All Chapters of Return of the Prodigious Son: Chapter 1571 - Chapter 1580
1672 Chapters
Chapter 1571 Turning Black and White upside down
Zhang Peng's action startled everyone present.Everyone, including Zhou Tian, was shocked by Zhang Peng's crazy behavior. Before Zhou Tian could react, Zhang Peng's head had already bled."Son!"Zhang Tao was so scared that he shouted and rushed up.Picking up the fallen Zhang Peng, Zhang Tao was so anxious that he was almost scared to death.He only had one precious son who would give birth to the next generation of their? If he died, he would be doomed.Chen Ting was also scared. She had never seen this before. Her legs were trembling and she did not dare to go forward to check.Fang Qingling was even more scared. She was an innocent little girl, and she had never seen such a scene before. She was so scared that she froze on the spot and thought it was terrible. Zhang Peng committed suicide. This was Brother Zhou's relative.Zhou Tian calmed down and walked over.She looked at Zhang Peng. At this time, Zhang Peng's eyes were closed, as if he was really dead.Zhou Tian was a
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Chapter 1572 Prosecutor
Zhang Peng shouted and almost broke down.Zhang Tao was stunned. He was in a daze, but at this time he actually listened to Zhang Peng's words. He felt that it was very likely that Zhou Tian deliberately did not help Zhang Peng, so Fang Qingling gave up."Really? It's really possible! No, I have to look for Zhou Tian again!"Zhang Tao said."Yes, yes, Fang Qingling's medical skills are so amazing. She must have a way to make my legs grow flesh again and let me stand up again."Zhang Peng cried."Chen Ting, what do you think?"When Zhang Tao asked Chen Ting, he couldn't make up his mind.Chen Ting didn't know what was going on. She couldn't figure out whether it was Zhou Tian's order, so Fang Qingling deliberately didn't save Zhang Peng."Uncle, I don't know. Why don't you ask Zhou Tian again?"Chen Ting said."Yes!"Zhang Tao gnashed his teeth. Although he hated Zhou Tian, he had to take out his mobile phone and call him.He didn't dare to go to the pharmaceutical headquar
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Chapter 1573 The Mysterious Man Came to Find Him
"Yes, your grandfather only has one grandson. Now his legs are about to be amputated. How can he be easy? You really stand there and talk like that, Zhou Tian!"Chen Shanhe was also excited. He had been scolded by Zhou Tian many times before. He wanted to take this opportunity to criticize Zhou Tian."Hurry up and think of a way. If Zhang Peng's leg is amputated, we won't let you off!"Zhang Shuxiang was very tough and shouted to Zhou Tian.Zhou Tian smiled coldly. He could tell that these relatives could not be changed.Of course, Zhou Tian did not look at these people, but on the face of Zhang Qingtian, he was still willing to help Zhang Peng.As long as there was a glimmer of hope, Zhou Tian would strive hard for it. For no other reason, it was for the sake of Zhang Qingtian not being so sad.Therefore, Zhou Tian did not argue with these people. If they were willing to shout, it was up to them.Seeing that Zhou Tian didn't say anything, Chen Shanhe and Zhang Shuxiang felt th
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Chapter 1574 Don't Be Afraid of Thief
"Little Ting, why does this person's voice sound so familiar? Have we seen him before?"Zhang Tao asked Chen Ting in a low voice."Yes, it sounds familiar to me. He should have met us before."Chen Ting tried hard to recall, but he couldn't remember who this person was."Why did you say he came to see us?"Zhang Tao was quite stupid. He still couldn't figure out why the man in black came to him.But Chen Ting was much smarter. She said, "Didn't you listen to him? He said that the person he hates the most is Zhou Tian. Maybe he came to cooperate with us to deal with Zhou Tian together."Hearing this, Zhang Tao felt as if a door had been opened in his heart.Of course, it was good to deal with Zhou Tian. He was eager to kill Zhou Tian as soon as possible to vent his anger."That's great. I'll know why he came to us later!"Zhang Tao said in a low voice with a fierce look in his eyes.Soon, the three of them left the hospital. The man in black seemed to have already found a pla
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Chapter 1575 Lying
Chen Ting did have an idea, but Zhang Tao had no idea. He was almost worried.Zhang Tao knew very well how cruel and vicious Wu Qing was. He was afraid of Wu Qing in his heart, and he was quite afraid.Seeing that Wu Qing's face had been disfigured again, Zhang Tao was even more afraid. He knew that Wu Qing used to be a very handsome man, who was very handsome. Now that his face had been disfigured, his mentality must have changed a lot, but he could do anything.Such a person was very dangerous. If he couldn't do it well, he could kill and rob.Zhang Tao didn't even dare to breathe. She stood there shivering and didn't know what to do.She glanced at Chen Ting and found that he was still very calm. Zhang Tao did not know what Chen Ting was thinking. Did he want to die?Fortunately, after Wu Qing finished speaking, he put on the mask and left.It took Zhang Tao a long time to recover. He looked at Chen Ting and said, "Little Ting, what should we do? Wu Qing came to us. We are go
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Chapter 1576 Something Bad Has Happened
Seeing that Chen Ting was angry, Fang Qingling quickly said, "No, I didn't mean that. Sister Ting, I just want to ask Brother Zhou for leave. After all, I work here.""Oh, what time is it? Zhang Peng's legs are almost rotten. Come with us. If Zhou Tian asks, I'll explain it to him."After Chen Ting finished speaking, she dragged Fang Qingling to the opposite side of the road.Fang Qingling couldn't do anything about it. She didn't think it was bad. After all, she had nothing against Chen Ting and Zhang Tao, so she didn't think that they would hurt her.On the opposite side of the road, Chen Ting stopped a taxi and left with Fang Qingling.Seeing that the first step was successful, Chen Ting was quite pleased.However, Zhang Tao was in trouble. Although he had tricked Fang Qingling out, how could he contact Wu Qing?Wu Qing said that he would come to the hospital to see him at noon. It was almost time, and he didn't know if Wu Qing would come.Zhang Tao was so worried that his m
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Chapter 1577 Tracking
At this time, Zhou Tian was really anxious. They couldn't get in touch with Fang Qingling, and the phone of Chen Ting was turned off. Only the phone of Zhang Tao was turned on, but this guy didn't answer.The intuition told Zhou Tian that something must have happened. In this case, he had to find Fang Qingling as soon as possible. Otherwise, this girl was really in danger.In desperation, Zhou Tian could only go to the hospital to find Zhang Peng. Now Zhang Peng was recuperating in the hospital. If he was found, he must have a way to contact Zhang Tao.Soon, Zhou Tian drove to the hospital and went straight into the ward where Zhang Peng was.Zhang Peng had been depressed for the past two days. He thought of death and leaving this world.In fact, this idea was normal. Although he was not very handsome, it was interesting to live, and he was not married. He was not willing to lie in a wheelchair all his life. In that case, what was the point of living?Unfortunately, this was the
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Chapter 1578 A Good Plan
Seeing that Wu Qing had ordered the owner to lock the door, Fang Qingling was even more nervous and scared.She had already heard from Hua Jin what happened to Wu Qing and what kind of hatred she had with her Brother Zhou.Now that he had fallen into Wu Qing's hands, Fang Qingling was really afraid and angry.She was afraid that Wu Qing would harm her and even use her as a hostage to threaten Zhou Tian.The angry thing was that Zhang Tao and Chen Ting, as relatives of Zhou Tian, actually helped outsiders to cheat her out and handed her over to Wu Qing.Zhang Tao and Chen Ting were also very nervous. Although they wanted to use Wu Qing to deal with Zhou Tian, they now found that they had played a big game.At first, they just wanted to cripple Zhou Tian and vent their anger. But now, it seemed that Wu Qing and Zhou Tian should hate each other to the death. He might kill Zhou Tian.Even the two of them would find it difficult to get away. Once they turned against each other, they
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Chapter 1579 Zhang Tao Was Ruined
Seeing Wu Qing walking over, Zhang Tao felt a strong pressure. Wu Qing's body was cold, which really scared Zhang Tao."Childe Wu, what's there to be nervous about? I have cooperated with a master like you. It's great for us to deal with Zhou Tian together."Zhang Tao was full of smiles, trying to keep calm.However, all of this could not escape Wu Qing's eyes. Wu Qing was very discerning. He could see that Zhang Tao seemed to have done something guilty."Really? Mr. Zhang Tao, you'd better not play tricks on me. Otherwise, you will die more miserably than Zhou Tian."Wu Qing sneered and warned Zhang Tao."I dare not. Don't worry, Young Master Wu. I will be loyal and will not betray you."Zhang Tao quickly expressed his loyalty and sweated profusely.Wu Qing felt that something was wrong, and his eyes fell on Zhang Tao's hand.Zhang Tao was still holding his mobile phone tightly. He had just sent the location to Zhang Peng's mobile phone. He knew that Zhou Tian was beside Zhan
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Chapter 1580 To See the Corpse
Fang Qingling was extremely nervous. Although she was very sure that she could cure Wu Qing's face, she was afraid that Wu Qing would kill her.Wu Qing was a dangerous person. Even her Brother Zhou had a headache, let alone her.But there was no other way. In this situation, she could only do as Wu Qing said.After applying the herbal medicine on Wu Qing's face, Fang Qingling soon applied the herbal medicine on his whole face.Wu Qing looked into the mirror and observed his face from time to time. Although he couldn't see if his face had recovered, he felt that his skin was no longer so painful and itchy, and there was a very cool feeling. It was very comfortable.This greatly increased his confidence. It seemed that Fang Qingling was trying her best to cure him. His face was full of hope."Hahaha, Miss Fang Qingling, your medical skills are really extraordinary. When you cure me, I will definitely thank you."Wu Qing laughed out loud.Fang Qingling didn't dare to say anything.
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