weren't for her new phone, she would have fallen it to the ground."Samuel, you actually dared to hang up my call. You should
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Chapter 190
When Saber Twelve left the Principal's office, his office desk had already shattered into pieces.The principal looked at the mess in front of him and was stunned.This guy's strength was so terrible that it smashed the whole desk. How much strength did he have?The headmaster, who had survived the disaster, breathed a sigh of relief and said secretly, "It seems that I'd better not make this kind of money well in the future. I might lose my life if I am not careful. God blesses me today."Saber Twelve returned home and saw the car at the door. He walked into the house unhappily.In the yard, Samuel sat beside Tang Qingwan. Through the conversation just now, he knew Tang Qingwan's name. He was very surprised to hear the name Qingwan."How could a rough man like Saber Twelve have such a fresh and refined name? I don't know where he found it.""Qingwan said that she was expelled from school?" Samuel stood up and asked Saber Twelve."That headmaster is bullshitting. How could my da
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