All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 1561 - Chapter 1570
1672 Chapters
Chapter 1561 Desperate Counterattack
Seeing Zhang Peng in such a miserable state, Zhou Tian couldn't help but be shocked. It was really miserable. Zhang Peng looked so scary at the moment.Zhang Peng was still howling. It was painful. He had never suffered like this before. Tonight, he was so unlucky.Zhang Tao's heart ached for him. Who wouldn't care about their sons? They were flesh and blood.Seeing that his son had already become like this, he was probably going to be disabled for the rest of his life. He was afraid that he would not be able to stand up and walk for the rest of his life. Zhang Tao's heart was really twisted.But there was nothing he could do. He was controlled by Wu Qing, so he could not escape, let alone treat Zhang Peng."Did you hear that? Zhou Tian, aren't you afraid? If you don't be obedient, you will end up like Zhang Peng."Wu Qing was extremely proud. He looked at Zhou Tian with a faint smile, waiting for his answer.How could a Zhou Tian listen to him? Although Zhang Peng looked quite
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Chapter 1562 Turning the Tables
At this time, Zhou Tian could no longer stand steadily. He was kicked back five or six steps and almost fell down.His chest churned, and Zhou Tian almost vomited blood.If he spat out blood, he would suffer internal injuries. Fortunately, Wu Qing's leg strength was not too strong under serious injuries. In addition, Zhou Tian's physical quality was strong, so he was not seriously injured.Chen Ting and Zhang Tao, who were standing aside, were all dumbfounded. At this time, the boy, Zhang Peng almost forgot to cry out in pain. The three of them looked at Zhou Tian blankly.Although he had long known that Zhou Tian was very powerful, he didn't expect that he would be so strong that he could stab the arrogant Wu Qing.This was easy to deal with. No matter how powerful a top master was, after being stabbed in the ribs, he would not be so strong and would not last long.Moreover, Zhou Tian could fight with Wu Qing for a long time. Even if it was delayed slowly, he could drag Wu Qing
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Chapter 1563 Rat Infestation
At this moment, Zhou Tian was still very clear-headed. For him, the most important task now was to unlock Hua Jin's acupoints and see if she was hurt.However, Zhou Tian couldn't solve the acupuncture points, so Wu Qing had to solve it.Wu Qing was pulled to the front of Hua Jin by Zhou Tian. This guy was going crazy from depression.He had intended to humiliate Zhou Tian in front of Hua Jin, but now he was humiliated and could not raise his head in front of Hua Jin."Hurry up, untie her acupoints!"Zhou Tian ordered Wu Qing.Wu Qing looked at Hua Jin, who was lying there looking at him. He wanted to die immediately.He was such a proud and arrogant person. When had he ever been so embarrassed? Moreover, he wanted Hua Jin so much that he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of her.However, the current situation was that he had completely lost face and was convinced by Zhou Tian."Zhou, you will regret it!"In order not to be so embarrassed, Wu Qing roared fiercely
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Chapter 1564 Surrounded
"Ah! Help!"Zhang Tao was so scared that he shouted for help. He was almost stunned. So many big mice came to bite him. Was there anything better?His son, Zhang Peng, was bitten by these big mice. He was afraid of them from the bottom of his heart.Zhou Tian was also shocked. "These mice are so big. Have they mutated?"There were so many strange things in the wilderness. If they hadn't come here, they wouldn't have believed that there was such a big mouse in the world.Seeing that Zhang Tao was about to be bitten, Zhou Tian shouted, "Stand up and run. Why are you sitting there?"Only then did Zhang Tao come to his senses. He stood up in a panic and ran to Zhou Tian.However, the mice had already reached his feet. At this time, several big mice jumped up and down, biting Zhang Tao's pants and shoes. One of the biggest mice even bit off a small piece of skin on Zhang Tao's leg."Uh! It hurts so much!"Zhang Tao kept screaming, but he didn't stop and ran to Zhou Tian in a panic.
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Chapter 1565 These Two Tricks
Zhou Tian couldn't help but fly into a rage. This damned ancestor rat was too hateful!He was ruthless enough. In order to avenge Wu Qing, this old guy actually drove these big mice to bite him, and he also wanted to bite him to death.He gritted his teeth and panicked when he saw all the big mice rushing toward him.Although it was just a mouse, it was too big and there were so many of them. Zhou Tian was a little embarrassed.He looked at Hua Jin beside him. She had not fully recovered yet. After this disaster, she was even weaker.Zhou Tian held Hua Jin's hand and said, "Run! Get out of this cave.""Okay!"Hua Jin agreed and ran to the entrance of the cave with Zhou Tian.Seeing that Zhou Tian had run away with Hua Jin, Chen Ting and Zhang Tao were so angry that they wanted to kill Zhou Tian."Zhou Tian! What should we do if you run away?"Zhang Tao shouted from behind.Zhou Tian thought "f*ck you. I can do whatever I want. I can't control you."There were so many big mi
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Chapter 1566 Revenge
The Ancestor Rat roared at Zhou Tian angrily. He felt that what Zhou Tian had just asked was a humiliation to him."Hua Jin, take a rest first."Zhou Tian said to Hua Jin beside him."Okay, Young Master. I'll listen to you."Hua Jin agreed and left. While resting, she also stared at the entrance of the cave. She was on guard against Wu Qing taking advantage of the chaos to escape.Hua Jin was confident that Zhou Tian could deal with the ancestor. After all, the ancestor's machete skills were only powerful. It would not be a big deal if he used them.Compared with Wu Qing, Zhou Tian could hold on for a long time, let alone the Ancestor Rat.Therefore, Hua Jin listened to Zhou Tian's words and retreated to let Zhou Tian fight against the Ancestor Rat alone."Now you have nothing to say, don't you?"Zhou Tian snorted coldly."Good boy, how dare you look down on me! Just wait, I'll kill you!"The Ancestor Rat was very angry and said to Zhou Tian, and then he sped up with his swo
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Chapter 1567 Being Caught off Guard
Zhou Tian walked into the cave. Wu Jiu said to his team members, "You guys stay here and watch out. You don't have to go in.""Yes!"Dozens of team members agreed in unison and began to guard the surroundings. They were absolutely obedient to Wu Jiu.Zhou Tian knew that Wu Qing's injury was very serious, and now he was equivalent to a cripple, so he did not intend to take many team members in. After all, the cave was very narrow.That was what Wu Jiu thought. The cave was not big enough, and it was useless to take more people with him. So he decided to go in with Zhou Tian and destroy Wu Qing. Then the world would be peaceful.At this time, Wu Jiu still touched the gun at his waist. He did not dare to be careless about Wu Qing, a dangerous guy.When Zhou Tian walked into the cave, he was still very careful, because he was not sure whether those big mice had already run out or not.If there were big mice in the cave, it would not be fun. This thing was vicious enough to bite peop
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Chapter 1568 It Was Tragic Enough.
Although the light was extremely dim, Zhou Tian had adapted to the environment here at this time. He still recognized this wretched guy, who was curled up, as expected.Just now, the stone flew up from below. Zhou Tian understood that it was Wu Qing who was attacking with the stone. This grandson still threw the stone with great strength. It seemed that his injury was not so serious."Do you still want to hide? I see you!"Zhou Tian shouts at Wu Qing."Humph, Zhou Tian, you dare to enter any place. How dare you come here?"Wu Qing snorted coldly. His gloomy voice made people feel a little scared.Zhou Tian had no time to argue with Wu Qing. He was very worried about Wu Jiu now.He looked down and saw Wu Jiu struggling and screaming.It could be seen that he was in great pain now and did not know what was going on below."Your companion is in pain. Can't you come down and save him?"As he spoke, he covered the wound with one hand.Zhou Tian didn't say anything. He observed an
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Chapter 1569 Escape
If Wu Jiu hadn't been burned like this, Zhou Tian would have laughed out loud. Wu Qing was so ridiculous that he dared to threaten people at this time."Wu Qing, you're so thick-skinned. What right do you have to refuse to let me go?"Zhou Tian asked Wu Qing in reply."Zhou Tian, you know my strength very well. You can't kill me. If you don't want to be hurt again, promise me that you can let Qingling help me cure my wounds!"Wu Qing roared at Zhou Tian.Zhou Tian snorted coldly. At this time, he didn't want to talk nonsense with Wu Qing anymore. He picked up a stone and threw it at Wu Qing's head!With a snap, the stone hit Wu Qing's head, making him scream."I didn't kill you? It seems that you are really a freak."Zhou Tian was speechless. He picked up another stone and threw it over.Wu Qing was lying in the liquid and almost collapsed from the fever. He had no ability to dodge now, and his head was hit by a stone again.This blow was so heavy that Wu Qing could not move
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Chapter 1570 Despair
Hua Jin knew very well that although Zhang Peng's words were unpleasant, they were the truth.If Zhou Tian had not tried his best to protect her, she would have been bitten by the big mouse. At that time, Zhou Tian had been holding her and running out of the cave.If Zhou Tian hadn't come to rescue her, she would have been harmed by Wu Qing. That was for sure.Looking at Zhou Tian, Hua Jin didn't know what to say. She just wanted to thank Zhou Tian when there was no one around her.Zhou Tian was speechless by Zhang Peng's words. In other people's eyes, Zhou Tian's behavior was indeed unfair, because Zhang Peng, Chen Ting, and Zhang Tao were the so-called relatives of Zhou Tian.Hua Jin, on the other hand, was an outsider. It made no sense that the relatives of Zhou Tian protected outsiders at all costs.But only Zhou Tian himself knew what was going on, what bullshit relatives."Brother-in-law, you have nothing to say, don't you? I hope you can find out your conscience and let Q
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