All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 1521 - Chapter 1530
1672 Chapters
Chapter 1521 Despair
When the cold beer was poured on his head, Zhou Tian felt that he was indeed a little sober, and his mind was not so confused.But after waiting for a while, Zhou Tian found that he was sleepy again and wanted to sleep.What was going on? Could it be that he couldn't use the method of using water to drown his head? Sun Zijian was firm and decisive.Zhou Tian was very confused, but he soon realized that Sun Zijian was playing with him just now, and he didn't tell the truth at all.The so-called being able to remove the effects of the medicine by pouring water on the head was pure nonsense."Is this what you said about using water to drown your head?"Zhou Tian glared at Sun Zijian.Sun Zijian's mouth was open, and he was still breathing hard. He almost returned to his original position just now. Zhou Tian's strength was so strong that he couldn't breathe. He was severely short of oxygen.Seeing that Zhou Tian was anxious again, Sun Zijian quickly said, "I'm talking about using w
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Chapter 1522 Scum Son
Such a person was annoying and pitiful. Li Qin didn't know what to say.Zhou Tian also understood what was going on. He also felt that Xu Meixin was stupid. It was good to pity her parents, but the way of doing things was too stupid.Of course, she had drugged Sun Zijian in the wine. Zhou Tian did let go of this matter. If Li Qin was willing to forgive her best friend, Zhou Tian would not continue to deal with Xu Meixin."Get up. I'll pretend that nothing happened tonight."Li Qin didn't look at Xu Meixin again."Is Li Qin really going to forgive me?""Sister Qin, so you don't blame me anymore? Forgive me?"Xu Meixin looked at Li Qin and said. Then she stood up and asked Zhou Tian, "Mr. Zhou, have you forgiven me?"Zhou Tian ignored her and didn't argue with her, but it didn't mean that he didn't have a good memory. Zhou Tian still didn't want to pay attention to such a woman."You go. From now on, we are no longer friends."Li Qin said to Xu Meixin."Sister Qin! So you stil
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Chapter 1523 A Word
At this time, Sun Zheng was so angry that he was about to go crazy. He was both angry and afraid.He was so angry that his son, grandson, and sword were so stupid that they couldn't see the point clearly and dared to provoke Zhou Tian. Wasn't it a burning fire?What he was afraid of was that he had offended Zhou Tian tonight. If he didn't do it well, his Sun family would really be destroyed.So he wanted to pretend that he wanted to break the leg of Sun Zijian so that Zhou Tian could calm down. In fact, he wanted to please Zhou Tian in disguise.What's more, Sun Zheng also felt that Zhou Tian would stop him when he saw what he did. He just needed to perform a little, and there was no need to break the leg of Sun Zijian.That was his own eldest son. Sun Zheng didn't want to break Sun Zijian leg, so he had no choice.But he didn't know whether Sun Zijian was real or not. When he saw his father coming over with an iron stick, he was so scared that his face turned pale."Dad, dad, a
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Chapter 1524 Hua Jin's Trouble
This was not because Zhou Tian was conservative, but because if she listened to Li Qin to go to her family would be too challenging.Li Qin had a beautiful figure and a good temperament. It was normal for him to be with such a woman under the eaves.Therefore, Zhou Tian was very resistant. He didn't want to let his wife down.They had already agreed that they would go to the hotel tonight, but now Li Qin proposed not to let him live in the hotel."Inspector Li, we've already agreed that I'll spend the night in the hotel tonight and leave tomorrow."Zhou Tian said."Why do you treat me like an evil wolf? Am I that scary?"Li Qin glanced at Zhou Tian and asked."No, it's just that it's not very convenient..."Zhou Tian said awkwardly."Don't worry, I won't force you. I'm not afraid of you. As a man, what are you afraid of?"Li Qin said.Zhou Tian could tell that Li Qin was already very unhappy that he insisted on not going to Li Qin's house.Thinking about it carefully, Li Q
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Chapter 1525 You Think Too Much
Zhou Tian was really impressed by this Cui Hong. He was arrogant enough to hit people at will.Moreover, Zhou Tian was also very confused. He did not know why Cui Hong said so. Hua Jin was not a casual girl. How could she hook up with Cui Hong's husband?Moreover, Hua Jin was seriously injured and had been admitted to the hospital. It would be a blessing for her to survive. How could she compete with Cui Hong for a man?Seeing that Cui Hong was going to beat Hua Jin, Zhou Tian couldn't let her do that. She quickly stopped Cui Hong."What do you want to do?"Zhou Tian looked at Cui Hong speechlessly. She really hated this woman."What are you doing? She's so shameless to seduce my man. Can I spare her? Get out of my way. I don't care what kind of relationship you have with her. You'd better not help her!"Cui Hong glared at him and warned Zhou Tian.The two followers behind her were even more fierce. They stared at Zhou Tian with their eyes wide open.Hua Jin was sitting on the
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Chapter 1526 It's Best to Get Lost
Zhou Tian thought that they were in the wrong ward. After all, Hua Jin and Zi'er didn't know anyone in Qing City, so naturally, no one would come to visit Hua Jin."Who are you looking for?"Seeing the man come in, Zhou Tian asked.The young man held the flowers. When he saw that there was a Zhou Tian in the ward, he couldn't help but be stunned.But then, there was a hint of annoyance in his eyes.It was clear that he was quite opposed to Zhou Tian."Who are you? Why are you here?"The young man stared at Zhou Tian and asked rudely.Zhou Tian didn't expect to be asked like this.But soon, Zhou Tian guessed that this well-dressed guy was Cui Hong's husband, wasn't he?"Brother Zhou, he's the guy who harassed Sister Hua Jin, Shi Wei."At this time, Zi'er whispered to Zhou Tian."Oh, it turns out to be this boy."Zhou Tian nodded, and he couldn't help but look at him up and down.Not to mention that this boy was quite handsome, and he also knew how to dress up, a pretty boy
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Chapter 1527 I'm Not Going to Eat This
Chi Peng, his subordinates, and Cui Hong did not expect that Zhou Tian would do such a thing.That was Chi Peng, the little bully of Qing City. His brother was the most famous gangster in Qing City, the kind of murderer that everyone knew.Under the protection of such an elder brother, it was difficult for Chi Peng not to be arrogant, because no one had dared to provoke him since he was a child, which made him develop an extremely arrogant character.At this time, his hair was grabbed by Zhou Tian. Chi Peng knew that things were not good. His hair was very long. After being locked up, it was very difficult for him to get rid of it. He could only suffer losses."F*ck, let go of me!"Chi Peng was so anxious that he shouted and couldn't raise his head. He could only hit Zhou Tian's belly with his fist.It was a pity that his hands were too weak, and he was too feminine to good at it fight with others. It was okay for him to punch his chest with his little fist, but if he really hit
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Chapter 1528 A Sneak Attack
Chi Peng wanted to leave, but he didn't accept it just like that. He wanted revenge, but he had to leave first.And he didn't dare to say anything even if he wanted to take revenge. Then he wouldn't be able to leave."Brother Peng, take me with you..."Cui Hong said to Chi Peng with a cheap look.She was afraid. If Chi Peng didn't take her with him, she might not be able to get out of the hospital. She didn't know how Zhou Tian would deal with her."Shut up!"Chi Peng glared at Cui Hong. He thought to himself that it was all this woman's fault. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have been beaten and humiliated. He would have lost one of his teeth.Cui Hong was stunned and secretly cursed Chi Peng in her heart. He didn't have the ability to deal with others, but he knew how to be fierce to her.Chi Peng ignored Cui Hong and ordered his men to carry the heavily injured skinny man on their backs. The two of them carried the heavily injured fat man and left this place in dejection.
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Chapter 1529 How Dare You
Oh no!Zhou Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he was stunned. He was scared.It was obvious how critical the situation was for Zhou Tian to be so frightened.Judging from the young man's words, it was obvious that something had happened to Hua Jin and Zi'er. They had been dragged out of the ward by someone. She didn't know where to take them.For a moment, Zhou Tian had no time to think too much and quickly chased forward.At the end of the corridor, only two men in suits were left. The two boys ran very fast and quickly went downstairs.Zhou Tian quickly chased after them, but there were many people in the lobby on the first floor of the hospital, and it was very chaotic. Zhou Tian tried his best to squeeze forward.When Zhou Tian arrived at the door of the north gate, he found that a commercial car was speeding away, followed by two security guards."These people are really bold. They dare to kidnap in broad daylight."A woman with glasses shook her head and said angrily."Y
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Chapter 1530 The Defying Tiger
Even with the status of Zhou Tian, the place where he lived was not so grand. Chi Hu was quite good at enjoying himself.Zhou Tian snorted and stepped forward.As soon as they arrived at the gate of the manor, Zhou Tian saw two young men in suits and black sunglasses. They seemed to be the gatekeepers of the manor.He even had a guard with him. He was really good at pretending to be a grandson.Zhou Tian cursed in his heart. He looked into the courtyard and found that it was very spacious. There were flowers and plants, swimming pools, golf courses, and even animal breeding areas. There were even some camels, camels, and deers.There were no precious wild animals. Raising that thing was illegal. No matter how bold Chi Hu was, he did not dare to raise it in the manor openly."What are you looking at? Get out of my way!"A security guard in a suit shouted at Zhou Tian.When Zhou Tian saw that this guy was quite fierce, he couldn't help but get angry.Hua Jin and Zi'er's whereabo
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