Lahat ng Kabanata ng SWEET MISTAKES: Kabanata 91 - Kabanata 100
201 Kabanata
This Is A Lie!
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯"Doctors don't make it up. How can my daughter not be pregnant? She is pregnant." Asked my mother in disbelief. Maybe, my mother thought this doctor was a trick. Even though I have deceived everyone. I'm sorry about this. "Sorry, ma'am. I don't see any sign of a pregnant patient. Fine, ma'am, I'll excuse me." The doctor came out, along with the ladies. I should be working with the doctor. With that said, I'm pregnant. Why didn't I think that far? So stupid! I've locked all my senses and cried. What else is this? This lie brought disaster in my life. When will my life normally run like the others? I'm ready to be crossed off the Family Card, ready not to be considered a child. I'm ready if the mother slaps me now. I closed my eyes, getting ready to hear the plaque on my cheek, but it didn't happen. "Rara, what does this mean?" Asked my mother in shock. This time. I acknowledge and end-all of
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Unlimited Gerald
End Game - Taylor SwiftExclusive scene. Read at your own risk. Vulgar and adult scenes are very detailed. I've warned you! πŸ―🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯If there is an absurd partner, then here we are. We were desperate to end and part, but it ended again together. Laughing together as if nothing had happened. My Mother will definitely be dizzy with me, who is increasingly unstable. I really can't be assertive when dealing with this handsome man who I love so much. Fuckin Gerald, who pissed off squared, stupidly, I can't let go. My body has improved. I feel no more dizziness. But in this way, our problems are not resolved. In fact, more and more problems are arriving. With a situation like this, I don't think the problem is too heavy when faced together. Like we used to do. Indeed, what did we do together in the past? Except for fights all the time. Ah, my husband, who is still this young. I really love it. I really love him. I've never felt this de
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I Lost the Game
Anyone - Justin Bieber🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯Eating with people who don't like us or with mortal enemies is like swallowing a stone and a round needle simultaneously. My throat hurt when I swallowed the food. I want to end all of this, and I can't live without this man who is beside me. So I just stirred my food. "The day after tomorrow, Oma comes home." My eyes brightened up instantly. Yes, free from the devil's torments. Gerald just grunts. Actually, these grandmothers don't tease me anymore. She tried to accept everything, even though it was still too heavy. I know Grandma wants her grandson to have the best mate, not a simple woman like me, an ordinary woman who doesn't have any advantages, except to trouble other people. I have to admit this. "Grandma wants you to continue studying in Germany." My body suddenly stiffened, and I can't move now. I was like a receipt, and soon I could have a seizure. How could it be? Why didn't I ever thi
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Too Many Mistakes I Have Made
Say You're Just a Friend - Austin Mahone🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯Gerald's POVStaring at the vast sky in blue makes anyone's heart feel at peace. But when the heart feels narrow and black, everything is no longer touching.I just stood on the balcony, looking at the sky that felt to be a gray color. Tired must be tired, and I really don't understand what's inside that stupid Rara brain! For some reason, that stupid woman was just as she pleased. As if I was a game of chess that could advance it backward.Stupid woman and her assumptions. What a deadly poison in my life. That short and stupid woman didn't understand what I meant at all. She always acts carelessly, in the end, blaming everyone for hee treatment. Argh ...Actually, oma is not serious about talking like that, and oma is only testing Rara. But the woman thinks everything is wretched, too easy to believe. Why can I love a stupid woman like this?!Oma often asked Rara when tha
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Everything Has Been Destroyed
Alone - Marshmello🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯Because we wanted to act like any other normal couple, after coming home from watching the cinema with an embarrassing incident, we were caught doing perverts, and I pushed Gerald. Luckily my husband is loving, so he didn't scold me.At that time, everyone screamed excitedly because the sound of Gerald falling echoed through the theater, like rotten jackfruit. And I'm the one who grinned embarrassedly. Again, I was rude to my husband. I've been rude to him many times. Luckily he didn't leave me tormenting him, from pushing him on the stairs to breaking his arm, pushing him at the cinema.Because Gerald wants to feel like any other normal couple, Gerald told me to cook boiled noodles. I want it because, as a sign of apology and at the same time pleasing my husband, plus I want to feel like other common couples who often cook noodles with their lover.I just winced because I was sure my homemade noodles would
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All Started Here
Halo - Beyonce🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯"I hope you understand and want you to come with me. Because I will still study in Germany somehow."I've been silent; my mood is bad; my mood is gone; my mood has fallen to the bottom of the abyss. I'm lazy to discuss this. Because even if I want to discuss it until death, the decision remains the same, I will not participate.Because there are so many considerations, it's not that I am not displeased with living in someone's country. Everything is my dream, enjoying the snow, eating free fruit in the summer. But, getting here, I realized a lot of things. I'm sure it will be difficult to adapt to the culture of the people there. My mother will not allow either. And there are many other problems."End of discussion. I don't want to talk about this." I say weakly."I'm sorry. But I hope you go with me to Germany." I, who was still lazy, straightened up and faced Gerald."Stop talking. I hate this sh
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Narcissistic Gerald
Let Me Love You - Justin Bieber🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯"Don't call me a violin. My name is Winola." To my surprise, the violin knew my nickname for her. I keep quiet and watch them.Today, we took this Caucasian family to the airport. My husband hasn't come, because there are still many things to take care of before going there and not even graduation. I have to make use of the remaining time before we separate indefinitely. It's sad, but fate says this. If only I could be like other women, good at taking care of myself, I can follow my husband anywhere. Discussing this, there is no end. Actually, I can't, but yes, my decision is unanimous and final."Remember what I said. And Yaya, I hope you go with Gerald." Oma said, hugging Gerald and looking at me. I just nodded. Whether suddenly catch a cold or what, today, the foreigners are all kind to me. They deliberately let me come and torture me freely there? If that's what they were planning, sorry it won't
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What Is This Disaster?
Side To Side - Ariana Grande🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯It's been a month. My life has been lonely without him. Yes, Gerald has gone to lead science for the sake of the future. The days I spent was filled with tears. I miss him, just an hour after he left I've been crying and calling him many times.My husband left Singapore, and during 20 tiring hours, Gerald is going to college in Frankfurt.Universität Frankfurt Am Main, the name of the university I am very obsessed with. Because my handsome husband studied there. Everyone who hears people chant the German name my heart beats twice as fast, let alone this university's name. I want to study there too. Half of my heart wants to catch up there. But half of my selfishness demands me to stay here.I was like a zombie. Lately, I'm a syringe. Maybe because of too much thought and longing sickness, of course. If only I could reach it, I'd like to run there and follow there. But what
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No More Negotiations!
Lose You To Love Me - Selena Gomez🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯"Rara! Explain what that means!" Mother shouted when I got home.After the doctor's explanation, my mother put on an angry face if you could. Mother wanted to slap, grab my hair, kick, even stab with a knife, so furious. I just grimaced in fear. Mother will definitely not believe me again if I confess everything. But I think my life history is quite up to here, and I have lost, there is no more defense."R-Rara, R-Rara pregnant mom ..." I tried to brush it."Don't mess around. Say it fast!" Mother is really angry. There have been so many times I've made the mother angry and made my mother explode with emotions. Yes, no matter how neat someone keeps rotten, everything will smell. No lie is perfect."Mother, don't be angry with Rara," I said in self-pity. Actually, I will give up if mom will kill me now."Tell me quickly! What does all this mean?!" I closed my eyes, bit my lip. After
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Sensitive Pregnant Woman
Halo - Beyonce🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯🍯It's Monday, time to go back to the stable. Work, as usual. Even though I am pregnant, I have to keep working because my husband is at the end of the world. If only he were around, I'm sure he would have spoiled me a lot. Again, I was attacked by homesickness this morning.This longing is getting more passionate. Why did we have to go this far? Just try me to go along. My story must be different. Gerald and I would be making out every morning, and it's not like I have to throw up in the morning.This morning I was vomiting. I think I have exhausting morning sickness. Luckily the doctor gave me anti-nausea medication. I can't guarantee I'll be throwing up at school, and it will be another school gossip. Moreover, no one knows my marital status. Moreover, they know that I am pregnant from a student from this school alumni. Sometimes feeling embarrassed, or something. My life path is very different from the others. I can
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