All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 1541 - Chapter 1550
1672 Chapters
Chapter 1541 Pursuing Wu Qing
The man in black couldn't bear it anymore. He had been hit several times and stabbed by Zhou Tian. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore. He screamed and couldn't hold on any longer.Zhou Tian also saw clearly that the man in black was about to break down. This guy should confess soon.Therefore, Zhou Tian did not stay idle and gave the man in black a few more stabs. Of course, the stabs were not fatal. He just wanted the man in black to suffer a little.The man in black couldn't stand it anymore and shouted loudly, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything!""You've finally figured it out?"Zhou Tian asked coldly."I've figured it out. Young hero, don't hurt me anymore. I'll tell you everything."The man in black grinned and said to Zhou Tian awkwardly.Zhou Tian smiled and thought that the man in black was really good at pretending. He had been fighting for a long time, but he admitted defeat so quickly.It was a good thing that he admitted defeat and saved Zhou
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Chapter 1542 Words of Suffering
Thinking of this, Zhou Tian was quite excited. As long as Wu Qing was here, it would be much easier to deal with. It was better than looking for him all over the world.Just as Zhou Tian was about to comfort the old man and let him tell the truth, another person walked out of the mound room.This man was about 26 or 27 years old. He was neither fat nor thin, and he was only about 165 meters tall. He had a crew cut head. Looking at his face, he was quite ugly. At first glance, one could tell that he was a street vendor who was idle and idle.Seeing that the old man was talking to Zhou Tian, the man couldn't help but say impatiently, "Dad, what do you have to talk to them about? Do you know who they are? Are you talking nonsense?"The old man looked back at the young man and said, "They may have something to do. They don't look like bad people.""The bad guy posted words on his forehead? Come back quickly. You must be confused!"The young man's attitude was very fierce. While scold
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Chapter 1543 Leave This to Me
Although there was Wu Jiu's persuasion, Jia Erzhu's father didn't dare to say anything because his son was too wild and wanted to break his legs. He had been scared out of his wits by his son for a long time.The old man looked at Wu Jiu and then at Zhou Tian. He put what he wanted back into his mouth and did not dare to say it out loud.Jia Erzhu saw that his father didn't dare to say anything, so he was a little relieved. However, he still stared at his father with his eyes to scare him.Seeing Jia Erzhu like this, Wu Jiu was really angry.How could he have such a son? He was simply a beast. He had scared his father to such a state, which showed how violent he was to his father.Thinking of this, Wu Jiu said to Jia Erzhu, "Come with me.""What are you doing? If I don't go with you, I'll stay here!"Jia Erzhu hurriedly shouted at Wu Jiu. He did not want to go out with Wu Jiu because he was afraid that Wu Jiu would take care of him.If he stayed here, at least his father would
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Chapter 1544 Not an Ordinary Human
"Sir, I see. Don't worry, just take me to the basement."Zhou Tian said to the old man.The old man nodded, bowed, and walked into another room.In the room, Wu Jiu was grabbing Jia Erzhu and asking him to stand in the corner obediently.Jia Erzhu's face was blue. He was angry and anxious.When he saw his father come in with Zhou Tian, he immediately realized that something was wrong."Dad, you won't tell him everything, will you?"Jia Erzhu's face was full of horror. He pointed to Zhou Tian and asked the old man."Yes, I've told you, what's the matter?"At this time, the old man also had the courage to ask Jia Erzhu.Jia Erzhu was so angry that he wanted to hit his father, but he couldn't move because he was grabbed by Wu Jiu."Bastard, are you old and confused? You will kill our family!"Jia Erzhu glared at the old man and scolded him angrily."You unfilial thing, who are you scolding? I'm your father. Aren't you afraid of retribution for scolding your father like this?"
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Chapter 1545 Too Difficult to Deal with
Wu Qing fiddled with the gun in his hand. Suddenly, his two arms made a cracking sound. Then he shouted and pulled the barrel hard.Wu Jiu and Zhou Tian saw clearly that Wu Qing had broken the barrel forcibly.This was too terrifying. The barrel wasn't that long, yet it could actually bend with brute force. Just how much strength was this?Zhou Tian was shocked. He had long known that Wu Qing was powerful, but he didn't expect that he had such a horrible strength and was too strong.Wu Jiu was even more shocked. He had been in Jianghu for so many years, but he had never met such a strong opponent. This was not a person, but a monster.However, Wu Qing was so handsome and looked feminine. No one had expected him to be so powerful."Humph, you want to deal with me with such a lousy thing?"Wu Qing snorted and threw the bent gun in the corner of the basement.With a snap, the gun fell in the corner. It was basically a piece of scrap iron. The barrel was bent to 60 degrees, and eve
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Chapter 1546 Burning the Basement
"Hahahaha! Although you two are capable, it's a pity that you can't withstand a single blow from me, Wu Qing!"Wu Qing laughed arrogantly. At this time, he was really very proud.At this time, he could already predict that the two people in front of him were no match for him, and they would soon be killed by him as long as he wanted to kill them.Zhou Tian looked at Wu Jiu. Wu Jiu also looked at Zhou Tian. The two of them were truly helpless.His strength was overwhelming. Tonight, he really met a master among the masters.However, it was within the expectations of Zhou Tian and Wu Jiu, because the men in black were already difficult to deal with. If he had not broken the legs of the men in black with a gun, he would not have been able to deal with the men in black.As the master of the man in black, Wu Qing's strength must be far above that of the man in black, so it would be more difficult to fight him."What do you think? Do you still want to fight?"Wu Qing said proudly. He
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Chapter 1547 Run Very Fast
"There's another exit?"Hearing this, Zhou Tian immediately became anxious."This old man, why didn't you tell me earlier? If there is another exit in the basement, Wu Qing may have escaped from that exit."Otherwise, with Wu Qing's ability, he wouldn't have been choked to death in the basement. He would have risked his life to get up from this entrance."Why didn't you say it earlier? Why did you have to say it?"Zhou Tian said anxiously."It's like this. Our house is too remote and we have raised so many hens. I'm afraid that there will be thieves who will come to rob us. It's too scary to seek money and kill people, so we built this basement and left an exit for escape."The old man introduced it to Zhou Tian."Where is the exit?"Wu Jiu asked in a hurry. At this time, Wu Jiu was more anxious than Zhou Tian because he must catch Wu Qing. If he really couldn't catch Wu Qing alive, then he would kill Wu Qing and avenge the death of his two team members.So how could he let W
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Chapter 1548 Knowing Pain
Moreover, Zhou Tian also wanted to get some clues from Jia Erzhu's wife, so he stopped Jia Erzhu from committing murder.Jia Erzhu's wife ran out of the basement with Wu Qing. At least she should know where Wu Qing escaped. Zhou Tian squatted in front of Jia Erzhu's wife and looked at her.There was no obvious wound on the sharp weapon, which meant that Jia Erzhu's wife was not stabbed by a knife. She should have been seriously injured by Wu Qing.It seemed that vomiting blood was still very serious."Did Wu Qing beat you up like this?"Zhou Tian asked Jia Erzhu's wife."Yes, this heartless thing. He kicked me and made me spit out blood."Jia Erzhu's wife looked like she did not want to die. She still loved and hated Wu Qing.Seeing her like this, Zhou Tian was really speechless. At this time, she was afraid that this woman still didn't give up on Wu Qing. Otherwise, she wouldn't have such an expression of love and hatred."Which direction did he run in after kicking you?"Zh
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Chapter 1549 Water Escape
Although Zhou Tian's morale had been greatly boosted, he was still very careful when fighting against an expert like Wu Qing. He didn't dare to be careless at all.Seeing that Wu Qing dodged his punch sideways, Zhou Tian was not surprised. This was Wu Qing's real level. Maybe it was because Wu Qing was too arrogant that he was hit.Therefore, Zhou Tian tightened his attack and lost two teeth while Wu Qing's mouth was full of blood. Zhou Tian could not let go of such a good opportunity. He planned to strike while the iron was hot and take down Wu Qing in one fell swoop.But Wu Qing was not easy to deal with. This guy was really powerful. At this time, he avoided Zhou Tian's fist and quickly attacked Zhou Tian. His fleshly palms were like mountains and seas, madly attacking Zhou Tian.Wu Jiu quickly came to help. He knew that he couldn't follow the rules at this time. Only by joining forces with Zhou Tian could he have a chance to win against Wu Qing.The three of them engaged in a
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Chapter 1550 Retreat Overnight
Jia Erzhu's wife had already suffered internal injuries and vomited blood. How could she stand Jia Erzhu's beating?She was beaten so hard that she could not bear it. She screamed and cried."Erzhu, don't hit me. I can't stand it anymore!"Jia Erzhu's wife begged for mercy."You can't stand it! You can't stand it!"The more Jia Erzhu listened, the angrier he became. He took off his belt and slapped his wife hard.Who would be beaten like this? Not to mention a woman, even if it was a man, he would be beaten up."Ah! Stop fighting, ah!"Jia Erzhu's wife screamed and dodged desperately."Stop, Erzhu. She is your wife. If you kill her, you will be single."The old man urged anxiously at this time."It's none of your business! I'll teach my wife a lesson! F*ck, she's going to run away with a man. Can I spare her?"As Jia Erzhu spoke, he beat his wife hard, as if he was going to beat her to death.Zhou Tian and Wu Jiu had already come in. They couldn't just watch this woman be
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